- Requirements
- Stack
- Setup and init API
- Open API container bash
- Run Tests
- Connect to mysql shell
- Create fake users
- Generate APIDOC
- Read docs
- Contribuiting
- 🐳 docker
- 🐙 docker-compose
- 🐳 Docker
- 🐙 Docker Compose
- 🐘 PHP 7
- 🐬 MySQL 8.0
- 🎼 Composer
- 💡 Lumen Framework
- 🐶 Dingo
$ echo " api.users.local" >> /etc/hosts
$ cp .env.example .env
$ docker-compose up
$ ./bin/api.sh exec
$ ./bin/tests.sh run
$ ./bin/mysql.sh exec
$ ./bin/seeder.sh run
$ ./bin/doc.sh create
- To learn how to use the API, read: docs/APIDOC.md
- To speed up the use of API, see postman requests collection: docs/api_doc.postman_collection.json
If you find any problem or have a suggestion, please open an issue.