A website that allows different users to connect with each other other users by registering on the website. It has various features that are described below.
- Login and SignUp using Jwt Authentication
- Token based reset url to reset password
- Post text content
- Like post
- Comment on Post
- Send message to other users
- Send a friend request
- Accept/ Reject friend request
- Can view other user's post only if added as a connection
- Back end: Node, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Front end: Angular
- Authentication: JsonWebtokens
- Clone the source locally:
- To install the dependencies
$git clone https://github.com/rahulkumar-das/CareerWise.git
$npm install
$cd angular
$npm install
- Before running the server and frontend, create a .env file outside mvc folder to assign the process.env variables:
JWT_SECRET=<Any 32 bit random alphanumeric characters>
SENDER_EMAIL=<your email address>
SENDER_PASS=<your email account password>
RESET_ADDRESS= http://localhost:4200
- To run the server The node server runs at http://localhost:3000/
- To run the angular server The angular server runs at http://localhost:4200/
$cd angular
$ng serve