Converts a simple expression (e.g. 'x eq 1 or y gt 2') into a tree object. This can be pretty usefull when building the API endpoint for a search.
PHP 7.1 or later.
You can install it via Composer by typing the following command:
composer require railken/search-query
A simple usage looks like this:
use Railken\SQ\QueryParser;
use Railken\SQ\Resolvers as Resolvers;
$parser = new QueryParser();
new Resolvers\ValueResolver(),
new Resolvers\KeyResolver(),
new Resolvers\GroupingResolver(),
new Resolvers\NotEqResolver(),
new Resolvers\EqResolver(),
new Resolvers\LteResolver(),
new Resolvers\LtResolver(),
new Resolvers\GteResolver(),
new Resolvers\GtResolver(),
new Resolvers\CtResolver(),
new Resolvers\SwResolver(),
new Resolvers\NotInResolver(),
new Resolvers\InResolver(),
new Resolvers\EwResolver(),
new Resolvers\NotNullResolver(),
new Resolvers\NullResolver(),
new Resolvers\AndResolver(),
new Resolvers\OrResolver(),
new Resolvers\TextResolver(),
$result = $query->parse('x eq 1 or y > 1');
The result formatted in json of $result
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\OrNode",
"value": "OR",
"childs": [
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\EqNode",
"value": "EQ",
"childs": [
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\KeyNode",
"value": "x"
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\ValueNode",
"value": "1"
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\GtNode",
"value": "GT",
"childs": [
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\KeyNode",
"value": "y"
"type": "Railken\\SQ\\Nodes\\ValueNode",
"value": "1"
All alphanumeric (starting with alphabetic character) are converted as KeyNode
. Other characters allowed: _
All numbers and strings are converted as ValueNode
. The delimiter of strings can be either '
or "
"An apple"
All round parenthesis create a group node ( ... )
. Of course a nested group can be made. If a parenthesis is missing an exception will be thrown
(x or y) and z
((x > 10 and w) or (y > 5 and f)) and z
This operators requires a Node
before and after, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
Can be expressed as literals (and, or) or as symbols (&&, ||)
Important: If a parent group is defined and the LogicNode is the only child, the LogicNode will take the place of the GroupNode.
x or y || z
x and y && z
All these operators requires KeyNode
or a ValueNode
before and afters.
Can be expressed as literals (eq, not eq, gt, gte, lt, lte) or as symbols (=, !=, >, >=, < <=)
x eq 1
x = 1
x gt 1
x > 1
x gte 1
x >= 1
x lt 1
x < 1
x lte 1
x <= 1
Comparison can be also made between two keys
x eq y
These operators will handle comparison with strings: contains, start with and end with.
description ct "a random phrase"
description sw "the text must start with this"
description ew "the text must end with this"
These operators don't require a node after the operator.
deleted_at is null
deleted_at is not null
As you already saw, in order to parse the query you have to add the resolvers. So you are free to add any resolvers you want, but pay attention to the order: KeyValue and NodeValue are the foundation for all the resolvers, so be carefull.
Here's an example of custom resolver and node
namespace App\SQ\Resolvers;
use Railken\SQ\Resolvers\ComparisonOperatorResolver;
use App\SQ\Nodes\CustomNode;
class CustomResolver extends ComparisonOperatorResolver
* Node resolved
* @var string
public $node = CustomNode::class;
* Regex token
* @var string
public $regex = [
namespace App\SQ\Nodes;
use Railken\SQ\Nodes\ComparisonOperatorNode;
class CustomNode extends ComparisonOperatorNode
* Value
* @var string
public $value = 'CUSTOM';
Remember to add the resolver when you're creating the instance of the parser
new \App\SQ\Resolvers\CustomResolver(),
If you have a more complicated node to resolve simply add the method resolve to the CustomResolver.
namespace App\SQ\Resolvers;
use Railken\SQ\Contracts\ResolverContract;
use Railken\SQ\Contracts\NodeContract;
class CustomResolver implements ResolverContract
* Resolve node
* @param NodeContract $node
* @return NodeContract
public function resolve(NodeContract $node)
return $node;
There is also a CustomResolver that works and cycle with all children and it's configurabile through a Closure, it's Railken\SQ\Languages\BoomTree\Resolvers\CustomResolver
. For istance you could attach a prefix to all KeyNode doing this:
use Railken\SQ\Languages\BoomTree\Resolvers;
use Railken\SQ\Languages\BoomTree\Nodes;
new Resolvers\CustomResolver(function ($node) {
if($node instanceof Nodes\KeyNode) {
Open-source software licensed under the MIT license.