let shopify = ShopifyConfig.getAny();
exports.orders = (req, res) => {
.then( (order) => {
.catch( (err) => {
Note: copy .env.example to .env and update values
We can have multiple private app used for a single store. You can configure upto 3 apps in .env file
if DEPOLOYMENT = production
in .env file, then it will use upto 3 private apps you set up in .env file otherwise a single app will be used
node shopify/registerWeboks.js products/update products/create
node shopify/registerWeboks.js list
Use this command to get all info
node shopify/registerWeboks.js
If you registered products/create
webhook, enpoint will be:
POST /webhooks/products-update
const verifyShopifyWebhook = require('../middlewares/verifyWebhooks');
let status = verifyShopifyWebhook(req, res); // immediately sends 200 or 401 status, so don't send response again
console.log('cannot verify request');
By default signed up user will be an Admin. If you want to add different types of users, consider editing usersController.js
If you're building a CMS, you would probably require to manage users as well
GET /user/login
GET /user/signup
POST /user/logout
if /user/signup
is not availale, then add SIGNUP=yes
in your .env file
var {isAdmin} = require('./middlewares/sessionChecker');
then in a route
router.get('/', isAdmin, usersController.home);
const {csrfProtection} = require('../middlewares/csrfProtection');
router.get('/login',csrfProtection, usersController.getLogin);
and then in your handler
exports.getLogin = (req, res) => {
if (req.session.user && req.cookies.user_sid) {
} else {
res.render('login.hbs', {title: "Login", csrfToken: req.csrfToken()});
And csrfToken
in your form
<form method="POST" action="/submit">
<input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="{{csrfToken}}">
Why ?
If you're using express-session and using cluster mode with multiple node instances running, most likely your session management will fail. Either store session in database or use any fast in-memory database such as redis
in your .env file add
you can configure further in
install connect-redis package with command
npm install --save connect-redis