Common Lisp web development widget library for Twitter's Bootstrap
Widgets are implemented as a macro library which can easily be used in your Common Lisp web development projects, eliminating all Web UI boilerplate code; includes automatic generation of tables and responsive grids from a list of renderable elements.
cl-bootstrap is available on Quicklisp
(ql:quickload "cl-bootstrap")
(ql:quickload "cl-bootstrap-demo")
You can see the demo at http://localhost:3000.
(bs-alert () "This is a generic alert")
(bs-alert (:type "info" :dismissible t) "This is a generic dimissible alert")
(bs-alert (:type "info") "This is a generic info alert")
(bs-alert (:type "warning") (:strong "Warning!") "This is a generic warning alert")
(bs-alert (:type "danger") "This is a generic danger alert")
(bs-alert-success "This is a success alert")
(bs-alert-info "This is a info alert")
(bs-alert-warning "This is a warning alert")
(bs-alert-danger "This is a danger alert")
(bs-panel () "This is a panel")
(bs-panel-primary "This is a primary panel")
(bs-panel-success "This is a success panel")
(bs-panel-info "This is a info panel")
(bs-panel-warning "This is a warning panel")
(bs-panel-danger "This is a danger panel")
(bs-btn () "Default button")
(bs-btn (:type "primary") "Primary button")
(bs-btn (:type "success") "Success button")
(bs-btn (:type "warning") "Warning button")
(bs-btn (:type "danger") "Danger button")
(bs-btn (:type "info") "Info button")
(bs-btn-primary "Primary")
(bs-btn-success "Success")
(bs-btn-info "Info")
(bs-btn-warning "Warning")
(bs-btn-danger "Danger")
(bs-label () "Default Label")
(bs-label-primary "Primary Label")
(bs-label-success "Success Label")
(bs-label-warning "Warning Label")
(bs-label-info "Info Label")
(bs-label-danger "Danger Label")
(:button :type "button" :class "btn btn-primary btn-lg" :data-toggle "modal" :data-target "#myModal" "Launch demo modal")
(bs-modal (:title "My Modal")
(:h1 "Modal content")
(:p "this sis a paragraph"))
(bs-tab (:fade t)
(:title "Home" :active t :id "home"
:content (:div
(:h1 "Home")
(:p "This is a paragraph")
(:li "One")
(:li "One")
(:li "One"))))
(:title "Profile" :id "profile" :content (:h1 "Profile"))
(:title "Messages" :id "messages" :content (:h1 "Messages"))
(:title "Settings" :id "settings" :content (:h1 "Settings")))
(bs-carousel (:id "carousel-example-generic")
(:image "" :caption "Caption 1" :active t)
(:image "" :caption "Caption 2" )
(:image "" :caption "Caption 3" ))
(bs-navbar (:inverse t :brand "Brand")
(bs-navbar-nav ()
(bs-nav-li (:href "/panels") "Panels")
(bs-nav-dropdown (:title "Components")
(bs-nav-li (:href "/panels") "Panels")
(:li (:a :href "/buttons" "Buttons"))
(:li (:a :href "/labels" "Labels"))
(:li (:a :href "/modals" "Modal"))
(:li (:a :href "/tabs" "Tabs"))
(:li (:a :href "/dropdowns" "Dropdowns"))
(:li (:a :href "/tables" "Tables"))
(:li (:a :href "/carousel" "Carousel"))
(:li (:a :href "/navbars" "Navbars"))))
(bs-navbar-form ()
(:div :class "form-group"
(:input :type "text" :class "form-control" :placeholder "Search"))
(:button :type "submit" :class "btn btn-default" "Submit"))))
(bs-accordion (:id "accordion")
(bs-accordion-item (:id "collapseOne" :title "Accordion 1" :parent "accordion" :active t)
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
(bs-accordion-item (:id "collapseTwo" :title "Accordion 2" :parent "accordion")
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
(bs-accordion-item (:id "collapseThree" :title "Accordion 3" :parent "accordion")
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"))
(bs-form-email ())
(bs-form-password ())
(bs-form-file ())
(bs-form-checkbox "Check me out")
(:button :type "submit" :class "btn btn-default" "Submit"))
Copyright © 2016, Rajasegar Chandran This project has been released under the MIT License; please see cl-bootstrap/LICENSE for more information.