Tech used
- Nodejs
- Docker.
- Tiger Beetle Database.
- Grafana K6 for load testing.
- Pino for Logging.
- Run the below command and makes sure to have docker installed and setup locally.
npm run prepare:tigerbeetle
This will create a data folder in the current directory.
- Run the below command to start the tiger beetle server
npm run start:tigerbeetle
- For any issues occuring while using on docker desktop please apply the below solution
Go to docker desktop > setting > Docker Engine and add the below scripts, and make sure there are no trailing commas
"default-ulimits": {
"memlock": {
"Hard": -1,
"Name": "memlock",
"Soft": -1
Now delete data folder and restart docker and try again.
npm install
npm run start:server
The benchmarking is done using Grafana's K6 testing tool. This requires installation of the K6.
Installation guide link.
Running the benchmark
k6 run k6.test.js
Feel free to adjust the options of K6 in k6.test.js file. It looks something like below.
export const options = {
vus: 1000,
duration: "10s",