Intrusion detection using image recognition
Create separate directories naming database and live_feed in the respository after cloning
database directory must contain two more directories intruder and authorized
Add random face images from internet for intruder with file name intruder{x}.jpg.. {x} is the image number starting from "1"
---For example: intruder1.jpg, intruder2.jpg, so on...
For authorized, add yours or your colleagues images with the same criteria as above.
---For example: authorized1.jpg, authorized2.jpg, so on...
Dependencies (Install all these dependencies globally, else Anaconda3 is preferred in these kind of applications)
Python >= 3.6.7
Tensorflow = 1.9.0
Keras = 2.2.4
OpenCV = 3.4.1
imutils = 0.4.6
Change paths used inside accordingly.
Dependency names and version might vary for Linux and windows systems.