This project is school assignment for intro to C++ course based on this book from profesor Stroustrup. The project is done in visual studio with fltk library for gui.
Run main.cpp
You have to specify this parametars in this order:
- inputFileName (contains flights you want to sort)
- outputFileName (return sorted flights with additional information)
- algorithm ('s' for selectionSort and 'm' for mergeSort)
- criterium:
- 'd' - destination,
- 't' -departure time,
- 'fn' - flight number,
- 'gn' - gate number
- reverse (0 for increasing sort, and 1 for decreasing)
If there is no command line arguments, the program will open this window to get the data
If inputed arguments are valid, visualization will start. You can track positions of each element through iterations. For example, here is example for selecetion sort algorithm:
and corresponding input and output files after sorting