The project does not compile. To be able to compile the project the class de.guysoft.scaladsl.service.UploadServiceImpl should be changed to be able to compile first.
In the class de.guysoft.javadsl.service.UploadServiceImpl compiles successfully and works well.
This has a compilation error in the class de.guysoft.scaladsl.service.UploadServiceImpl.
Lagom 1.3 missing MessageSerializer for play.api.mvc.Result in the Scala DSL.
- Create a directory for media file
- Change the directory for media file in the application.conf with the new created one
- Start service - sbt runAll
- Upload file - curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "data=@/path/to/file.jpg" localhost:9000/java/service/media/users/1/upload
- View the uploaded file - extract the location header of the previous curl command and put it in the browser. It should look like this localhost:9000/java/service/media/users/1/medias/762ab8f2-15b0-4513-88ac-2c12d6082702