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DEMO: [check release branch] Basic mobile trading app using react-native, typescript and CoinGecko's API

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Check realtime list of coins supported in CoinGecko and purchase based on market price

Thought Process

  • The plan is to get the feel of working with a team when you're reading this project or readme, including the merge requests. A reason behind why I have multiple MRs (think of these as tickets) and I did it consecutively, dependent and pointed on the one before.

  • Ideally, tests + the feature itself should be in one MR or separate but will go to one feature+test branch before merging to develop. But with the time constraint, I did the tests last, even after the bonus feature so I could see the app working.

  • I chose Redux Toolkit / RTK Query only because I haven't used it yet but I've read it 3 weeks ago. Same reason for using @react-navigation v6 and the new async-storage. All of these I haven't upgraded too with the projects I am currently working on. Right now, I don't think I'd want to use other libraries anymore for state management (RTK ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€) except for Apollo Client 3 if we'll go full gql. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • I chose this design since it has a modern feel and simplicity. Coin details are placed and colored in a way that users will easily read it and most likely to add coins in cart. This is a familiar UI/UX for traders/investors on phone.

  • Without the additional filters like categories of coins, Coins List can be overwhelming for some users but since they are discovering more, they'll might see a few interesting coins that they'd want to try or research.

  • Design-wise, I've written the colors in a way that can be easily edited by a developer, a theme file. For simplicity, I didn't use my go to stylesheet react-native-extended-stylesheet -- stylesheet on steroids + rem units. ๐Ÿคฏ

  • For the pin screen, I found a library called @haskkor/react-native-pincode which luckily I already have most of the dependencies. If I had more time, I would have just made this from scratch.

  • Lastly, this is written in React-Native + TypeScript, in a state colocation approach and will work on both iOS and Android. In addition, this is utilizing and depending on a few well-written libraries known in RN Community.



  • UI is inspired with #Binance
  • Color theme is somewhat like #CoinGecko in Dark Theme only

Screens (using @react-navigation v6)

I. PreAuth Route

  1. PinCode Screen as default screen on open (requires 4 digit pin and has 3 attempts -- 5 minutes to wait)

II. Main Route - Bottom Tab

  1. Market Tab

    • CoinsList Screen w/ filter buttons of vs_currencies supported and infinite scrolling of 9000+ coins
    • Search Screen w/ filter buttons of vs_currencies supported and textInput for search (name/symbol). Used lodash.debounce for those who types fast and avoid querying multiple times
  2. Trades Tab

    • Trade Screen - list of coins added to cart from pop up, this is where to purchase and edit amount of existing amount
    • Order Screen - list of coins purchased from cart w/ date, filled, amount and total details

Folder Structure

  • State colocation - my default folder structure that also helps various dev problems in front end like, prop drilling, state management, readability and improves speed
  • Principle of colocation: Place code as close to where it's relevant as possible
  • DRY as much as possible -- create and design components as if they can be reused in the future
  • Always make sure that a function/component does a single thing, otherwise, decouple them and create a new file if necessary

Notable other components:

  • Centered Modal for add to trade pop up
  • CoinFilters - unit buttons based on supported units from vs_currencies endpoint
  • Quantity controller for increase/decrease
  • Button - reusable button component
  • Empty State - reusable empty component w/ centered label and SearchPlaceholder component
  • Trade Card - reusable component for adding amount of chosen coin pair and has coin details
  • CoinListItem - row of coin that contains, vol 24, change 24%, maketprice, symbol/unit


  • Handled in state management library Redux ToolKit - abstracted and opinionated
  • Data is persisted using redux-persist and AsyncStorage as storage


  • Encrypted with 256-bit AES key (redux-persist-transform-encrypt)
  • Every open of app goes to PinScreen (@haskkor/react-native-pincode) that requires 4-digit number and is saved in react-native-keychain other deps: react-native-vector-icons and react-native-exit-app


  • dayjs instead of momentjs - for minimal/smaller size


  • Redux Toolkit Query data fetching and caching tool, plus it supports polling and auto-generates hooks for you ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


  • BASE_URL -
  • /simple/supported_vs_currencies (for coinfilters, categorized into BTC, ALTS, FIAT)
  • /coins/list (for list of coin requests [ids, sym, name -- paginated into 50 sub-arrays for infinite scrolling])
  • /simple/price (for list/specific coin details -- for polling and infinite scrolling in list)

Hermes Debugging

  • Hermes Support of RND here and how to use Chrome devTools for HERMES here
  • I recommend using Flipper instead, for projects with HERMES enabled


Merge Requests

Each one is dependent and pointed on the number before

Check the MRs for more information and gifs/clips a feature

  1. Set Initial configurations
  2. Set up navigation
  3. Coins List Screen
  4. Search Feature/Screen
  5. Cart Screen
  6. History of Orders
  7. Release builds set up and bug fixes
  8. Bonus: Pin and encryption
  9. RELEASE BRANCH - Compilation of MRs 1-8
  10. WIP: Tests

Get Started

To Run

Make sure to checkout to release branch for the final version

  $: git clone # for https ->
  $: cd cryptocurrencyStore # should show to be on main branch
  $: git fetch
  $: git checkout release
  $: npm i # add flag --legacy-peer-deps if necessary
  $: npx pod-install ios # for iOS cocoapods
  $: npm run android # or iOS

if it doesn't run try this:

  $: cd android && ./gradlew clean && cd ..
  $: npx react-native start # or react-native start -- reset-cache
  $: npx react-native run-android # run-ios

or change the cli as the last option

  $: npm uninstall -g react-native-cli
  $: yarn global add @react-native-community/cli # then run the project again with "npm i android"

To Bundle

  $: npm run bundleAndroid # or bundleiOS for iOS

Android: Bundle and build signed release apk via cli

  $: npm run bundleAndroid && cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease && open app/build/outputs/apk/release && cd ..

Build signed release apk in Android Studio

  • Build โ†’ Generate Signed Bundle / APK โ†’ APK โ†’ Next
  • Choose Existing prod.keystore from .../cryptocurrencyStore/android/app/prod.keystore
  • Fill in alias and passwords from
  • Check remember passwords โ†’ Next
  • Choose release Build Variant โ†’ Release โ†’ Finish
  • in cli open [project_dir]/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release && cd ..

iOS: Build and Archive in XCODE + getting the .IPA file

  1. Product menu โ†’ Scheme โ†’ Edit Scheme โ†’ Run โ†’ Info Tab โ†’ Build Configuration โ†’ Release

  2. Clean Build Folder under Product menu

  3. Choose generic IOS device / any iOS device

    if trusted real device is preferred for debugging release, attach an iphone to your machine and choose that in the dropdown

  4. Build under Product menu

  5. tap Archive under Product menu (will automatically show Organizer)

  6. to see Archives under Window menu โ†’ Organizer

  7. create .ipa file

Link to Android apk and iOS ipa (created w/o enrolling in apple development program)


  • Text Editor: VSCode
  • Favorite VSCode Extension: Gitlens
  • Terminal: iTerm2 w/ oh-my-zsh and ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k"
  • Android Studio Bumblebee 4.2 and gradle to v7.0.2
  • Xcode v12.5.1
  • Machine OS: Mac


Future features

  • Delight or any nice to have features ie. subtle animations on payment success, change status gif per status.
  • Distinct design, colors and ui that users will identify that "this" app is CoinGecko. (definitely need to work with a ui/ux with a lot of experience with apps)
  • More subtle animations coz trading apps are actually boring in terms of ui
  • No splashscreen or app icon yet.
  • Coin Category filters
  • Sell and Future long/short
  • Charts - This one I definitely want to add only if I had access to a pro level api that actually changes the market price more than 1 sec.
  • Clear Trades Button - to clear all added coins in cart
  • Payment Feature
  • Log in / Sign up Feature
  • Settings and user specific configurations
  • Configuration-Driven-Development - in case we need to turn off a feature especially even it was released
  • More security with authenticator and email
  • Internationalization w/ react-intl - Dictionary implementation of all copies to easily convert texts to any language ie. English, Filipino etc.
  • Offline pop ups / offline handling
  • Handling cache or fail safe on times of servers have a lot of traffic (RIP Binance Apr/May 2021 ) and app doesn't seem to work
  • skeleton loading if needed or progressive image loading
  • More error pop ups
  • Report bugs feature
  • New App Version pop up feature
  • Fastlane or App Center
  • Environmentalization (DEV, TEST, STAGING, PROD)


DEMO: [check release branch] Basic mobile trading app using react-native, typescript and CoinGecko's API







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