- Features
Voice Commands: Control AURA with voice input using SpeechRecognition and hear responses via pyttsx3.
Screenshot & Photo Capture: Take screenshots and photos with pyautogui and pygame.
To-Do List: Manage tasks by adding, viewing, and deleting them.
Platform Search: Search YouTube, Google, and Spotify directly.
Auto-Installation: Installs dependencies automatically
- Installation
Clone the Repo:
git clone https://github.com/ramnnn2006/AURA.git cd aura-desktop-assistant
- Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the Assistant:
python main.py
- Voice Commands:
"Take a photo" - Capture a photo. "Take a screenshot" - Save a screenshot. "Add to-do [task]" - Add a task. "Show to-do list" - View tasks. "Search YouTube/Google/Spotify for [query]" - Perform a search. "Stop" or "Quit" - Exit the assistant.
Dependencies pygame, pyautogui, speech_recognition, pyttsx3, telepot, pyaudio
Contributing Fork the repo, create a branch, and submit a pull request!
License MIT License