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Memeservices (Generation 3)

Build Status

A newer, sleeker generation of the Memeservices API Online at

Please use the latest version of Chrome or Safari to view the app. It uses native dynamic imports.

API Features

Unforgivagable (Future)

An Endpoint will be provided to return random responses from the 'Unforgivable' Youtube series, users may request a he_was_like she_was_like or i_was_like quote, and a json response will be returned with a random quote from the desired variety.

Bait Memes (Future)

A future feature will lazy load a random bait meme image hosted in our meme database.

Development and Deployment


npm install -g polymer-cli
git clone
cd Memeservices
npm install
polymer serve

Docker Start

A Dockerfile is provided to build and host the application locally, exposing port 8081


To setup your own development environment use the following instructions (based off of the Polymer 3 base)

  1. Set up a development environment for Polymer projects:
  2. Clone, install and serve the project locally.
  3. (Optional) Build the project for production.
  4. (Optional) Deploy the project.

Set up a development environment for Polymer projects

Before you can serve this project, you will need to install Polymer CLI and its prerequisites.

Install Polymer CLI Prerequisites

Install Polymer CLI

When you've installed the prerequisites, run the following command to install the Polymer CLI globally:

npm install -g polymer-cli

Clone, install and serve the Memeservices project locally

To clone the project, install its dependencies, and serve locally:

git clone
cd Memeservices
npm install
polymer build
polymer serve

To view the app, open the applications link in the latest version of Chrome or Safari. For example:

~/Memeservices > polymer serve
info:    Files in this directory are available under the following URLs
      reusable components:

In the example above, you'd open

Build the project for production

To build the Memeservices app:

npm install
polymer build

The build is output to build/es6-unbundled. To serve the built app locally:

cd build/es6-unbundled
polymer serve

Deploy the Memeservices API

You can deploy a built Polymer app to any web server. One way is to deploy with Firebase (Recommended):

Deploy with Firebase

To deploy the app to your own Firebase project:

  1. Install the Firebase CLI tools.

    npm install -g firebase-tools
    firebase login
  2. From the Firebase console, create a Firebase project.

  3. Initialize Firebase in your project folder.

    firebase init

    Complete the Firebase initialization process to set up your project for hosting.

    If you are prompted to

    • select Firebase CLI features, select Hosting.
    • select a default Firebase project, select the project you created from the Firebase console.
    • specify a public directory, you can enter build/es6-unbundled to deploy the build configuration supplied with this sample project.
    • configure as a single-page app, enter Y.
    • overwrite index.html, enter N.

    From the Firebase console you may also upload your memes to storage, or use another file hosting service of your choice. Just be sure to update the image URLs used in the project, along with the read permissions for the image files.

  4. In a text editor, open firebase.json from your root project folder.

    hosting.ignore is a list of files and folders that Firebase will not deploy. Remove the node_modules folder from this list and save firebase.json.

    firebase.json: Before

        "hosting": {
            "public": "build/es6-unbundled",    
            "ignore": [
            "rewrites": [
                "source": "**",
                "destination": "/index.html"

    firebase.json: After

        "hosting": {
            "public": "build/es6-unbundled",
            "ignore": [
            "rewrites": [
                "source": "**",
                "destination": "/index.html"
  5. Deploy your project with Firebase.

    firebase deploy