It's a decentralized fundraising platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.
To run this project, you need to have the following software installed on your computer:
- Node.js (version 16.18.1)
- NPM (version 8.19.2)
Clone the repository:
git clone<your-username>/fundraising-project.git
Install the dependencies:
cd fundraising-project npm i
Create a .env file and add these keys to your env file:
INFURA_PROJECT_ID=<your infura project id> ALCHEMY_PROJECT_ID=<your alchemy project id> POLYGON_MUMBAI_PRIVATE_KEY=<your wallet private key>
Replace < your infura project id > and other with your keys and project ID.
To compile the code, run the following command:
npm run compile
yarn compile
To run test cases, run the following command:
npm run test
yarn test
The contract is thorughly test on all possible conditions.
To deploy the smart contract on localhost, run following command:
npm run h_node or yarn h_node
npm run deploy localhost or yarn deploy localhost
To deploy the smart contract on Ethereum Blockchain , run following command:
npm run deploy <network-name> or yarn deploy localhost <network-name>
Replace the < network-name > with the name of the Ethereum network you want to deploy to. Eg: 'polygon', 'rinkeby', 'ropsten' or 'mainnet' etc
Currently the following testnet are added in the config:
- localhost
- hardhat
- polygon mumbai (ppl_mum_t_alchemy)
- infura (ppl_mum_t_infura)
You can add more networks in hardhat.config.js
After the contracts are deployed, you should see the contract address, transaction hash and other details in the console.
- Solidity: The smart contract programming language
- Hardhat - A development environment for building and testing Ethereum applications
- Kartik Yadav
- Email:
This project is licensed under the MIT License