This is the repository for content management micro-service.
The code in this repository is licensed under MIT unless otherwise noted. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
- Node
- Install imagemagick, graphicsmagick ref:
- sunbird_content_provider_api_base_url: content provider API base url. e.g.: or
- sunbird_content_repo_api_key: API key for the content provider URL
- sunbird_search_service_api_key: API key for the search provider URL
- sunbird_dial_repo_api_key : API key for the dial URL
- sunbird_plugin_repo_api_key: API key for the plugin URL
- sunbird_data_service_api_key: API key for the data service URL
- sunbird_content_service_log_level : sets the log level e.g debug , info etc.
- sunbird_language_service_api_key: API key for the language service
- sunbird_default_channel: Default channel. e.g. sunbird (string)
- sunbird_content_plugin_base_url: Content plugin base url. e.g.: or
- sunbird_environment: e.g : sunbird.env (string)
- sunbird_instance : e.g : sunbird.ins(string)
- sunbird_keycloak_auth_server_url: Sunbird keycloak auth server url e.g.: (string)
- sunbird_keycloak_realm: Sunbird keycloak realm e.g.: sunbird (string)
- sunbird_keycloak_client_id: Sunbird keycloak client id e.g: portal (string)
- sunbird_keycloak_public: Sunbird keycloak public e.g.: true (boolean)
- sunbird_cache_store: Sunbird cache store e.g.: memory (string)
- sunbird_cache_ttl: Sunbird cachec time to live e.g.: 1800(number)
- sunbird_image_storage_url
- sunbird_azure_account_name
- sunbird_azure_account_key
- sunbird_dial_code_registry_url eg:
- sunbird_cassandra_ips e.g :,
- sunbird_cassandra_port e.g: 9042
- sunbird_telemetry_sync_batch_size e.g: 20
- sunbird_learner_service_local_base_url e.g: 'http://learner-service:9000'
- sunbird_content_service_local_base_url e.g: 'http://localhost:5000'
- Clone the .(git clone --recursive url)
- Run "git submodule foreach git pull origin master" to pull the latest sunbird-js-utils sub module
- Change to src folder
- Run
npm install
- Run
node app.js
- Run "npm run test" to run test cases
- Run "npm run coverage" to run test cases with coverage report