Combined code from JS Coverage Plugin with Atom lcov-info to build this plugin.
Highlights uncovered lines in the current file based on a previous coverage run.
Display highlights: Super + Shift + C
Remove highlights: Super + Shift + C + X
Plugin tries to find the latest coverage report in a closest "coverage" directory.
We can also configure your where the plugin is going to look for coverage the information. Just go to Preferences > Package Settings > NX Coverage > Settings - User. The configuration should look something like:
"coverageDir": "my_custom_coverage_dir"
Jest has a coverage tool integrated, it is just hidden behind a flag
$ jest --coverage
Jest configuration should output to the coverage directory, the following configuration has typescript support as well
module.exports = {
testEnvironment: 'node',
transform: {
'.(ts|tsx)': '<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js'
clearMocks: true,
bail: true,
mapCoverage: true,
modulePaths: [
moduleDirectories: [
moduleFileExtensions: [
testRegex: '/src/.*\.spec\.[tj]sx?$',
coverageDirectory: 'coverage',
collectCoverageFrom: [