This is a simple iOS app to search recipes using recipe puppy API.
This project is using cocoapods and the pods are included in the repo. Anyway if you have any problem please run the pod install command.
If you have any doubt about cocoapods you can check the reference here.
Basically I have a protocol file for each scene in the app. This file defines the interaction between each layer as following:
- View - Presenter: protocols to notify changes and to inject information to the UI.
- Presenter - Interactor: protocols to request / receive information to / from the interactor.
- Presenter - Router: protocol to define the transitions between scenes.
Whith this protocols file is really easy to know how each layer notify / request / information to the other ones so we don't have any other way to communicate all the layers.
Another important point is because I'm using protocols it's really easy to define mocks views / presenters / interactors / routers for testing.
// View / Presenter
protocol RecipesListViewInjection : class {
func showProgress(_ show: Bool, status: String)
func showProgress(_ show: Bool)
func showMessageWith(title: String, message: String, actionTitle: String)
func loadRecipes(_ viewModels: [RecipeViewModel], fromBeginning: Bool)
protocol RecipesListPresenterDelegate : class {
func viewDidLoad()
func searchRecipe(_ recipe: String?)
func recipeSelectedAt(_ index: Int)
func makeFavoriteSelectedAt(_ index: Int)
func loadMoreRecipes()
// Presenter / Interactor
typealias RecipesGetRecipesCompletionBlock = (_ viewModel: [RecipeViewModel]?, _ success: Bool, _ error: ResultError?) -> Void
protocol RecipesListInteractorDelegate : class {
func getRecipeList(search: String?, completion: @escaping RecipesGetRecipesCompletionBlock)
func clear()
func getRecipeSelectedAt(_ index: Int) -> RecipeViewModel?
// Presenter / Router
protocol RecipesListRouterDelegate : class {
func showRecipeDetailWithUrl(_ url: URL)
I'm using the api from the free API called Recipe Puppy. You can check the API here.
public struct RecipesResponse: Decodable {
let results: [RecipeResponse]
public struct RecipeResponse: Decodable {
let title: String
let href: String
let ingredients: String
let thumbnail: String
I'm using a Swift Standard Library decodable functionality in order to manage a type that can decode itself from an external representation (I really ❤ this from Swift).
Reference: Apple documentation
This model is used for the local favorite recipe:
class FavoriteRecipe: Object {
@objc dynamic var recipeId: String?
@objc dynamic var title: String = ""
@objc dynamic var href: String = ""
@objc dynamic var ingredients: String = ""
@objc dynamic var thumbnail: String = ""
@objc dynamic var timestamp: TimeInterval = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "recipeId"
As I'm using Realm for this it's important to define a class to manage each model in the database. In this case we only have one model (FavoriteRecipe)
Reference: Realm
- Realm migration process: It would be nice to add a process to migrate the realm database to a new model (just in case you need to add a new field into the database).
- Localizable strings files: I didn't add localizable strings files because the API can't return the recipes using translations (en, es, etc). It would be nice to have the option to send the device language in the url in order to get the recipes in defferent languages (and to add the localizable strings files too).
- Icons (app / tabbar): I didn't add any icon for the app or the tabbar. It would be nice to add the icons for the app in the future.
- Update the managers: I implemented the managers using singletons. The best option should be to remove the singletons in order to user dependency injections (to improve the testing).
- Swift 4.2
- Xcode 10.1
- Cocoapods 1.5.3
- Minimun iOS version: 12.1
- RealmSwift (3.13.1): A mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
- SVProgressHUD (2.2.5): A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- Haneke (1.0): A lightweight zero-config image cache for iOS, in Objective-C.
You can contact me using my email:
Follow me @rcasanovan on twitter.