A simple library for writing and printing exam in Python.
Install from pypi
pip install pytexexam
Install from github
pip install git+https://github.com/vungocbinh2009/pytexexam.git#egg=pytexexam
from pytexexam.component import Text, MultipartQuestion, OpenQuestion, ComponentGroup, MultipleChoiceQuestion, QuestionPart
from pytexexam.latex_util import two_column_header
from pytexexam import ExamGenerator, ExamFileType
# Create an exam generator object
exam = ExamGenerator()
# Then, you can create "component" to add to your exam.
# Create a text component to use as header.
header = Text(two_column_header("Left column", "Right column"))
# Create a multiple choice question and shuffle answer.
q1 = MultipleChoiceQuestion(
question="This is a multiple choice question",
answers=["Answer 1", "Answer 2", "Answer 3", "Answer 4"],
solution="Multiple choice question solution"
# Create a question with multi part whose can shuffle it part
q2 = MultipartQuestion(
question_stem="Answer all the question below",
QuestionPart("Question part 1", "Answer 1", "Solution 1"),
QuestionPart("Question part 2", "Answer 2", "Solution 2"),
QuestionPart("Question part 3", "Answer 3", "Solution 3"),
QuestionPart("Question part 4", "Answer 4", "Solution 4"),
# Create a open question
q3 = OpenQuestion(
question="This is an open question",
answer="This is open question answer",
solution="This is open question answer"
# Create text to split each part of the test.
text = Text(r"\section{{An exam section}}")
# You can subclass "Component" from pytexexam.component
# to create your own question type.
# Create a question group to add all component together, add to exam generator
q_group = ComponentGroup([header, q1, text, q2, q3])
# Add preamble.
# Generate exam
exam.generate_exam("exam1", ExamFileType.PDF)
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Apache License, Version 2.0