For much more information, check out the RICON presentation!
Riak is extremely fast as a key-value store, but querying on secondary indexes or running MapReduce jobs can result in unpredictable latency. In practice, developers often require richer means of querying data in real-time. Yuki is an OCaml library that implements various functional data structures in Riak, giving users the ability to interact with their data as if it were a queue, a heap, a random access list or a custom data structure. Yuki has been used in practice to achieve extremely low-latency random access, flexible paging, and conditional streaming of Riak data.
brew install opam protobuf riak
opam install lwt atdgen riak
make install
#require "yuki";;
let pool = Lwt_pool.create 100 (fun () -> Riak.riak_connect_with_defaults "localhost" 8087);;
module Conn = struct
let with_connection fn = Lwt_pool.use pool fn
module Elem = struct
type t = int
let of_string = int_of_string
let to_string = string_of_int
let bucket = "test"
module RandomAccessSequence = Yuki.RandomAccessSequence(Conn)(Elem);;
let head = (RandomAccessSequence.init ());;