Presenting SupportGuy, a toolkit that packages the regular grunt work of supporting applications in multiple environments. This tool is more like a supplement to the Terminal with certain features that meets the requirements of regular support duty, namely
###Tech stack:
- Simple Framework,a Java based HTTP engine
- JCraft, JSch and JZlib for packet compression support to pure Java SSH systems
- Velocity, for UI templating
- JQuery, for UI javascript
- Bootstrap for UI Styling
- YAML for configuration
- Jlamda and Lombok for boilerplate reduction
- Spring for injection
- Logs: download, search, tail and error grouping
- Links: availability of urls plus ability to post if required
- Db: sqls to run against databases to monitor state
- Configuration: to pull configuration files and match them against stored/tracked versions in scm
The above listed are nothing new or technically cool but every application babysitter including myself, uses/builds a bunch of tools/scripts. To avoid building tools that serve same purpose, I built this SupportGuy,a mashup of select features from Terminal,FTP client, FileDiff, WGET/CURL. Everything is configurable via YAML like
- machines.yml: label, IP, SSH details, log folders, config folders of remote servers
- logs.yml: regex patterns for identifying thread and timestamp
- scms.yml: stored versions of configuration files in local machine
- links.yml: URLS to hit, both GET/POST
- databases.yml: jdbc urls and access credentials
- sqls.yml: queries to run against configured database servers