Storehaus is a library that makes it easy to work with asynchronous key value stores. Storehaus is built on top of Twitter's Future.
Storehaus's core module defines two traits; a read-only ReadableStore
and a read-write Store
. The traits themselves are tiny:
package com.twitter.storehaus
trait ReadableStore[-K, +V] extends Closeable {
def get(k: K): Future[Option[V]]
def multiGet[K1 <: K](ks: Set[K1]): Map[K1, Future[Option[V]]]
override def close { }
trait Store[-K, V] extends ReadableStore[K, V] {
def put(kv: (K, Option[V])): Future[Unit]
def multiPut[K1 <: K](kvs: Map[K1, Option[V]]): Map[K1, Future[Unit]]
The ReadableStore
trait uses the Future[Option[V]]
return type to communicate one of three states about each value. A value is either
- definitely present,
- definitely missing, or
- unknown due to some error (perhaps a timeout, or a downed host).
The ReadableStore
and Store
companion objects provide a bunch of ways to create new stores. See the linked API documentation for more information.
Coding with Storehaus's interfaces gives you access to a number of powerful combinators. The easiest way to access these combinators is by wrapping your store in an EnrichedReadableStore
or an EnrichedStore
. Storehaus provides implicit conversions inside of the ReadableStore
and Store
Here's an example of the mapValues
combinator, useful for transforming the type of an existing store.
import com.twitter.storehaus.ReadableStore
import ReadableStore.enrich
// Create a ReadableStore from Int -> String:
val store = ReadableStore.fromMap(Map[Int, String](1 -> "some value", 2 -> "other value"))
// "get" behaves as expected:
// res5: Option[String] = Some(some value)
// calling "mapValues" with a function from V => NewV returns a new ReadableStore[K, NewV]:
val countStore: ReadableStore[Int, Int] = store.mapValues { s => s.size }
// This new store applies the function to every value on the way out:
// res6: Option[Int] = Some(10)
module adds the MergeableStore
trait. If you're using key-value stores for aggregations, you're going to love MergeableStore
package com.twitter.storehaus.algebra
trait MergeableStore[-K, V] extends Store[K, V] {
def monoid: Monoid[V]
def merge(kv: (K, V)): Future[Unit] = multiMerge(Map(kv)).apply(kv._1)
def multiMerge[K1 <: K](kvs: Map[K1, V]): Map[K1, Future[Unit]] = { kv => (kv._1, merge(kv)) }
's merge
and multiMerge
are similar to put
and multiPut
; the difference is that values added with merge
are added to the store's existing value. Because the addition is handled with a Monoid[V]
from Twitter's Algebird project, it's easy to write stores that aggregate Lists, decayed values, even HyperLogLog instances.
The MergeableStore
object provides a number of combinators on these stores. For ease of use, Storehaus provides an implicit conversion to an enrichment on MergeableStore
. Access this by importing MergeableStore.enrich
Storehaus provides a number of modules wrapping existing key-value stores. Enriching these key-value stores with Storehaus's combinators has been hugely helpful to us here at Twitter. Writing your jobs in terms of Storehaus stores makes it easy to test your jobs; use an in-memory JMapStore
in testing and a MemcacheStore
in production.
- Storehaus-memcache (wraps Twitter's finagle-memcached library)
- Storehaus-mysql (wraps Twitter's finagle-mysql library)
- Storehaus-redis (wraps Twitter's finagle-redis library)
Here's a list of modules we plan in implementing, with links to the github issues tracking progress on these modules:
See the current API documentation for more information.
Storehaus modules are available on maven central. The current groupid and version for all modules is, respectively, "com.twitter"
and 0.4.0
Current published artifacts are
The suffix denotes the scala version.
We use travis-ci to set up any underlying stores (e.g. MySQL and Redis) for the tests. In order for these tests to pass on your local machine, you may need additional setup.
You will need MySQL installed on your local machine.
Once installed, run the mysql
commands listed in .travis.yml file.
You will need redis installed on your local machine. Redis comes bundled with an executable for spinning up a server called redis-server
. The Storehaus redis tests expect the factory defaults for connecting to one of these redis server instances, resolvable on localhost
port 6379
- Oscar Boykin
- Sam Ritchie
Here are a few that shine among the many:
- Ruban Monu, for
- Doug Tangren, for
Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: