This workshop aims to showcase how to modernize applications for solving the challenges faced by existing applications in the current landscape as below:
- Integration: Challenging to leverage new cloud based services
- Scalability: Not able to meet web scale due to data-centric architecture
- Reliability: Unable to quickly deploy new capabilities
- Developer productivity and Business Agility: Often low in comparison to cloud native applications
Take a look at the Konveyor Community’s Application Modernization Report for 2022 to understand how users and organizations define application modernization as well as top reasons for modernization.
- Modernization has a broad spectrum of definitions, but containerizing and automation rank high.
- The containerizing is a broad enough trend to encompass multiple strategies including refactoring with Microservices.
- Increasing scalability and reliability are key reasons for modernization.
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
- Red Hat Runtimes (Quarkus, Spring Boot, Node.js, Tomcat)
- Red Hat OpenShift (Pipeline, GitOps, Virtualization)
- Oracle Database and PostgreSQL