Create a K8s cluster with a master and X workers using cloud computers on gcloud, oci, azure and aws
- Thiago Melo - 2022
Set up a K8s cluster using Terraform and Ansible
Supports Google Cloud (gcloud), Oracle Cloud (oci), Microsoft Azure, (TBA) Amazon AWS
- create a vpc network, subnetwork and firewall on cloud for the K8s cluster
- create a compute instance on cloud for K8s master
- create X computers instances on cloud for K8s workers
- Provision ansible inventory and run playbook
- There is a folder for each cloud.
- Python script to create ansible inventory using terraform tfstate file
- Playbook to deploy a K8s cluster in the computers instances created in google cloud.
How to:
- Access the folder of the cloud you want to create the cluster (ex: terraform_gcloud)
- Change the variables
- Run terraform plan
- Run terraform apply
- For Azure you need az cli installed on your machine.
- For Oracle you do not need oci cli installed but it is helpful to have it for debug.
- For Google Cloud credentials you need to create a file terraform_gcloud/gcloud.json and put the data from gcloud cli
- For Oracle credentials create a file terraform_oci/ and create the variables used on
- For Azure credentials create a file terraorm_azure/ and create the variables used on
- Still for azure you need to type #az login before apply a plan.