update @ 2022/07/08
By using FreeRTOS with 3 task , and receive RX with PDMA function
vTask_check : to monitor Rx UART task
vTask_logger : regular logging task
vTask_uart : UART RX PDMA , chek define : ENABLE_PDMA_TIMEOUT , define :ENABLE_PDMA_SCATTER , for different UART RX PDMA behavior
PDMA Scatter-gather mode , refer from bleow link
vTask_uart scenario :
task initial
create Queue for notice, to monitor PDMA trigger
create StreamBuffer , to receive UART Rx data under PDMA IRQ
IMPORTANT : NVIC_SetPriority , priority must bigger than configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY
task loop
check Queue notice and prepare to get StreamBuffer data
also display PDMA received Rx data buffer , to compare between FreeRTOS StreamBuffer data
- insert Queue for notice , and copy PDMA received Rx data into StreamBuffer
below is log about ENABLE_PDMA_SCATTER
below is log about ENABLE_PDMA_TIMEOUT
below is teraterm setting , to transmit UART data