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Merge pull request #7 from rems-project/size_properties
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Size properties
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ric-almeida authored Sep 13, 2024
2 parents 1a0d412 + 15a0d30 commit 9b4e16d
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Showing 3 changed files with 213 additions and 10 deletions.
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions theories/Common/Capabilities.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
Require Import Coq.Init.Datatypes.
Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.

Require Import Addr.
From CheriCaps.Common Require Import Addr.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ Module Type CAPABILITY

Parameter min_ptraddr : V.t.
Parameter max_ptraddr : V.t.
Parameter sizeof_ptraddr: nat.
Parameter sizeof_cap: nat. (* in bytes, without tag *)
Parameter sizeof_ptraddr: nat. (* in bytes *)

(** access to various cap fields **)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,12 +279,9 @@ Module Type CAPABILITY
Parameter decode: list ascii -> bool -> option t.

(** Encode capability as list of bytes.
boolean argument specifies if bounds need to be encoded
exactly. if exact encoding is requested but not possible, inParameterid
capability will be returned.
Retuns memory-encoded capability and validity tag.
Retuns memory-encoded capability and validity tag.
Parameter encode: bool -> t -> option ((list ascii) * bool).
Parameter encode: t -> option ((list ascii) * bool).

(* --- Compression-related --- *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,4 +329,11 @@ Module Type CAPABILITY

Parameter cap_invalidate_preserves_value: forall c, cap_get_value c = cap_get_value (cap_invalidate c).

Parameter cap_encode_length:
forall c l t, encode c = Some (l, t) -> List.length l = sizeof_cap.

Parameter cap_exact_encode_decode:
forall c c' t l, encode c = Some (l, t) -> decode l t = Some c' -> eqb c c' = true.

202 changes: 200 additions & 2 deletions theories/Morello/Capabilities.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -660,6 +660,7 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
Definition cap_SEAL_TYPE_LB : ObjType.t := ObjType.of_Z 3.

Definition sizeof_ptraddr := 8%nat. (* in bytes *)
Definition sizeof_cap := 16%nat. (* in bytes, without tag *)
(* Definition ptraddr_bits := sizeof_ptraddr * 8. *)
Definition min_ptraddr := Z_to_bv (N.of_nat (sizeof_ptraddr*8)) 0.
Definition max_ptraddr := Z_to_bv (N.of_nat (sizeof_ptraddr*8)) (Z.sub (bv_modulus (N.of_nat (sizeof_ptraddr*8))) 1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -981,8 +982,9 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou

Definition encode (isexact : bool) (c : t) : option ((list ascii) * bool) :=
Definition encode (c : t) : option ((list ascii) * bool) :=
let tag : bool := cap_is_valid c in
let c : (mword (Z.of_N len)) := c in
let c : (mword (Z.of_N len)) := c in
let cap_bits := bits_of c in
let w : (mword _) := vec_of_bits (List.tail cap_bits) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1373,8 +1375,204 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
{ unfold_cap. bitblast. }
{ fold (cap_get_value c). fold (cap_get_value (cap_invalidate (cap_set_objtype c ot))). rewrite <- cap_invalidate_preserves_value. unfold_cap. bitblast. }

Fact try_map_length
{A B:Type}
(f : A -> option B) (l:list A)
(l':list B):
try_map f l = Some l' -> length l = length l'.
intros H.
revert l' H.
induction l.
intros l' H.
cbn in *.
inversion H.
intros l' H.
cbn in *.
destruct (f a) eqn:Hfa; [| inversion H].
destruct (try_map f l) eqn:Htry; [| inversion H].
destruct l' as [| l0' l']; inversion H.
apply IHl.

(* Consider migrating these functions to the libraries where the functions that reason about are defined *)
Lemma byte_chunks_len {a} (l : list a) l' :
(8 | length l)%nat →
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
length l' = ((length l)/8)%nat.
intro Hdiv. unfold Nat.divide in Hdiv. destruct Hdiv as [q Hdiv].

assert (P: ∀ q (l : list a) l', length l = (q*8)%nat → byte_chunks l = Some l' → length l' = q).
{ intro q'. induction q' as [| n IH].
{ intros l0 l0' Hlen Hbytes. simpl in Hlen. apply nil_length_inv in Hlen. subst.
simpl in Hbytes. injection Hbytes. intros. subst. done. }
{ intros l0 l0' Hlen Hbytes. unfold byte_chunks in Hbytes.
destruct l0 eqn:E; [ done |].
repeat case_match; try done.
assert (Hlensub: length l8 = (n*8)%nat).
{ repeat rewrite cons_length in Hlen. simpl in Hlen. lia. }
specialize IH with (l:=l8) (l':=l9).
apply IH in Hlensub; [| done].
injection Hbytes. intro H'.
rewrite <- H'. rewrite cons_length. lia. } }

intro Hbytes. specialize P with (l:=l). apply P; try done.
rewrite Hdiv. rewrite Nat.div_mul; lia.

Lemma bits_of_len {n} (w : mword n) :
length (bits_of w) = Z.to_nat n.
unfold bits_of. rewrite map_length.
unfold mword_to_bools.
rewrite MachineWord.word_to_bools_length.

End Capability.
Lemma cap_encode_length:
forall c l t', encode c = Some (l, t') -> List.length l = sizeof_cap.
intros c l t' H.
unfold encode in H.
repeat match goal with
| [ H : context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] |- _] =>
match type of X with
| sumbool _ _ => destruct X
| _ => destruct X eqn:?
end; inversion H.
clear H H2.
subst l1.
unfold sizeof_cap.
apply try_map_length in Heqo0.
rewrite <- Heqo0.
clear Heqo0.
unfold mem_bytes_of_bits in Heqo.
unfold option_map in Heqo. case_match; try done.
injection Heqo; clear Heqo; intro Heqo.
unfold bytes_of_bits in H.
unfold len in *.
change (Z.of_N 129) with 129%Z in *.
rewrite <- Heqo.
rewrite rev_length.
assert (L : base.length (bits_of (vec_of_bits (list.tail (@bits_of 129 c)))) = 128%nat).
{ rewrite bits_of_len. unfold length_list. rewrite
destruct (@bits_of 129 c) eqn:E; [discriminate|].
simpl. replace (length l2) with (length (@bits_of 129 c) - 1)%nat.
{ by rewrite bits_of_len. }
{ rewrite E. simpl. lia. } }
apply byte_chunks_len in H.
{ rewrite H. rewrite L. simpl. reflexivity. }
{ rewrite L. exists 16%nat. simpl. reflexivity. }

Lemma cap_is_valid_bv c :
cap_is_valid c = ((@bv_extract 129 128 1 c) =? 1)%bv.

Lemma bits_of_vec_hd h l :
bits_of (vec_of_bits (h::l)) = bits_of ((concat_vec (vec_of_bits [h]) (vec_of_bits l))).

Lemma hd_bits_of_vec h l :
h ≠ BU →
bits_of (concat_vec (vec_of_bits [h]) (vec_of_bits l)) = h :: bits_of (vec_of_bits l).
assert (H: ∀ n l, length l = n → bits_of (concat_vec (vec_of_bits [h]) (vec_of_bits l)) = h :: bits_of (vec_of_bits l)).
intro n. induction n as [ | m IH ].
+ intros l' H. apply nil_length_inv in H. subst.
destruct h eqn:H.
- by vm_compute.
- by vm_compute.
- simpl. vm_compute (vec_of_bits []).
unfold vec_of_bits. unfold bool_of_bit. simpl. unfold of_bools.
unfold bools_to_mword. unfold MachineWord.bools_to_word. simpl.
unfold MachineWord.N_to_word.
unfold to_word_nat.
unfold bits_of.
destruct (dummy false) eqn:D.
{ simpl. admit. }
vm_compute (dummy false).
replace (dummy false) with false.

Lemma bits_to_vec_to_bits l :
bits_of (vec_of_bits l) = l.
assert (H: ∀ n l, length l = n → bits_of (vec_of_bits l) = l).
{ intro n. induction n as [ | m IH ].
+ intros l' H. apply nil_length_inv in H. subst. by vm_compute.
+ intros l' H. destruct l' as [| h tl]; try discriminate.
rewrite cons_length in H. inversion H as [H1].
specialize IH with (l:=tl). apply IH in H1 as H2.

rewrite bits_of_vec_hd.
rewrite hd_bits_of_vec. by rewrite H2.
by apply (H (length l)).

Lemma mword_to_bits_to_mword {n} (c : mword n) :
uint (vec_of_bits (bits_of c)) = uint c.

Lemma bytes_to_bits_to_bytes l l' l'' :
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev l') = Some l'' →
map bitU_of_bool (bool_bits_of_bytes (rev l'')) = l.

Lemma mword_to_bools_split (c: bv 129) :
@mword_to_bools 129 c = (((@bv_extract 129 128 1 c =? 1)) :: (@mword_to_bools 128(@bv_extract 129 0 128 c)))%list.

Lemma cap_exact_encode_decode :
forall c c' t l, encode c = Some (l, t) -> decode l t = Some c' -> eqb c c' = true.
intros c c' t l E D. apply eqb_eq.

unfold encode in E. case_match eqn:E1; try done. case_match; try done.
inversion E; clear E; subst.

unfold decode in D. case_match eqn:D1; try done; clear D1. case_match eqn:D2; try done.
inversion D; clear D; subst.

unfold mem_bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold option_map in E1. case_match eqn:E3; try done.
inversion E1; clear E1; subst.

apply Z_to_bv_checked_Some in D2. apply bv_eq. rewrite <- D2.
apply (bytes_to_bits_to_bytes _ l1 l) in E3; try assumption. simpl.
rewrite E3. rewrite bits_to_vec_to_bits.

rewrite cap_is_valid_bv.

destruct (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1) eqn:H_c_valid;
unfold t, len in *; rewrite H_c_valid; simpl;
[ replace B1 with (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)); [| rewrite H_c_valid; reflexivity]
| replace B0 with (bitU_of_bool (bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1)); [| rewrite H_c_valid; reflexivity]].
unfold bits_of;
rewrite mword_to_bools_split;
rewrite map_cons; simpl; rewrite <- map_cons; rewrite <- mword_to_bools_split;
fold (@bits_of 129 c);
rewrite mword_to_bits_to_mword;
unfold uint; simpl;
unfold MachineWord.word_to_N; rewrite; [ done | apply bv_unsigned_in_range ].

End Capability.

Module ExampleCaps.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Morello/MorelloTests.v
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Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Module test_cap_getters_and_setters.

Example encode_and_decode_test_1 :
let tester := fun cap:Capability.t =>
let encoded_cap : option ((list ascii) * bool) := encode true cap in
let encoded_cap : option ((list ascii) * bool) := encode cap in
let decoded_cap : option Capability.t :=
match encoded_cap with
Some (l,tag) => (decode l tag) | None => None
Expand Down

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