Movie Sentiment Analyzer
- python (2.7.6)
- Numpy (1.11.0)
- Scipy (0.17.0)
- Theano (0.9.0)
- Sklearn (0.17.1)
- dill (0.2.5)
1. Install above python dependencies.
- We recommend using a virtual environment (virtualenv) along with pip to install dependendencies. Bottomline, make sure dependencies are importable when running python.
- Make sure the proper versions of the dependencies are installed, we do not guarantee it will work otherwise.
2. Clone repository.
$ git clone
###How to train competition model:
# make sure working directory is the root of the cloned project
$ python src/
###How to predict on competition data:
# make sure working directory is the root of the cloned project
$ python src/
Final writeup is within the LaTeX document MSA/paper/msa-movie-sentiment.pdf