Basic image to allow Segger Embedded Studio (SES) builds from Docker.
These images exist to aid with continuous integration (CI) efforts of SES projects.
Production usage of SES and the Nordic SDK often requires that the exact SES and SDK versions be used, until new versions can be fully qualified. As such a number of images are generated for a wide combination of SES versions and Nordic SDK versions.
The SES tools are installed into the image under /ses
. For my purposes, I use /ses/bin/emBuild
To build all of the images locally run:
Each image variant is kept in a separate directory named like config_{SES_VERSION}_{SDK_VERSION}. Each image to build is listed at the top of the script.
docker run -it --rm josschne/ses /ses/bin/emBuild
Prints help information...
docker run -it --rm josschne/ses /ses/bin/emBuild -v <host source file path>:/src -config 'Release' /src/test-project.emProject
Performs a build...
Note the use of '--rm'. This causes docker to remove the container after the command has completed to avoid having tons of one-time use containers sitting around.