ReScript bindings for
Exposed as ReactNativeCameraRoll
X.y.* means it's compatible with
is properly installed & configured by following their installation instructions,
you can install the bindings:
npm install @rescript-react-native/cameraroll
# or
yarn add @rescript-react-native/cameraroll
should be added to bs-dependencies
in your
"bs-dependencies": [
// ...
+ "@rescript-react-native/cameraroll"
Allows saving photos and videos to the Camera Roll or Photo Gallery, similar to
The function will return the URI for the saved file as a string wrapped in a Promise.
save: string => Js.Promise.t(string)
Allows saving photos and videos to the Camera Roll or Photo Gallery, similar to
, however, a particular album may be
specified in a saveOptions
The function will return the URI for the saved file as a string wrapped in a Promise.
saveWithOptions: (string, saveOptions) => Js.Promise.t(string)
Allows saving photos and videos to the Camera Roll or Photo Gallery. File to be
saved is specified as a tag (of type string
) which can be
- on Android, a local image or video URI, such as "file:///sdcard/img.png"
- on iOS, a local video URI or any image URI (local, remote asset-library, or base64 data URIs)
Media type (photo or video) will be automatically inferred; any file will be
inferred to be a photo, unless the file extension is mov
or mp4
, then it
will be inferred to be a video.
The function will return the URI for the saved file as a string wrapped in a Promise.
saveToCameraRoll: string => Js.Promise.t(string)
Allows saving photos and videos to the Camera Roll, where the tag will be
specified as above, overriding the automatically determined type by specifying
one of the polymorphic variants `photo
or `video
The function will return the URI for the saved file as a string wrapped in a Promise.
saveToCameraRollWithType: (string, [ | #photo | #video]) => Js.Promise.t(string)
To request deletion of photos (as array(string)
) from the Camera Roll. Returns
wrapped in a Promise. The Promise will be rejected if deletion does not
succeed; on Android that would imply a system error whereas on iOS the user
may have cancelled the request to delete.
On Android, the uri must be a local image or video URI, such as "file:///sdcard/img.png".
On iOS, the uri can be any image URI (including local, remote asset-library and base64 data URIs) or a local video file URI. The user will be presented with a dialog box that showing the asset(s) and asked for confirmation. This cannot be bypassed as per Apple Developer guidelines.
deletePhotos: array(string) => Js.Promise.t(bool)
Returns a list of albums wrapped in a Promise.
getAlbums: unit => Js.Promise.t(array(album))
Returns a list of albums of type specified in a getAlbumsParams
wrapped in a Promise.
getAlbums: getAlbumsParams => Js.Promise.t(array(album))
Allows searching for photos or videos matching given parameters.
Takes as argument getPhotosParams
and returns a photoIdentifiersPage
wrapped in a Promise. edges
key of the photoIdentifiersPage
object would be
of type array(photoIdentifier)
, where each photoIdentifier
object would
contain details of each photo or video matching parameters provided in the
getPhotos: getPhotosParams => Js.Promise.t(photoIdentifiersPage)
type album = {
title: string,
count: int
can be constructed with the constructor of the same name
~assetType: [
| #All
| #Photos
| #Videos
) =>
can be constructed with the constructor of the same name
takes an integer which specifies the number of files for which details will be returned. Files will match in reverse order (i.e. most recent first)after
takes a string which should be obtained fromphotoIdentifiersPage
returned in a previousgetPhotos
call, under theend_cursor
key contained in turn under thepage_info
~first: int,
~after: string=?,
~groupTypes: [
| #Album
| #All
| #Event
| #Faces
| #Library
| #PhotoStream
| #SavedPhotos
~groupName: string=?,
~assetType: [ | #All | #Videos | #Photos]=?,
~mimeTypes: array(string)=?,
~fromTime: float=?,
~toTime: float=?,
~include_: array(string)=?,
) => getPhotosParams
type image = {
filename: Js.Nullable.t(string),
uri: string,
height: Js.Nullable.t(float),
width: Js.Nullable.t(float),
fileSize: Js.Nullable.t(float),
playableDuration: Js.Nullable.t(float),
type location = {
latitude: Js.Nullable.t(float),
longitude: Js.Nullable.t(float),
altitude: Js.Nullable.t(float),
heading: Js.Nullable.t(float),
speed: Js.Nullable.t(float),
type node = {
\"type": string,
\"group_name": string,
timestamp: float,
location: Js.Nullable.t(location),
type pageInfo = {
\"has_next_page": bool,
\"start_cursor": Js.Nullable.t(string),
\"end_curson": Js.Nullable.t(string),
type photoIdentifiersPage = {
edges: array(photoIdentifier),
type photoIdentifier = {node}
can be constructed with the constructor of the same name
~_type: [
| #auto
| #photo
| #video
~album: string
) =>
open ReactNative;
open ReactNativeCameraRoll;
let windowWidth = Dimensions.get(`window)##width;
let windowHeight = Dimensions.get(`window)##height;
type state = {
tag: string,
path: option(string),
photos: array(photoIdentifier),
type action =
| SetTag(string)
| SetPath(string)
| SetPhotos(array(photoIdentifier));
let styles = Style.(
~height=(0.25 *. windowHeight)->dp,
~width=(0.8 *. windowWidth)->dp,
~height=(0.6 *. windowHeight)->dp,
~margin=(0.1 *. windowWidth)->dp,
~width=(0.8 *. windowWidth)->dp,
~height=(0.56 *. windowWidth)->dp,
~width=(0.8 *. windowWidth)->dp,
~height=(0.56 *. windowWidth)->dp,
"text": style(~textAlign=`center, ()),
~width=(0.21 *. windowHeight)->dp,
~height=(0.15 *. windowHeight)->dp,
~height=(0.15 *. windowHeight)->dp,
let styledText = s => {
<Text style=styles##text> s->React.string </Text>;
let thumbnails = photos => {
<View style=styles##thumbnails>
<ScrollView horizontal=true>
->Belt.Array.mapWithIndex((i, s) =>
Image.uriSource(~uri=s.node.image.uri, ()),
let inputBox = (tag, dispatch) => {
onChangeText={s => dispatch(SetTag(s))}
let make = () => {
let (state, dispatch) =
(state, action) =>
switch (action) {
| SetTag(uri) => {...state, tag: uri}
| SetPath(uri) => {...state, path: Some(uri)}
| SetPhotos(a) => {...state, photos: a}
tag: "",
path: None,
photos: [||],
let getPhotos = () => {
|> then_(r => resolve(dispatch(SetPhotos(r.edges))))
|> catch(err => resolve(Js.Console.warn(err)))
|> ignore
let savePhoto = uri => {
|> then_(r => resolve(dispatch(SetPath(r))))
|> catch(err => resolve(Js.Console.warn(err)))
|> ignore
<View style=styles##container>
<View style=styles##saveToCameraRollExample>
<View style=styles##imageContainer>
{switch (state.path) {
| None =>
// default view, before a photo is saved to the Camera Roll or Photo Library
{styledText("Press the Save Photo button")}
{styledText("below to load photo")}
| Some(p) =>
// Once a photo is saved to the Camera Roll or Photo Library, it will be displayed in this view
source={Image.Source.fromUriSource(Image.uriSource(~uri=p, ()))}
{styledText("Enter a path for a photo to save,")}
{styledText("or try the example given below")}
// TextInput box to try other photo sources
{inputBox(state.tag, dispatch)}
// An attempt will be made to save the photo file specified in the TextInput box to the Camera Roll or Photo Library once the button below is pressed
onPress={_ => savePhoto(state.tag)}
title={js|Save a Photo|js}
<View style=styles##getPhotosExample>
{styledText("Saved photo will appear in the Camera Roll")}
// An attempt will be made to get the most recent 20 photos from the Camera Roll or Photo Library
<Button onPress={_ => getPhotos()} title={js|Open CameraRoll|js} />
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