Gloomy Dungeons 2 is also opensourced!
Check it out -
It is old-school 3d shooter, indie game developed by small team. It didn't use hi-end engine, so it looks more like wolf-3d than quake or even doom. As side effect, it works on low-end phones pretty fast. It has big sexy square pixels (love)... You should really love pixelart (like me :)
- Code: restorer
- Old-school graphics:,, restorer
- Modern graphics: Denis Smoktunovich (
- Levels: zin (, restorer
- Texts: zin (, restorer
- Sound:
This game is released under MIT License (
This product is already finished, so no long support is planned.
Feature | Support status |
New features | No |
Non-critical bugfixes | No |
Critical bugfixes | Yes, if it will be easy to understand where to fix |
Pull requests | Accepted (after review) |
Issues | Monitored, but if you want to change something - submit a pull request |
Android version planned to support | Up to 8.x |
Estimated end-of-life | Up to 2018 |
There are 2 version of game: normal version and hard oldschool version. You can compile either by using build script or directly using gradle.
Normal version:
./gradlew installFdroidnormalNormalWithoutanalyticsWithoutzeemoteWithoutrateofferDebug
Hardcore version:
./gradlew installFdroidhardcoreHardcoreWithoutanalyticsWithoutzeemoteWithoutrateofferDebug
To be able to compile release builds, create put your keystore file (or create new) to tools/signing.keystore
and create tools/
Normal version:
./gradlew assembleFdroidnormalNormalWithoutanalyticsWithoutzeemoteWithoutrateofferRelease
Hardcore version:
./gradlew assembleFdroidhardcoreHardcoreWithoutanalyticsWithoutzeemoteWithoutrateofferRelease
Search for result .apk files in build/outputs/apk/