If you'd like to use Bitly to shorten, brand, share, or retrieve data from links using Go, this is the right module you're looking for. This lib is a wrapper on top of the v4 Bitly API.
I think Bitly is an awesome service, but to interact with it using the API, and marshaling and unmarshalling the data every time was a bit of a mess. Because there wasn't a good Go module available yet, I decided to build my own.
To use the Bitly module, you'll need to create a Generic Access Token. That access token can be used to create the bitly client.
import (
func main() {
bitly := client.NewClient().WithAccessToken("<myAccessToken>")
Depending on which type of resource you want to access, you'll need to import one of the services
import (
"github.com/retgits/bitly/client/bitlinks" // If you want to use the bitlinks resource
"github.com/retgits/bitly/client/bsds" // If you want to use the bsds resource
"github.com/retgits/bitly/client/groups" // If you want to use the groups resource
"github.com/retgits/bitly/client/organizations" // If you want to use the organizations
"github.com/retgits/bitly/client/users" // If you want to use the users resource
For example, getting the details of the user would be
package main
import (
func main() {
// Generate a new Bitly client
bitly := client.NewClient().WithAccessToken("<myAccessToken>")
// Create a new users service
usersSvc := users.New(bitly)
// Get the details of your user
me, err := usersSvc.RetrieveUser()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("User details: %+v\n", me)
// Result
// User details: {Created:2018-08-05T22:08:53+0000 Modified:2018-08-05T22:29:42+0000 Login:myOrganization IsActive:true Is2FaEnabled:false Name:John Doe Emails:[{Email:user@example.org IsPrimary:true IsVerified:true}] IsSsoUser:false DefaultGroupGUID:myGuid}
If something is missing, or if you'd like to suggest new features feel free to create an issue or a PR! The code is structured as
├── README.md
├── client
│ ├── bitlinks <-- Bitlinks service
│ │ ├── api.go <-- The types and helper methods for the service
│ │ └── service.go <-- The methods that can be used with this module
│ ├── bsds <-- BSDs service
│ │ ├── api.go
│ │ └── service.go
│ ├── groups <-- Groups service
│ │ ├── api.go
│ │ └── service.go
│ ├── http.go
│ ├── organizations <-- Organizations service
│ │ ├── api.go
│ │ └── service.go
│ └── users <-- Users service
│ ├── api.go
│ └── service.go
└── go.mod
See the LICENSE file in the repository
A most sincere thanks to the team of Bitly, for building such an awesome service that I enjoy every day!
This package is not endorsed by Bitly