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Apply reversinglabs/rl-scanner-cloud as a github action


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ReversingLabs GitHub Action: rl-scanner-cloud-only

ReversingLabs provides officially supported GitHub Actions for a faster and easier way to integrate the Spectra Assure Portal with CI/CD workflows.

The rl-scanner-cloud-only action uses the official reversinglabs/rl-scanner-cloud Docker image to upload and scan a single build artifact on a Spectra Assure Portal instance, generate the analysis report on the Portal, and display the analysis status as one of the checks in the GitHub interface.

This action is most suitable for experienced users who want to integrate it into more complex workflows. If you're looking for a solution with more functionality out-of-the-box, try the ReversingLabs rl-scanner-cloud-composite GitHub Action.

What is the Spectra Assure Portal?

The Spectra Assure Portal is a SaaS solution that's part of the Spectra Assure platform - a new ReversingLabs solution for software supply chain security. More specifically, the Portal is a web-based application for improving and managing the security of your software releases and verifying third-party software used in your organization.

With the Spectra Assure Portal, you can:

  • Scan your software packages to detect potential risks before release.
  • Improve your SDLC by applying actionable advice from security scan reports to all phases of software development.
  • Organize your software projects and automatically compare package versions to detect potentially dangerous behavior changes in the code.
  • Manage software quality policies on the fly to ensure compliance and achieve maturity in your software releases.

How this action works

The rl-scanner-cloud-only action relies on a few different contexts to access and reuse information across its steps.

This action expects that the build artifact is produced in the current workspace before the action is called. It requires specifying the path of the artifact as the input to the action. The path must be relative to the root of the GitHub repository.

When called, the action runs a set of commands that pull the latest version of the reversinglabs/rl-scanner-cloud Docker image. The container connects to a Portal instance and uploads the specified build artifact for analysis. On the Portal, the artifact is added as a package version to a new or an existing project and package. When the security scan is done, the container automatically shuts down, and the action outputs the analysis result as a status message (PASS, FAIL, ERROR).

Portal users can then view the analysis report and manage the analyzed file from the Portal web interface or via the Portal APIs like any other package version.


  1. An active Spectra Assure Portal account and a Personal Access Token generated for it. If you don't already have a Portal account, you may need to contact the administrator of your Portal organization to invite you. Alternatively, if you're not a Spectra Assure customer yet, you can contact ReversingLabs to sign up for a Portal account. When you have an account set up, follow the instructions to generate a Personal Access Token.

Note for GitHub Enterprise users: GitHub Actions must be enabled and appropriately configured for the repository where you want to use this action. If you don't have access to the repository settings, contact your GitHub organization administrators for help.

Environment variables

This action requires authentication to a Spectra Assure Portal instance with a Personal Access Token. The token must be passed via the environment using the following environment variables.

Environment variable Description
RLPORTAL_ACCESS_TOKEN Required. A Personal Access Token for authenticating requests to the Spectra Assure Portal. Before you can use this GitHub Action, you must create the token in your Portal settings. Tokens can expire and be revoked, in which case you'll have to update the value of this environment variable. It's strongly recommended to treat this token as a secret and manage it according to your organization's security best practices.

ReversingLabs strongly recommends defining secrets on the level of your GitHub organization or repository.

How to use this GitHub Action

The most common use-case for this action is to add it to the "test" stage in a workflow, after the build artifact has been created.

To use the Portal security scanning functionality, an active account on a Portal instance is required, together with a Personal Access Token for Portal API authentication.

Compare artifacts

To compare a new version of an artifact against a previously scanned version, you can use the rl-diff-with parameter when scanning the new version. Both versions must be in the same Portal project and package. This comparison is also known as the diff scan.

To perform the diff scan, specify the package URL (PURL) of the previously scanned version with the rl-diff-with parameter. The action will verify that the requested artifact version was actually scanned before on the Portal, and ignore the request for a diff scan if there are no results for the requested PURL.

After a successful diff scan, the analysis report of the new artifact version will contain the Diff tab with all the differences between the two versions. In the Portal web interface, the new version will be marked as "Derived" from the previous version.

Optional proxy configuration

In some cases, proxy configuration may be required to access the internet and connect to a Spectra Assure Portal instance. You can configure proxy settings with the rl-proxy-* parameters for any self-hosted runner, including local GitHub Enterprise setups.

When using the rl-proxy-server parameter, you must also specify the port with rl-proxy-port.

If the proxy requires authentication, the proxy credentials for authentication can be configured with rl-proxy-user and rl-proxy-password.


Input parameter Required Description
artifact-to-scan Yes The build artifact you want to scan. Provide the artifact file path relative to the github.workspace. The file must be in any of the formats supported by Spectra Assure. The file size on disk must not exceed 10 GB.
rl-portal-server Yes Name of the Spectra Assure Portal instance to use for the scan. The Portal instance name usually matches the subdirectory of in your Portal URL. For example, if your portal URL is, the instance name to use with this parameter is demo.
rl-portal-org Yes Name of the Spectra Assure Portal organization to use for the scan. The organization must exist on the Portal instance specified with rl-portal-server. The user account authenticated with the token must be a member of the specified organization and have the appropriate permissions to upload and scan a file. Organization names are case-sensitive.
rl-portal-group Yes Name of the Spectra Assure Portal group to use for the scan. The group must exist in the Portal organization specified with rl-portal-org. Group names are case-sensitive.
rl-package-url Yes The package URL (purl) used to associate the build artifact with a project and package on the Portal. Package URLs are unique identifiers in the format <project></package><@version>. When scanning a build artifact, you must assign a package URL to it, so that it can be placed into the specified project and package as a version. If the project and package you specified don't exist in the Portal, they will be automatically created.
report-path No The directory where the action will store analysis reports for the build artifact. The directory must be empty. Provide the directory path relative to the github.workspace. Default value is MyReportDir. If you specify an empty string ("") as the value, report downloads will be disabled and no reports will be downloaded.
rl-diff-with No This optional parameter lets you specify a previous version against which you want to compare (diff) the artifact version you're scanning. The specified version must exist in the same project and package as the artifact you're scanning.
rl-timeout No This optional parameter lets you specify how long to wait for analysis to complete before failing (in minutes). The parameter accepts any integer from 10 to 1440. The default timeout is 20 minutes.
rl-submit-only No Set to true to skip waiting for the analysis result. The default is false.
rl-verbose No Set totrue to provide more feedback in the output while running the scan. The default is false.
rl-proxy-server No Server URL for proxy configuration (IP address or DNS name).
rl-proxy-port No Network port on the proxy server for proxy configuration. Required if rl-proxy-server is used.
rl-proxy-user No User name for proxy authentication.
rl-proxy-password No Password for proxy authentication. Required if rl-proxy-user is used.


Output parameter Description
description The result of the action - a string terminating in FAIL or PASS.
status The single-word status (as is used by the GitHub Status API), representing the result of the action. It can be any of the following: success, failure, error. Success indicates that the resulting string contains PASS. Failure indicates the resulting string contains FAIL. Error indicates that something went wrong during the scan and the action was not able to retrieve the resulting string.


The following example is a basic GitHub workflow that runs on pull requests (PRs) and commit pushes to the main branch in your repository.

The workflow checks out your repository, builds an artifact, uses the rl-scanner-cloud-only GitHub action to scan the artifact on the Spectra Assure Portal, and outputs the analysis results.

name: ReversingLabs rl-scanner-cloud only
run-name: rl-scanner-cloud-only

    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      statuses: write
      pull-requests: write

      # Need to check out data before we can do anything
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # Replace this with your build process
      # Produces one file as the build artifact in scanfile=<relative file path>
      - name: Create build artifact
        id: build

        shell: bash

        run: |
          # Prepare the build process
          python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install hatchling
          python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
          # Run the build
          python3 -m build
          # Produce a single artifact to scan and set the scanfile output variable
          echo "scanfile=$( ls dist/*.whl )" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      # Use the rl-scanner-cloud-only action
      - name: Scan build artifact on the Portal
        id: rl-scan


        uses: reversinglabs/gh-action-rl-scanner-cloud-only@v1
          artifact-to-scan: ${{ }}
          rl-verbose: true
          rl-portal-server: demo
          rl-portal-org: ExampleOrg
          rl-portal-group: demo-group
          rl-package-url: my-project/my-package@1.0

      - name: report the scan status
        if: success() || failure()
        run: |
          echo "The status is: '${{ steps.rl-scan.outputs.status }}'"
          echo "The description is: '${{ steps.rl-scan.outputs.description }}'"


If you want to use this action in a reusable workflow, keep in mind that such workflows don't share or inherit the workspace with any previous jobs or steps.

This action needs direct access to the build artifact. You can only use it in a reusable workflow if a previous job that builds the artifact also uploads the artifact to GitHub. Then the reusable workflow where you use this action needs to download the artifact and scan it.

Read more about storing workflow data as artifacts in the GitHub documentation.

Useful resources


Apply reversinglabs/rl-scanner-cloud as a github action







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