This project is integrated in Webelexis now and will be removed soon.
- Git
- Docker
- NodeJS >8.0
git clone htts://
cd webelexis-es
npm install
- Open a terminal and launch the elexis server:
Grab your mobile phone and get 'Google Authenticator' from the App Store/Play Store.
Launch your favourite browser and navigate to the Elexis-Server-Wiki. Scroll down to the Admin-QR-Code for the demo database and use this as a seed for the Google Authenticator App.
Navigate to http://localhost:8380/openid and log in as Administrator with the Password Admin and a 2FA-token generated from your mobile app.
Go to manage clients and add a new client. Chose any name you like. The client-id is ch.webelexis.aurelia.v3, the redirect-URI is http://localhost:9000/#/auth. On the "access" page, make sure the fhir scope is selected. In the "credentials"-page, select no authentication. Then, Save your newly created client.
au run --watch
navigate to http://localhost:9000 and click "Login".
On first launch, you'll be asked for the URL of the Elexis-Server. Enter http://localhost:8380/fhir.
Then, enter your credentials and the system should log you in.
If you hit enter in the empty search field, you should see a list of all patients in the demo database.
The life cycle starts with the browser's (implicit) call to index.html which loads the (one and only) html page of the App - it's an SPA, a single page app. The script at the bottom of the file loads the JavaScript Code and launches src/main.ts/configure(), which, in turn, fetches src/app.html and replaces the "body"-element of index.html dynamically with its content. then it loads app.ts, binds it to the elements in app.html and runs configureRouter(). The default route is ["","login"] which references src/routes/init/login. After successful authenticate, the route src/routes/init/ready is called from openId. After that, the menu bar is displayed and routes are available according to the roles of the logged-in user. Each route is an Aurelia component consisting of a *.ts file and a *.html fragment/template.
When bundling (au build
or au run
), all *.ts files are transpiled to javascript (using the settings in tsconfig.json) and merged together with *.html and *.css files into scripts/app-bundle.js. The framework and library files are bundled similarly into scripts/vendor-bundle.js.
All language files are collected in locales. To load a localized string in a *.ts file, the following steps are required:
Import {I18N} from 'aurelia-i18n'
Inject the I18N singleton
call the tr - method of that singleton with the key of the desired string to get a localized version of that string.
import {I18N} from 'aurelia-i18n'
import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework'
export class Test{
constructor(private t:I18N){}
This snippet will output "Vorname" in a german environment, "prénom" in a french environment, and so on.
To use a localized string in an html-file, you can use one of the attributes t or i18n:
<h1 t="patients.firstname">First name</h1>
This snippet will show a H1-heading with "Vorname" in a german environment, "prénom" in a french environment and so on. If no matching language key is found, it will show "First name" - the default.
The file src/environment.ts defines environment specific setings. Do not edit this file, since it ist overwritten before every launch. Instead, edit the respective files in aurelia_project/environments. Dev.ts will replace environment.ts in development builds, prod.ts in production builds and so on.