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Creates an Atlassian Bitbucket instance, optionally bootstrapping the configuration.


module "bitbucket" {
  source = "rhythmictech/atlassian-bitbucket/aws"

  admin_email                    = ""
  admin_password                 = "hunter2"
  ami_id                         =
  asg_additional_iam_policies    = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore"]
  asg_instance_type              = "m6g.large"
  asg_subnet                     = "subnet-123456789"
  availability_zone              = "us-east-1a"
  data_volume_size               = 50
  db_instance_class              = "db.m5.large"
  db_storage_size                = 50
  db_subnet_group                = "database"
  dns_prefix                     = "bitbucket"
  elb_certificate                = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:012345678901:certificate/618601f5-bf87-13d4-a0f6-8a243a54af93"
  elb_subnets                    = ["subnet-123456789", "subnet-012345678"]
  site_name                      = "Bitbucket Demo"
  vpc_id                         = "vpc-123456789"
  zone_id                        = "zone-123456789"


A bit about this module


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12.19
aws >= 5
random >= 1.2
template >= 2.1


Name Version
aws 3.39.0
random 3.1.0
template 2.2.0


Name Source Version
bitbucketdb rhythmictech/rds-postgres/aws ~> 5.0


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.this resource resource
aws_elb.this resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.this resource
aws_iam_policy.this resource
aws_iam_role.this resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.additional resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.this resource
aws_launch_configuration.this resource
aws_lb.https resource
aws_lb.ssh resource
aws_lb_listener.https resource
aws_lb_listener.ssh resource
aws_lb_target_group.https resource
aws_lb_target_group.ssh resource
aws_route53_record.ssh resource
aws_route53_record.this resource
aws_security_group.alb_https resource
aws_security_group.elb resource
aws_security_group.this resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_https_egress resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_https_ingress resource
aws_security_group_rule.allow_all resource
aws_security_group_rule.allow_inbound_from_lb_ssh resource
aws_security_group_rule.allow_inbound_http_from_lb resource
aws_security_group_rule.allow_inbound_http_from_lb_ssh resource
aws_security_group_rule.elb_egress resource
aws_security_group_rule.elb_egress_ssh resource
aws_security_group_rule.elb_ingress resource
aws_security_group_rule.elb_ingress_ssh resource
random_string.admin_password resource
aws_iam_policy_document.assume data source
aws_iam_policy_document.this data source
aws_region.current data source data source
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.dbpassword data source
template_cloudinit_config.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_logs_bucket The name of the bucket to store LB access logs in. Required if access_logs_enabled is true string null no
access_logs_enabled Whether to enable LB access logging bool false no
access_logs_interval The log publishing interval in minutes number 60 no
access_logs_prefix The path prefix to apply to the LB access logs. string null no
admin_email email address for administrator string n/a yes
admin_password initial password to use for administrator (only used when bootstrapping a new instance, otherwise ignored) string null no
alb_additional_sg_tags Additional tags to apply to the LB security group. Useful if you use an external process to manage ingress rules. map(string) {} no
alb_allowed_https_cidr_blocks List of allowed CIDR blocks. If [] is specified, no inbound ingress rules will be created list(string)
alb_allowed_ssh_cidr_blocks List of allowed CIDR blocks for SSH access. If [] is specified, no inbound ingress rules will be created list(string)
alb_certificate ARN of certificate to associate with LB string n/a yes
alb_https_internal Create as an internal or internet-facing LB bool true no
alb_https_port Port that the Load Balancer for Bitbucket should listen for HTTPS on (Default is 443.) number 443 no
alb_https_subnets Subnets to associate HTTPS LB to list(string) n/a yes
alb_ssh_internal Create as an internal or internet-facing LB for SSH bool true no
alb_ssh_port Port that the Load Balancer for Bitbucket should listen for SSH on (Default is 22.) number 22 no
alb_ssh_subnets Subnets to associate SSH LB to list(string) null no
alb_ssl_policy SSL policy for ALB string "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01" no
ami_id AMI to build on (must have ansible-role-atlassian-bitbucket module installed) string n/a yes
asg_additional_iam_policies Additional IAM policies to attach to the ASG instance profile list(string) [] no
asg_additional_security_groups Additional security group IDs to attach to ASG instances list(string) [] no
asg_additional_user_data Additional User Data to attach to the launch template string "" no
asg_allow_outbound_egress whether or not the default SG should allow outbound egress bool true no
asg_desired_capacity The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the group. number 1 no
asg_instance_type Instance type for app string "t3a.micro" no
asg_key_name Optional ssh keypair to associate with instances string null no
asg_max_size Maximum number of instances in the autoscaling group number 1 no
asg_min_size Minimum number of instances in the autoscaling group number 1 no
asg_root_volume_size size of root volume (includes app install but not data dir) number 20 no
asg_subnet Subnet to associate ASG instances with (specify no more than 1) string n/a yes
availability_zone Specify the availability zone that the instance will be deployed in. Because Bitbucket requires an EBS volume for data and can't use EFS, the value of availability_zone must match the AZ associated with the value of asg_subnet. string n/a yes
create_alb Create an ALB. This will by requirement create an NLB for SSH access on a separate address. bool false no
data_volume_size Size in GB of the data volume number n/a yes
db_additional_security_groups SGs permitted access to RDS list(string) [] no
db_allowed_access_cidrs CIDRs permitted access to RDS list(string) [] no
db_engine_version engine version to run string "11" no
db_instance_class DB Instance Size string "db.t3.large" no
db_monitoring_interval Enhanced monitoring interval (5-60 seconds, 0 to disable) number 0 no
db_monitoring_role_arn IAM Role ARN for Database Monitoring permissions (if db_monitoring_interval > 0 and this is omitted, a role will be created automatically) string null no
db_multi_az If true, DB will be configured in multi-AZ mode bool false no
db_parameters DB parameters (by default only sets utf8 as required by Bitbucket)
apply_method = string
name = string
value = string
"apply_method": "immediate",
"name": "client_encoding",
"value": "UTF8"
db_password_version Increment to force master user password change number 1 no
db_performance_insights_enabled Whether or not to enable DB performance insights bool false no
db_storage_size Size of DB (in GB) number n/a yes
db_subnet_group Database subnet group string n/a yes
db_vpc_id VPC ID for database (if omitted, the value for vpc_id is used instead) string null no
dns_prefix Hostname that will be used for bitbucket. This will be combined with the domain in zone_id or the value of domain_name to form the base url. string null no
dns_ssh_prefix Hostname that will be used for bitbucket SSH access. This is only used when create_alb == true string null no
domain_name domain name, which is only used if zone_id is not specified to compute the base url string null no
elb_additional_sg_tags Additional tags to apply to the ELB security group. Useful if you use an external process to manage ingress rules. map(string) {} no
elb_allowed_cidr_blocks List of allowed CIDR blocks. If [] is specified, no inbound ingress rules will be created list(string)
elb_certificate ARN of certificate to associate with ELB string null no
elb_internal Create as an internal or internet-facing ELB bool true no
elb_port Port that the Elastic Load Balancer for Bitbucket should listen for HTTPS on (Default is 443.) number 443 no
elb_ssh_port Port that the Elastic Load Balancer for Bitbucket should listen for SSH on (Default is 22.) number 22 no
elb_subnets Subnets to associate ELB to list(string) null no
license_key Bitbucket license key (optional, must be a single line) string "" no
name Moniker to apply to all resources in the module string "bitbucket" no
site_name Bitbucket site name string "Bitbucket" no
tags User-Defined tags map(string) {} no
volume_key This value is set to a key on the EBS volume and must be present for the bitbucket instance to be permitted to attach it. string "bitbucket-volume" no
vpc_id VPC to create associated resources in string n/a yes
zone_id Zone ID to make Route53 entry for bitbucket in. If not specified, domain_name must be specified so that the base URL can be determined. string null no


Name Description
asg_arn ARN of the ASG for the Bitbucket instance
asg_id ID of the ASG for the Bitbucket instance
asg_name Name of the ASG for the Bitbucket instance
db_instance_connection_info DB Instance Connect Info (object)
db_instance_id DB Instance ID
db_password_secretsmanager_arn Secret ARN for DB password
db_password_secretsmanager_version Secret Version for DB password
db_username Master username
iam_role_arn IAM Role ARN of Bitbucket instance
lb_arn ARN of the ELB for Bitbucket access (HTTPS when ALB is used)
lb_dns_name DNS Name of the ELB for Bitbucket access
lb_zone_id Route53 Zone ID of the ELB for Bitbucket access
ssh_lb_arn ARN of the LB for Bitbucket SSH access (only valid when ALB is used)
ssh_lb_dns_name DNS Name of the LB for Bitbucket access (only valid when ALB is used)
ssh_lb_zone_id Route53 Zone ID of the LB for Bitbucket SSH access
url Bitbucket Server URL

The Giants Underneath this Module