Releases: riatelab/SpatialPosition
Releases · riatelab/SpatialPosition
CRAN Version
Major changes:
- sf and sp objects are allowed as input and output (use returnclass = "sf" for sf output).
- functions use sf for spatial computation.
- rasterToContourPoly() (based on rgeos & sp) is deprecated in favor of isopoly() (based on isoband and sf).
- bug fix in smoothy for some computations with NAs.
- addition of a dataset hospital, with hospital points and capacity and Paris polygon.
- suppression of the QGIS vignette, irrelevant in regard to QGIS v3, and not really specific to SpatialPosition
CRAN Version
Major changes:
- Introduce mcStewart to compute stewart potentiels using parallel processing
- Introduce smoothy to compute distance weighted mean.
- Introduce a vignette on how to SpatialPosition with QGIS.
Minor changes:
- (Re)introduce a longlat param in stewart, mcStewart, huff and reilly to select between eucliean and great circles distances.
- Add a bypassctrl param in stewart, huff and reilly to allow computations on large datasets
- More points in the default mask of raster poly
- Rewrite of CreateGrid and rasterToContourPoly functions
CRAN Version
Minor changes:
- Check mask size and validity in ratserToContourPoly
- Better SpatialPolygonsDataFrame output in rasterToContourPoly
- Default distance computation is in meters using the Great Circle distance (WGS84 ellipsoid) method.
CRAN Version
Major changes:
- Introduce the quickStewart function that outputs stewart contour polygons easily. Ratio of potentials are allowed.
- Introduce rasterToContourPoly to replace contourStewart.
- contourStewart is now deprecated. Use rasterToContour from raster to output contour lines and rasterToContourPoly from SpatialPosition to output polygons.
Minor changes:
- A resolution is set by default in CreateGrid.
- Vignettes are updated to reflect major changes.
CRAN Version
Major changes:
- Better code for contourStewart.
- Better legend for plotStewart
- New vignette 'Stewart Potentials: a Use Case'.
Minor changes:
- Minor changes in documentation and vignette.
- Add 'cartography' in suggested packages.