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Ecologi Trees

Local Setup

To run the project locally make sure to have installed Node.js and Yarn then launch in the terminal:

yarn install && yarn dev

This will open up the local development of Next.js on localhost:3000

Live Online Demo

You can find an online version of this project here:

My Approach to the Solution

  1. First I cleaned up the API response on the server side, optimizing it once for all users. I grouped the items by day and ordered all the dates in chronological order;
  2. Then I switch to the Frontend, looking for the right library to showcase the Graph quickly, I choose "recharts" being one of the most used with React and also being currently supported;
  3. Finally I decided to revalidate the data from the API every 10 seconds with Next.js revalidate option.

Libraries used

  1. "next", "react", "react-dom" to use React with Next.js;
  2. "recharts" used as the library to display the number of trees daily;
  3. "styled-components" used to style the UI elements like on ecologi main site.

Optimizations to the API?

In a production version of the API I would:

  1. Group by Days the items;
  2. Order results from API by dates to make it chronological;
  3. Add filters to make it possible to query specific timeframes.