- Clemont is a powerful and fast bot built to work directly with Clembot.
- Clemont offers users with private raid notifications and allows them to set a max distance
- A fully functioning version of Clembot or Meowth Bot must be running on the server.
- Python 3.5+ is required, the bot will not work on Python 2.
- MySQL must be installed before continuing. I used MariaDB. https://downloads.mariadb.org/
- Programmed to be used with MySQL only.
CREATE DATABASE clemont CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE TABLE notifications ( `user_id` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `poke_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lat` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lon` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `distance` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' );
- Database is now created and ready.
- Open config.py in a text editor like Notepad++
- cleambot_search_term should be left untouched.
- clembot_id is found by right-clicking Clembot/Meowth and clicking 'Copy id'
- If you can't find the copy id button, turn on developer mode in your settings.
- Fill out the database information so the bot can connect to the database we created.
- Your config.py file is now ready.
- Change the directory to your Clemont folder
- To run Clemont, simply run the line below and you're ready to go.
python3 clemont.py
- Run //commands to see a list of commands once the bot is live.