See workflows/src/integrationTest/kotlin/com/decoupled/testing/DriverBasedTest.kt for example of all features
This service allows a flow to submit a TransactionBuider that needs signing (by the local node) to be signed at later time The service will hold a transaction and sign it once approved
This service allows a flow to submit a SignedTransaction that needs notarization and finalization at a later time. The service will hold a transaction and submit it for notarization once approved
These two services allows the process of building, signing and finalizing a transaction to be performed as three discrete steps, where a flow/rpc invocation is used to move the transaction to the next state (Building -> Signing and Signing -> Finalizing)
This service allows the user to create fresh ECDSA keys that are completely isolated from Corda. It allows also signing by keys that are held outside of Corda.
This service is used when registering a key generated outside of Corda with an account within corda.