Random collection of code snippets for doing helpful things with gatling:
(findAll then shuffle)
.transform(s => util.Random.shuffle(s).head)
.transformOption(extract => extract.orElse(Some("")))
This example also splits out the http get into it's own method
def extractBaseUrl(): HttpCheck = {
def getAndCheck(actionName: String, url : String): ChainBuilder = {
We can't use this val within the session, but you can pass it to other methods etc
def chain(someLabel: String): ChainBuilder = {
val actionName = someLabel + "UA-1/2_"
exec(getAndCheck(actionName, "http://${url}/"))
.doIf(session => session("formAction").asOption[Any].isDefined && util.Random.nextInt(10).toInt > 5) {
exec(some other stuff)
.doIf(session => !(session("result_status").asOption[String].isDefined)) {
exec(some other stuff)
repeat(util.Random.nextInt(10).toInt) {
Also includes a nice default httpConf
package example
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class BaseTest extends Simulation {
// Some
// Stuff
//UA picker
def randomUA: Expression[String] = {
s => UAs.userAgents.get(util.Random.nextInt(UAs.userAgents.length))
val httpConf = http
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
// Some
// More
scenario("Frequent User")
.inject(constantUsersPerSec(0.1) during (1 minutes))
package example
object UAs {
val userAgents = Array(
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36"
This is a very over-simplified example, but shows the rough outline. Useful for if you need to build up, say, n users but picking a random proxy username/password from a list of m (or perhaps some other variant within the http header/protocol). Because we can't pick the username/password dynamically like we could, say, with the useragent, the below allows us to build a set of users with differing httpConfs.
//Use this to build up the scenarios we'll want to inject
def userScens() : Seq[PopulationBuilder] = {
val totalUserScens : Int = math.min(noProxyUserCount,1) + math.min(proxyNoAuthUserCount,1)
val userScens = new ArraySeq[PopulationBuilder](totalUserScens)
var j = 0
if(noProxyUserCount > 0){
userScens(j) = usersNoProxy.inject(
rampUsers(totalActionsPerUser * noProxyUserCount) over testDuration)
j += 1
if(proxyNoAuthUserCount > 0){
userScens(j) = usersWithProxy.inject(
rampUsers(totalActionsPerUser * proxyNoAuthUserCount) over testDuration)
j += 1
//This actually injects the user scenarios
Best to build up chains as modules, then chains of chains, and then use the randomSwitch to define how often to run them.
object BaseTest {
def chooser(): ChainBuilder = {
randomSwitch( // beware: use parentheses, not curly braces!
50.0 -> (Spider.chain()),
30.0 -> (FileDownload.chain()),
10.0 -> (FileUpload.chain()),
10.0 -> (Polling.chain())
scenario("Frequent User")
.inject(constantUsersPerSec(0.1) during (1 minutes))
.pause(5 seconds, 20 seconds)
doIfOrElse(session => session("link").as[String].matches( "https?://.*")) {
//also .startsWith("/") instead of .matches("")
exec( //blah
} {
exec( //blah else
You can't just use variables in the scala directly in the gatling session - you need to set them there first
//We want to pass a file type into this method
def getRandomFile(fileType: String): ChainBuilder = {
//But to use it within the session (eg in http), we need to put it on the session
exec( session => session.set("fileType",fileType) )
//Now we can use it with the ${session_var} notation:
.exec(http("Get File")
exec(session => {
println("ID: " + session("job_id").as[String] + " / RESULT: " + session("job_result").as[String])
val httpConf = http
//Don't forget other http confs - see above
.inferHtmlResources(BlackList(".*google.*","asd"), WhiteList(".*mysite.*"))
Useful for running as a CI job, for example, where you want to vary durations/loads etc
val operationsPerSec = System.getProperty("operationsPerSec","0.05").toDouble
val numMinutes = Integer.getInteger("minutesToRun",15).toInt
scenario("Frequent Shopper")
.inject(constantUsersPerSec(operationsPerSec) during (numMinutes minutes))