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Random collection of code snippets for doing helpful things with gatling:

Find a random link on a page and store as session variable

(findAll then shuffle)

          .transform(s => util.Random.shuffle(s).head)

Extract either a value OR a blank string into a session variable

          .transformOption(extract => extract.orElse(Some("")))

Split out check into a method for reuse

This example also splits out the http get into it's own method

    def extractBaseUrl(): HttpCheck = {

    def getAndCheck(actionName: String, url : String): ChainBuilder = {

Define a val at the top of a method

We can't use this val within the session, but you can pass it to other methods etc

    def chain(someLabel: String): ChainBuilder = {

      val actionName = someLabel + "UA-1/2_"
      exec(getAndCheck(actionName, "http://${url}/"))

Do something if a session variable is defined/set (and with a random switch

      .doIf(session => session("formAction").asOption[Any].isDefined && util.Random.nextInt(10).toInt > 5) {
        exec(some other stuff)

Do something if a session variable is NOT defined/set

    .doIf(session => !(session("result_status").asOption[String].isDefined)) {
      exec(some other stuff)

Repeat n times (where n is a random number)

  repeat(util.Random.nextInt(10).toInt) {

Assign a random user agent to different http requests

Also includes a nice default httpConf


package example

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class BaseTest extends Simulation {
// Some
// Stuff

  //UA picker
  def randomUA: Expression[String] = {
    s => UAs.userAgents.get(util.Random.nextInt(UAs.userAgents.length))
  val httpConf = http
    .acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")

// Some
// More

    scenario("Frequent User")
      .inject(constantUsersPerSec(0.1) during (1 minutes))


package example

object UAs {
  val userAgents = Array(
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36"

For when you need to dynamically inject a scenario per user

This is a very over-simplified example, but shows the rough outline. Useful for if you need to build up, say, n users but picking a random proxy username/password from a list of m (or perhaps some other variant within the http header/protocol). Because we can't pick the username/password dynamically like we could, say, with the useragent, the below allows us to build a set of users with differing httpConfs.

  //Use this to build up the scenarios we'll want to inject
  def userScens() : Seq[PopulationBuilder] = {

    val totalUserScens : Int = math.min(noProxyUserCount,1) + math.min(proxyNoAuthUserCount,1)
    val userScens = new ArraySeq[PopulationBuilder](totalUserScens)

    var j = 0
    if(noProxyUserCount > 0){
      userScens(j) = usersNoProxy.inject(
           rampUsers(totalActionsPerUser * noProxyUserCount) over testDuration)
      j += 1
    if(proxyNoAuthUserCount > 0){
      userScens(j) = usersWithProxy.inject(
          rampUsers(totalActionsPerUser * proxyNoAuthUserCount) over testDuration)
      j += 1


  //This actually injects the user scenarios

Use RandomSwitch to define how often to run particular user scenarios/chains

Best to build up chains as modules, then chains of chains, and then use the randomSwitch to define how often to run them.

  object BaseTest {
    def chooser(): ChainBuilder = {
        randomSwitch( // beware: use parentheses, not curly braces!
         50.0 -> (Spider.chain()),
         30.0 -> (FileDownload.chain()),
         10.0 -> (FileUpload.chain()),
         10.0 -> (Polling.chain())
    scenario("Frequent User")
      .inject(constantUsersPerSec(0.1) during (1 minutes))

Random pause between two durations

    .pause(5 seconds, 20 seconds)

DoIfOrElse Example with a regex match on a session variable

    doIfOrElse(session => session("link").as[String].matches( "https?://.*")) {
    //also .startsWith("/") instead of .matches("")
      exec( //blah
    } {
      exec( //blah else

Pass variable into method and use within the session (eg in a request)

You can't just use variables in the scala directly in the gatling session - you need to set them there first

    //We want to pass a file type into this method
    def getRandomFile(fileType: String): ChainBuilder = {
      //But to use it within the session (eg in http), we need to put it on the session
      exec( session => session.set("fileType",fileType) )

      //Now we can use it with the ${session_var} notation:
      .exec(http("Get File")

Print a line of debug

  exec(session => {
    println("ID: " + session("job_id").as[String] + " / RESULT: " + session("job_result").as[String])

WhiteList and BlackList on inferHtmlResources

 val httpConf = http
    //Don't forget other http confs - see above
    .inferHtmlResources(BlackList(".*google.*","asd"), WhiteList(".*mysite.*"))

Set timeToRun or duration or other runtime variables as optional environment parameters

Useful for running as a CI job, for example, where you want to vary durations/loads etc

  val operationsPerSec = System.getProperty("operationsPerSec","0.05").toDouble
  val numMinutes = Integer.getInteger("minutesToRun",15).toInt

    scenario("Frequent Shopper")
      .inject(constantUsersPerSec(operationsPerSec) during (numMinutes minutes))


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