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Robert Shepherd edited this page Nov 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the pse wiki!


robertshepherdcpp/pse is a library that is fully open-source (any pull requests will be seen immediately!). It consists of many of the features that are in the std library. But this library is new and doesn't carry any external dependencies. It is written in C++20 and has extra functionality that does not consist in the C++ Standard and the C++ Standard Template Library. Examples of these are pse::TupleLike and pse::DecreasingTuple. pse::TupleLike has the member function push_back like pse::Vector but it can hold different types of elements. pse::DecreasingTuple is a Tuple that can decrease in size. The clue is in the name really!.

std::cout << "The pse Wikipedia!\n";

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