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Switch to make some operations rely on DOM instead of ECJ
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Introduced 2 system property switches to control whether some IDE
operations are using ECJ parser (legacy/default) or whether to make
those operations powered by a full DOM.

* CompilationUnit.DOM_BASED_OPERATIONS will make codeSelect (hover, link
to definition...), buildStructure (JDT Project element model),
reconciler (code diagnostics feedback) and indexer
* CompilationUnit.codeComplete.DOM_BASED_OPERATIONS controls completion
(unlike other
operations, completion based on DOM is far from being complete or

The DOM-based operation can then allow to plug alternative compiler then
ECJ and still get JDT functionalities working.
  • Loading branch information
mickaelistria committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent e641ccb commit 69a3085
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Showing 8 changed files with 685 additions and 104 deletions.
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import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;

public class ASTHolderCUInfo extends CompilationUnitElementInfo {
int astLevel;
public int astLevel;
boolean resolveBindings;
int reconcileFlags;
Map<String, CategorizedProblem[]> problems = null;
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldAccess;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Name;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.NodeFinder;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Type;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,11 +63,16 @@ public class CompilationUnit extends Openable implements ICompilationUnit, org.e
/*package*/ static final int JLS2_INTERNAL = AST.JLS2;

public static boolean DOM_BASED_OPERATIONS = Boolean.getBoolean(CompilationUnit.class.getSimpleName() + ".DOM_BASED_OPERATIONS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static boolean DOM_BASED_COMPLETION = Boolean.getBoolean(CompilationUnit.class.getSimpleName() + ".codeComplete.DOM_BASED_OPERATIONS"); //$NON-NLS-1$

private static final IImportDeclaration[] NO_IMPORTS = new IImportDeclaration[0];

protected String name;
public WorkingCopyOwner owner;

private org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit ast;

* Constructs a handle to a compilation unit with the given name in the
* specified package for the specified owner
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,104 +123,117 @@ public void becomeWorkingCopy(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelExceptio
protected boolean buildStructure(OpenableElementInfo info, final IProgressMonitor pm, Map<IJavaElement, IElementInfo> newElements, IResource underlyingResource) throws JavaModelException {
CompilationUnitElementInfo unitInfo = (CompilationUnitElementInfo) info;

// ensure buffer is opened
IBuffer buffer = getBufferManager().getBuffer(CompilationUnit.this);
if (buffer == null) {
openBuffer(pm, unitInfo); // open buffer independently from the info, since we are building the info

// generate structure and compute syntax problems if needed
CompilationUnitStructureRequestor requestor = new CompilationUnitStructureRequestor(this, unitInfo, newElements);
JavaModelManager.PerWorkingCopyInfo perWorkingCopyInfo = getPerWorkingCopyInfo();
IJavaProject project = getJavaProject();

boolean createAST;
boolean resolveBindings;
int reconcileFlags;
Map<String, CategorizedProblem[]> problems;
if (info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo) {
ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder = (ASTHolderCUInfo) info;
createAST = astHolder.astLevel != NO_AST;
resolveBindings = astHolder.resolveBindings;
reconcileFlags = astHolder.reconcileFlags;
problems = astHolder.problems;
} else {
createAST = false;
resolveBindings = false;
reconcileFlags = 0;
problems = null;

boolean createAST = info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder ? astHolder.astLevel != NO_AST : false;
boolean resolveBindings = info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder ? astHolder.resolveBindings : false;
int reconcileFlags = info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder ? astHolder.reconcileFlags : 0;
boolean computeProblems = perWorkingCopyInfo != null && perWorkingCopyInfo.isActive() && project != null && JavaProject.hasJavaNature(project.getProject());
IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory();
Map<String, String> options = this.getOptions(true);
if (!computeProblems) {
// disable task tags checking to speed up parsing
options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions(options);
compilerOptions.ignoreMethodBodies = (reconcileFlags & ICompilationUnit.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0;
SourceElementParser parser = new SourceElementParser(
true/*report local declarations*/,
!createAST /*optimize string literals only if not creating a DOM AST*/);
parser.reportOnlyOneSyntaxError = !computeProblems;
parser.setStatementsRecovery((reconcileFlags & ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY) != 0);

if (!computeProblems && !resolveBindings && !createAST) // disable javadoc parsing if not computing problems, not resolving and not creating ast
parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment = false;
requestor.parser = parser;

// update timestamp (might be IResource.NULL_STAMP if original does not exist)
if (underlyingResource == null) {
underlyingResource = getResource();
// underlying resource is null in the case of a working copy on a class file in a jar
if (underlyingResource != null)
if (underlyingResource != null) {
unitInfo.timestamp = ((IFile)underlyingResource).getModificationStamp();

// compute other problems if needed
CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration = null;
CompilationUnit source = cloneCachingContents();
try {
if (computeProblems) {
if (problems == null) {
// report problems to the problem requestor
problems = new HashMap<>();
compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitProblemFinder.process(source, parser, this.owner, problems, createAST, reconcileFlags, pm);
try {
for (Iterator<CategorizedProblem[]> iteraror = problems.values().iterator(); iteraror.hasNext();) {
CategorizedProblem[] categorizedProblems =;
if (categorizedProblems == null) continue;
for (int i = 0, length = categorizedProblems.length; i < length; i++) {
// ensure buffer is opened
IBuffer buffer = getBufferManager().getBuffer(CompilationUnit.this);
if (buffer == null) {
openBuffer(pm, unitInfo); // open buffer independently from the info, since we are building the info

ASTParser astParser = ASTParser.newParser(info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder && astHolder.astLevel > 0 ? astHolder.astLevel : AST.getJLSLatest());
astParser.setResolveBindings(info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder && (astHolder.resolveBindings || computeProblems));
if (astParser.createAST(pm) instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit newAST && perWorkingCopyInfo != null) {
this.ast = newAST;
try {
for (IProblem problem : newAST.getProblems()) {
} finally {
if (info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder) {
astHolder.ast = newAST;
// TODO populate newElements
newAST.accept(new DOMToModelPopulator(newElements, this, unitInfo));
// unitInfo.setModule();
// unitInfo.setSourceLength(newSourceLength);
} else {
CompilationUnitStructureRequestor requestor = new CompilationUnitStructureRequestor(this, unitInfo, newElements);
Map<String, CategorizedProblem[]> problems = info instanceof ASTHolderCUInfo astHolder ? astHolder.problems : null;
IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory();
SourceElementParser parser = new SourceElementParser(
true/*report local declarations*/,
!createAST /*optimize string literals only if not creating a DOM AST*/);
parser.reportOnlyOneSyntaxError = !computeProblems;
parser.setStatementsRecovery((reconcileFlags & ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY) != 0);

if (!computeProblems && !resolveBindings && !createAST) // disable javadoc parsing if not computing problems, not resolving and not creating ast
parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment = false;
requestor.parser = parser;

// compute other problems if needed
CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration = null;
CompilationUnit source = cloneCachingContents();
try {
if (computeProblems) {
if (problems == null) {
// report problems to the problem requestor
problems = new HashMap<>();
compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitProblemFinder.process(source, parser, this.owner, problems, createAST, reconcileFlags, pm);
try {
for (CategorizedProblem[] categorizedProblems : problems.values()) {
if (categorizedProblems == null) continue;
for (CategorizedProblem categorizedProblem : categorizedProblems) {
} finally {
} finally {
} else {
// collect problems
compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitProblemFinder.process(source, parser, this.owner, problems, createAST, reconcileFlags, pm);
} else {
// collect problems
compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitProblemFinder.process(source, parser, this.owner, problems, createAST, reconcileFlags, pm);
compilationUnitDeclaration = parser.parseCompilationUnit(source, true /*full parse to find local elements*/, pm);
} else {
compilationUnitDeclaration = parser.parseCompilationUnit(source, true /*full parse to find local elements*/, pm);

if (createAST) {
int astLevel = ((ASTHolderCUInfo) info).astLevel;
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit cu = AST.convertCompilationUnit(astLevel, compilationUnitDeclaration, options, computeProblems, source, reconcileFlags, pm);
((ASTHolderCUInfo) info).ast = cu;
if (createAST) {
int astLevel = ((ASTHolderCUInfo) info).astLevel;
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit cu = AST.convertCompilationUnit(astLevel, compilationUnitDeclaration, options, computeProblems, source, reconcileFlags, pm);
((ASTHolderCUInfo) info).ast = cu;
} finally {
if (compilationUnitDeclaration != null) {
unitInfo.hasFunctionalTypes = compilationUnitDeclaration.hasFunctionalTypes();
} finally {
if (compilationUnitDeclaration != null) {
unitInfo.hasFunctionalTypes = compilationUnitDeclaration.hasFunctionalTypes();

return unitInfo.isStructureKnown();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +392,10 @@ public void codeComplete(int offset, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyO

public void codeComplete(int offset, CompletionRequestor requestor, WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
new DOMCompletionEngine(offset, getOrBuildAST(workingCopyOwner), requestor, monitor).run();
isWorkingCopy() ? (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit) getOriginalElement() : this,
Expand All @@ -386,8 +418,64 @@ public IJavaElement[] codeSelect(int offset, int length) throws JavaModelExcepti
public IJavaElement[] codeSelect(int offset, int length, WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner) throws JavaModelException {
return super.codeSelect(this, offset, length, workingCopyOwner);
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit currentAST = getOrBuildAST(workingCopyOwner);
if (currentAST == null) {
return new IJavaElement[0];
ASTNode node = NodeFinder.perform(currentAST, offset, length);
IBinding binding = resolveBinding(node);
if (binding != null) {
return new IJavaElement[] { binding.getJavaElement() };
return new IJavaElement[0];
} else {
return super.codeSelect(this, offset, length, workingCopyOwner);
static IBinding resolveBinding(ASTNode node) {
if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration decl) {
return decl.resolveBinding();
if (node instanceof MethodInvocation invocation) {
return invocation.resolveMethodBinding();
if (node instanceof VariableDeclaration decl) {
return decl.resolveBinding();
if (node instanceof FieldAccess access) {
return access.resolveFieldBinding();
if (node instanceof Type type) {
return type.resolveBinding();
if (node instanceof Name aName) {
IBinding res = aName.resolveBinding();
if (res != null) {
return res;
return resolveBinding(aName.getParent());
if (node instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeParameter typeParameter) {
return typeParameter.resolveBinding();
return null;

private org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit getOrBuildAST(WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner) {
if (this.ast == null) {
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.getJLSLatest()); // TODO use Java project info
if (parser.createAST(null) instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit newAST) {
this.ast = newAST;
return this.ast;

* @see IWorkingCopy#commit(boolean, IProgressMonitor)
* @deprecated
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