This application uses news with category, country, sources, language filter features, implement rxsswift for create infinite scroll
- Documentation news api.orgk
- Implementation library rxswift in this project
- Library for downloading and caching article image
these example looks like sdk on running app demo, on plugin (flutter or react native) or apps
Home page | Source page | Article page | Webview |
iOS 13.0+
Xcode 11.2+
Swift 5.0+
CocoaPods 1.6.1+
- blur apps
- real time peek detection
- Fullscreen view or flexible size view from app will be blur
- autoblur and disable auto blur
- To run the example project on sdk, run pod install from the root directory folder
for apple sillicon
arch -x86_64 pod install
for intel
pod install
- configuration apikey for
get data from news api
, create file and name it AppInsightsArticleNews.cpp on folder the same path AppInsightsArticleNews.h, and write file with this
#include "AppInsightsArticleNews.hpp"
std::string AppInsightsArticleNews::generateAkl() {
return "api key for news api";