A commenting system extension for Flask, threaded and API based working just like disqus but self hosted.
You can just use disqus, it is simple, scalable and has a lot of features but:
- Privacy
- Authentication (your readers needs to auth in disqus)
- Widgets (they have drop widgets so you need to use the API to get latest posts)
- Control (sometimes you need to have a better control of comments, rattings and sharings)
Flasqus is a Flask Extension, exposing some comment related blueprints and it is easy to customize and integrate with your existing Flask application.
You can attach Flasqus in your existing app just setting database and url configs or you can host standalone Flasqus application to consume throught the API.
pip install flasqus
and then
from flask import Flask
from flasqus import Flasqus
# multiple database backends Mongo, SQL, Write your own
from flasqus.backends.mongo import FlasqusMongoEngine # or from flasqus.backends.sqlalchemy import FlasqusSQLAlchemy
app = Flask(..)
# configuration
app.config['FLASQUS_MONGO_CONN'] = 'localhost:27017' # or app.config['FLASQUS_SQL_CONN'] = 'mysql://....'
app.config['FLASQUS_DATABASE'] = 'myappdb'
app.config['FLASQUS_COLLECTION'] = 'flasqus' # or app.config['FLASQUS_TABLE'] = 'flasqus'
app.config['FLASQUS_ENDPOINT'] = 'flasqus'
app.config['FLASQUS_URL_BASE'] = '/comments'
app.config['FLASQUS_AUTH_SYSTEM'] = 'flask_security'
# initialization
Flasqus(app, backend=FlasqusMongoEngine)
With the above your app now will have the comment application mapped to /comments url and you will be able to show the comment widget in any page you want with Jinja.
<h1> {{post.title}}</h2>
<p> {{post.body|safe}}</p>
Or using Javascript directly
<div id="flasqus_thread"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// you can handle different shortnames in the same app
var flasqus_shortname = 'myappname';
(function() {
var fsq = document.createElement('script'); fsq.type = 'text/javascript'; fsq.async = true;
fsq.src = '//comments/static/embed.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(fsq);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript. comments powered by Flasqus</noscript>