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PA - vPA statistics

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Proposal's quality


PA's workload


PA's quality


vPA's workload


Additional stats

F6 F7 F8 F9
Proposals 712.00 944.00 1,162.00 1,180.00
CAs 317.00 542.00 704.00 986.00
vCAs 61.00 112.00 84.00 100.00
proposals/CAs 2.25 1.74 1.65 1.20
CAs/vCAs 5.20 4.84 8.38 9.86
Assesments/vCA 67.51 81.79 131.15 153.98
CA's assessments [mean] 12.99 16.90 15.65 15.62
CA's assessments [median] 5.00 4.00 6.50 8.00
vCA's reviews [mean] 621.16 1,711.58 1,067.23 1,429.00
vCA's reviews [median] 306.00 711.00 488.50 909.00

Final scores

Fund 6

Click to show
****** F6: DApps & Integrations ******
Win-Win Dispute Resolution                        5.00
P2P IoT Marketplaces - Adosia IoT                 4.89
Dapp to control/monetize your data                4.80
Cardax - DEX on Cardano phase 2,3,4               4.67
SuBChain: Subsea Data Ledger                      4.67 - Mass payments system                 4.62
AdaQuest(aka The Quest for Ada)                   4.57
Liquifi V2 - efficient DEX protocol               4.50
Zero-interest-penalty CD Token                    4.50
Tales In The Blocks|Collab-writing                4.50
Private Transactions on Cardano                   4.47
Mirqur DEX - Improved LP Interface                4.44
Connect discord with cardano                      4.44
Estati - Real Estate Investments                  4.42
Arbitration for Smart Contracts                   4.40
Cardano features for everyone                     4.33
ALLIN Betting Ecosystem                           4.33
Blockademia Verification System                   4.33
Upper/Cut! Unity Card Game dApp                   4.33
Cornucopias Smart Contracts                       4.33
API for Multi-Delegation Portfolios               4.22
BingoToken - Play-To-Earn                         4.22
Connecting delegators to SPOs.                    4.20
Fanance Club - Sports Player's DEX                4.13
Decentralized tutoring marketplace                4.11
IGIVIT Phase2: Beyond the Prototype               4.08
Meditation empowered by blockchain                4.08
Nami Wallet                                       4.06
NOETH: Cardano for Science                        4.06
ADA Payments for eCom and Store                   4.00
Cardano Blue NFT Marketplace                      3.94
Cardano Healthcare Infrastructure                 3.90 Portfolio Tracker                      3.90
M2 Realfi openhardware                            3.83
de-way: empowering ideas                          3.78
Decentralized Content Network                     3.78
Automated Tax Collection                          3.67
Staking Pool as a Service                         3.67
Cardano Music Streaming Dapp                      3.61
Nature Coin: Climate Change DAO                   3.60
NFTree: regenerating the planet                   3.60
Cardano Credit Card                               3.60
NFT Business lessons                              3.60
Youbiquitor - Task Marketplace                    3.58
Telegram Bot Wallet                               3.58
NFT-Craze Android iOS Light Wallet                3.56
Trust Funds by Ada                                3.44
Vanity Address Generator                          3.33 - light web wallet                    3.33
Token Allies: Business Tokenization               3.29
Fight scammers & protect Cardano                  3.28
B2B Ecosystem                                     3.22
DOOH media meets decentralized tech               3.17
Unique Digital Identity for KYC                   3.11
Divine Blockchain                                 3.00
Ledger Live Support                               3.00
Patient Data Marketplace DApp                     2.92
Efficient Markets for Public Goods                2.92
Dapp market for tickets and events                2.92
Project Rockstar - the MAIN hustle                2.83
Dolos: dVPN                                       2.83
projectNEWM: Fair music ecosystem                 2.83
Payments for High Risk Businesses                 2.78
IG-inspired DApp for Pet lover                    2.75
Liquidity for cross-border payments               2.75
School of Life                                    2.75
Bring traffic to brick&mortar biz                 2.71
Data Marketplace with AI powered                  2.67
Project Babbage: Ada Makes Movies                 2.67
Gas Pipeline Security upgrade.                    2.67
CcNFTs: Empowering Musicians                      2.57
Multisig For Building EVM Bridges                 2.56
Pilot traceability of vegetables                  2.54
Collude: Empowering Artists In Film               2.50
Gamify Your Life using Cardano                    2.48
Planet Cardano - Gamification                     2.42
GIST - Cardano / Polkadot Bridge                  2.38
Financial Literacy For All                        2.33
Shark Tank 2.0 - Reality Show                     2.33
Hard money on Cardano                             2.27
API powering ticket distribution                  2.27
Point-of-Sale & Website Checkout                  2.13
Shared Reality - incentive token                  2.11
M2-mini-atm                                       2.00
Shared Reality - immutable database               2.00
Decentralised Advertising Platform.               2.00
OctoWars                                          1.93
Aregato - ADA ebook marketplace                   1.92
Car service history                               1.90
Decentralized Music Streaming                     1.81
NAGchi                                            1.40
Donors choose - like' application                 1.40
Ecommerce and lending platform                    1.33
Help Renters Access Homeownership                 1.33
M2-World-ERP                                      1.33
Cardano based trading card game TCG               1.29
Individuals Security Tracking                     1.28 Integrate                        1.22
Sweaty                                            1.17
Develop to Earn                                   1.08
Online Shopping                                   1.05
Marketplace                                       1.00
DAOs to Fund Projects                             1.00
****** F6: Developer ecosystem ******
Plutus PAB Typescript SDK                         5.00
Gravatar for ADA Wallets                          5.00
Software as a Service for Cardano                 5.00
gimbalabs-building network capacity               4.94
Cardano Wallet lib in pure JS(TS)                 4.92
Orcfax: trustworthy Cardano oracles               4.92
Koios - Elastic Cardano Query Layer               4.92
Cardanoscan API Service                           4.87
gimbalabs - Plutus PBL program                    4.83
Dart SDK for Blockfrost API                       4.83
Retroactive Project Funding SDK                   4.80
GMBL-turn devs into blockchain devs               4.80
Bip32Ed25519 pure JS implementation               4.78
Transaction editor to replace cli                 4.75
Logosphere - dApp Hackathons                      4.73
Ikigai - UE4/Unity Plugins & Tools                4.67
gimbalabs - Dandelion Daemon(s)                   4.67 Marketplace Creator                     4.67
Cardano Wallet JS Multisig                        4.67
Visual Blockchain Designer/Explorer               4.67
Open-source ISO Toolkit                           4.58
Blockfrost PAB                                    4.56
Heidrun Expansion Upgrades - Part 2               4.56
Dataset - On-Chain Analytics                      4.53
Continuous Finance Building Blocks                4.50
Heidrun Expansion Upgrades - Part 3               4.50
Legacy Databases to Blockchain                    4.42
Zimbabwe Developers for Cardano                   4.40
African Blockchain Centre for Devs                4.40
Dataset - Token / CNFT Analytics                  4.33
Cardano Analytics Data Hub                        4.33
Cardano Wallet Flutter SDK - Fund6                4.33
CardanoSharp - Minting                            4.33
ADA MakerSpace Bounty Hunters DEVX                4.33
Elm Integration with Plutus                       4.33
Reach POC on Cardano                              4.33
Rust Cardano Networking Crate                     4.33
Localize Yoroi for Vietnam market                 4.28
Heidrun Expansion Upgrades - Part 1               4.28
Legal resources for developers                    4.27
GameChanger: The onboarding wallet                4.25
Dataset - Stake Pool Analytics                    4.25
Localize Yoroi for Bulgaria                       4.25
Crowdfunding Website for Start-Ups                4.24
Blockfrost Unity games assets                     4.24
C64 Modular Wallet                                4.22
Heidrun Core Management Upgrades                  4.22
3D-Level editor for game-devs                     4.17
True limitations of the Marlowe                   4.08
CardanoSharp - Unity SDK                          4.08
Contract Labeling & Transparency                  4.07
Minswap TypeScript SDK                            4.06
CardanoSharp - UnrealEngine SDK                   4.00
Treasury for Mini-Proposals                       4.00
StorJ for NFT storage [NFT-MAKER]                 3.93
Arweave as NFT storage [NFT-MAKER]                3.92
Visual DAO Framework                              3.92
NEO-Cardano NFT Bridge [NFT-MAKER]                3.92
Multiverse - dApp Rollback Handler                3.89
CardanoSharp - Interactive Learning               3.80
CardanoSharp Smart Contract Support               3.80
Testnet support for API [NFT-MAKER]               3.78
No-Code Smart Contracts                           3.78
Africa/Diaspora Dev Tools & Events                3.67
AI App Builder                                    3.67
CardanoSharp - Multisig                           3.67
Cardano Developer Academy                         3.56
SOLID Software Development Projects               3.56
Plutus Integration with Pony Lang                 3.53
BEN Learn Cardano Developer Course                3.52
Localize Yoroi for Ukraine                        3.47
Marketing for Ada Integration Tools               3.43
Localize in Ukrainian and Russian                 3.33
Cardano meditation network                        3.33
Bridge between Catalyst and Kaggle                3.33
ETH-Cardano NFT Bridge [NFT-MAKER|                3.22
KNuggies Education Platform                       3.20
IOTA-Cardano NFT Bridge [NFT-MAKER]               3.13
CCC: Reset Ready?|Value-Flow Wealth               3.11
Mobile App Template For Blockchain                3.07
CPU/IOT development for fact data                 3.00 - Cardano use case                  2.93
Prediction Outcome Verification                   2.92
CCC: Cardano Multiversity MVP                     2.92
Delegator Dividend Reward System                  2.89
Fair Stake Pool Selection                         2.78
Incentivized Developer Training                   2.67
NFT API window                                    2.33
Cryptocurrency Exchange                           2.29
dApp Templates & GUI dApp Modules                 2.19
Layer 2 Advanced Architecture                     1.92
People Centred Design = less risk                 1.73
Ranking projects built on cardano                 1.67
Blockchain-Powered forex Market                   1.58
CCC: Work|Live|Play@MOA                           1.50
Cardano Data Indexing                             1.50
Cross-border payment processing                   1.42
Gaming in Cardano For Mass Adoption               1.33
Holistic Development Case Studies                 1.17
NFT Payment Option                                1.11
A viral onboarding experience                     1.11
dRISK                                             1.00
****** F6: NFT Business models ******
PlayerMint: Community Access NFTs                 4.60
Phygital Hub for Local NFTs & DAOOH               4.50
NFT for customer feedback/content                 4.22
Filamint - 3D Printable NFTs                      4.21
osNFTs for science popularization                 4.20
Cardano Preserving Culture                        4.08
SoHo Ex - Physically backed NFTs                  4.08
WottleNFT: SDGs Driven NFT Auction                4.00
Dionysus - For Theatre: Phase 1                   4.00
Collaborative painting using NFTs                 4.00
Cornucopias The Island NFT Game                   3.94
Digital Asset Management Tool                     3.83
Solar Energy Expansion Via NFTs                   3.73
WILD NFT                                          3.73
Mission Driven NFTs                               3.67
Loyalty and outreach campaigns                    3.67
Cinefund - Residual backed NFTs                   3.61
Mushroom Breeding Program                         3.60
Solletia - Indie music NFT website                3.56
Ikigai - Disrupting Games via NFTs                3.56
Intellectual Property Transactions                3.50
Decentralized Content Distribution                3.50
Verifiable Game Achievement NFT                   3.44
Artifact- NFT for Real Property                   3.44
Multi Owner NFT's                                 3.39
NFT Gaming Model + Token economics                3.33
CARDANO IPR                                       3.33
Anime NFT game - gap in the market                3.33
Cardano Onboarding Funnel via NFTs                3.25
Asset Management on the Ledger                    3.25
NFT's as Proof of Donations (PoD)                 3.22
NFT for the masses                                3.22
NFT for Real estate and Land                      3.17
NFTs for Architecture & STEM                      3.17
Skill Certification for Mediators                 3.17
NFTs as event-and transport tickets               3.13
Bets as NFTs.                                     3.13
NFT bridge and mega-gallery                       3.10
African Cultural NFT Treasury Model               3.08
ForestConservation + CarbonCredits                3.07
Conservation of Life on Earth                     3.06
Digital Twin NFT for Farm products                3.00
Explorie the next NFT platform                    3.00
Get points for sharing knowledge                  2.89
Certified Qualifications via NFTs                 2.89
Sustainable Footwear & Prosumers                  2.89
Cardano Affordable Housing - 日本                   2.83
Marketplace for tokenized property                2.83
Tech Town Cardano                                 2.78
Real NFT-Gallery & voting tool                    2.67
Fast Fetching Collectible Cache                   2.67
NFTs for BETTER HEALTHCARE                        2.58
OmiMimo: The 1st e-NFT on Cardano                 2.50
Cardano NFT Idea Patenting                        2.44
Mimic Nature with Living NFT                      2.44
Engaging eco-NFTs for the Planet                  2.33
nftAno - Bring your CNFT !                        2.33
CyphrLive Ticketing                               2.33
Mortgage Equity Realisation                       2.22
Commodity Exchange Market                         2.22
Global Network of Crypto Lawyers                  2.10
Onadracs Video Game                               2.08
NFT Education & Test Token                        2.00
Defi Loans, NFTs and On-Network ID                1.92
Building Affordable Houses Quickly                1.89
Fractionalized Investing                          1.89
A Simple Cardano NFT Mobile Wallet                1.76
NFT for Authenticating Luxury Goods               1.67
Exchange NFT for physical product.                1.61
NFT for translation rights                        1.60
Souvenir                                          1.59
ADA trading metaverse                             1.53
NFT Real Estate                                   1.47
Hup | hearth up                                   1.47
Toddler HODLer Generative NFTs                    1.44
NITTYGRITTY (NEW MEDIA)                           1.42 - NFT Governance Tokens               1.40
Community Bond -Loyalty Rewards                   1.29
NTF Gaming                                        1.28
WITHDRAW                                          1.17
****** F6: Multilingual resources ******
Educational Content in a Single Web               5.00
On-boarding East Asia Today!                      4.87
Bring Smart Contracts to Vietnam                  4.83
CatalystSchool - Eastern Hemisphere               4.81
Cardano Center Poland - web and SM                4.73
Spanish News, Insights, Onboarding                4.71
ALDEA Wiki - Phase 2 - Portuguese                 4.67
Japanese SPO community management                 4.56
The Catalyst School - Multilanguage               4.47
French & Arabic resources &trainers               4.40
Voter tool translations - AIM                     4.40
Translating ProjectCatalyst                       4.25
Indonesian Community Web-Portal                   4.22
SPOCRA: Expand Geographic Reach                   4.17
Catalyst Course in Vietnamese                     4.14
Cardano Project in Spanish                        4.04
Multilingual Cardano Chatbot & KB                 4.00
100 Cardano animations non English                4.00
French Intro to Cardano in Burkina                3.87
Lovelace translation Portuguese                   3.67
Content translation for Chinese                   3.67
Cardano news in Chinese                           3.52
Translation into Amharic                          3.50
Babelada - Translation Community                  3.40
French website to learn cardano                   3.33
A Graphic Cardano Knowledge Corpus                3.33
SEMANA CARDANO                                    3.33
Translate NFT-MAKER to German                     3.29
Educational materials about Cardano               3.00
Cardano BI - Native languages                     2.94
Short videos in (african) french                  2.75
[Romania] Cardano Business Club                   2.60
Translation - Ukrainian - Russian                 2.58
Localize Yoroi in French                          2.47
Cardano Romania Community Knowledge               2.13
GameChanger: IPS Program                          2.00
Multilingual NFT artist Giveaway                  1.89
Multi-Source Translation Pipeline                 1.67
Pull strategy for Spain                           1.53
Encourage Adoption in Universities                1.43
Coding Pods                                       1.00
****** F6: Atala PRISM DID Mass-Scale Adoption ******
Interoperability as growth driver                 4.78
Proof of identity for mediators                   4.50
DID Solutions for Local Governments               4.50
A Passive Interface Pair (DID)                    4.50
Universal Skills Authentication                   4.50
DID in Congo Universities                         4.42
PACE: Community credentials                       4.33
Control your data (vault) via PRISM               4.28
⭐Self-Sovereign DID Badge Passports               4.27
ACADEMY Lifelong Learning Suite                   4.25
Decentralized Certificates                        4.25
MySmartWill: evolution for tomorrow               4.22
Decentralized eLearning & DIDs                    4.20
DARP: Cardano Address Name Service                4.07
African Housing Payments App                      4.00
Generic certification solution                    3.93
Your DID for climate impact                       3.87
DID for verified Career Audit Trail               3.78
Import passport data to AtalaPrism                3.67
Paths to adopt DID in small cities                3.58
DIDs for Animal Records                           3.50
Biometric<->DID Binding Credential                3.50
Education verification with DID                   3.44
Cardano Interop NOW                               3.44
Biometric Smart Card Integration                  3.33
BIT - Basic Income Token                          3.22
Play-to-learn-and-earn DID-Platform               3.22
Optimizing student agency with DIDs               3.08
Verify NFT authenticity [NFT-MAKER]               3.00 - Expert identity                   2.92
Cardano Grants Management Systems                 2.78
Distributed Health Records                        2.75
Welcome to the Oasis, Please Login                2.75
Dyana holistic health DID                         2.67
BingoChain - User Authentication                  2.58
DIDs for public services in the US                2.56
Dvoting System in Brazil                          2.50
CUBI Cardano Universal Basic Income               2.33
DID as a bridge to Microsoft                      2.33
Aegis Esports DID Platform                        2.00
Cardano Sign-In                                   1.33
Maternity Medical data in Ethiopia                1.33
gigDID                                            1.27
CCC: PRISM RIDE @MOA; 40M Visits/yr               1.25
****** F6: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano ******
TheCatalystSchool - Focusing Africa               5.00
Elevating Manufacturing in Africa                 4.83
MCA: A Model School in South Africa               4.78
Wutano Token - Africa Health System               4.67
Global Sustainable Stories/Usecases               4.50
Swahili News, Insight, Onboarding                 4.47
Planting Roots in Africa                          4.40
P2P:Trade Cardano tokens with Cash                4.33
African Learning Institutions SPOs                4.33
Cardano Health Infrastructure                     4.29
Cardano Africa Starter Kit (CASK)                 4.17
iFoncier Land Registry Burkina Faso               4.07
ADA News in African languages                     4.00
Supply-Chain for Agriculture                      3.93
Black Rhino                                       3.83
Smart Thrift Savings Wallet                       3.83
Plutus Lottery ADA Game                           3.67
Sudan ARABIC Cardano Community                    3.67
Cardano Fellows Uganda (CFU)                      3.56
Transform Africa through Technology               3.33
Africa Opensource Pharma & Medicine               3.29
Payment with ADA in Ethiopia                      3.27
Fair Pricing for Ethiopian Coffee                 3.17
Employment Contract Dapp                          3.00
LINX: Chat | Connect | Trade                      3.00
Enable Digital Governance                         2.83
DApp Binding Arbitration Africa                   2.83
Blockchain powered banking                        2.73
Auto-onboard smallholder farmers                  2.39
Location, Location, Integration                   2.33
JUNGLE                                            2.33
WiFi Hotspots & Internet Cafes                    2.27
Connect, Trust, Invest : Africa                   2.07
Digitised Certificate of Origin                   2.00
Locating Culture                                  1.76
Farm Management Software in Africa                1.75
Incorporating Non Profits                         1.67
Cardano and Christianity for Africa               1.56
SHiELD Africa, grow Cardano                       1.50
Identify access to technology                     1.17
Restrictions and barriers                         1.00
****** F6: Fund7 challenge setting ******
Community Events                                  5.00
Disarm cyber disinformation attacks               5.00
Lobbying for favorable legislation                5.00
Boosting Cardano's DeFi                           5.00
Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms               5.00
Seeding Cardano's Grassroots DeFi                 4.89
Gamers On-Chained                                 4.87
DAOs <3 Cardano                                   4.83
DApps & Integrations                              4.83
New SPO Business Opportunities                    4.83
Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs                 4.78
Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's                   4.73
Improve and Grow Auditability                     4.67
Raising small ghosts, SPOs and devs               4.67
Nation Building Dapps                             4.67
Multilingual resources                            4.67
Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano                  4.67
Increasing Diversity in Catalyst                  4.67
Miscellaneous Challenge                           4.56
Governance Parameter Ideation                     4.56
Grow Cardano Act Sustainably                      4.56
Open Source Developer Ecosystem                   4.56
Mini/Low-Budget Dapps &Integrations               4.50
A.I. & SingularityNet a $5T market                4.50
Developer ecosystem                               4.44
Already Approved Project Challenge                4.44
Realfi                                            4.33
Metadata challenge                                4.33
Infrastructure Boost in Africa                    4.33
Grow Africa, Grow Cardano                         4.17
Atala PRISM DID Mass-Scale Adoption               4.17
Distributed decision making                       4.14
Challenge Governance: The next step               4.11
Climate Change: THE Challenge                     4.06
Proposer outreach                                 4.00
DeFi and Microlending for Africa                  4.00
Connecting Japan/日本 Community                     4.00
Prototype Diversified Voting Method               4.00
Equip the Economically Excluded                   3.83
A financial OS for the 99% - now!                 3.83
Grow Global Economic Identities                   3.78
Overhaul Catalyst                                 3.67
Research Challenge                                3.67
Grow Social & Environmental Finance               3.33
Help Small Countries Adopt Cardano                3.33
Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano                      3.33
Making Web3 Visible                               3.11
Raise Catalyst's reach & awareness                3.00
Anti-scam & anti-fraud campaign                   3.00
Community Roadmaps for Cardano 2025               3.00
DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox                      3.00
Cardano Ecosystem Gender Equality                 2.83
Tackle & solve impossible problems                2.67
Funding for Traditional Businesses                2.58
Mission Driven Challenge                          2.56
Local Agriculture Market                          2.33
Remittances                                       2.11
Grow with Catalyst                                2.00
DeFi/CeFi Cardano&...TBC in Fund 7                1.67
****** F6: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs ******
Homeless Hub                                      5.00
Cardano Canvas, Cards & Calculator                4.83
BR/US University Hubs!                            4.67
SalmonNation Decentralized Alliance               4.67
DisCO of Urgency                                  4.58
BLOCKCHAINTRANSLATION.IO                          4.53
Cardano in South L.A.                             4.50
Cardano Hub Buenos Aires                          4.50
Cardano Vietnam Information Centre                4.44
Translator Collaboration Platform                 4.42
Add multilanguage to                   4.33
Exhibit Largest BlockChainEXPO(JP)                4.22
Interactive Cardano Ecosystem Map                 4.00
Cardano Innovation Hub                            3.95
Influencing Policy for Adoption                   3.67
Cardano Hub Venezuela                             3.56
Regional Revitalization JP-Meetup                 3.33
Engage African students on campus                 3.17
Cardano Hub - Eastern Europe                      3.11
No-Code Hackathons                                2.83
Alexa Skill for Cardano news feeds                2.44
Scale up Cardano by JPN Publication               2.33
1 Cafe to the World                               2.15
Cardano Care - Charity Across Conti               2.11
Community Bond - CRM for SME's                    2.07
Cardano Learning Centers                          2.00
Stop giveaway scammers                            1.78
ADA giveaway or lottery                           1.67
YouTube Giveaway Scammers                         1.60
Coding Challenges                                 1.44
AtalaGotchi's Community                           1.44
[Moved] Payment in ADA                            1.44
****** F6: Proposer outreach ******
Fund 7+8 Campaign                                 4.92
Connect East Asian Entrepreneurs                  4.89
WADA Proposer Workshops                           4.61
After Town Hall by Swarm                          4.61
Proposals Mentors Marketplace                     4.50
Cardano Community Campus                          4.25
CARDONEX ⚡                                        4.17
Fostering Japanese young proposers                4.17
Taiwan Outreach                                   4.00
Entrepreneurs/Developers Community                4.00
Video content about Mini-Proposals                3.92
University/College Outreach                       3.89
No-Code for Citizen Developers                    3.87
Hackathons for Startups in Ethiopia               3.73
Cardano exposure on Times Square                  2.67
Catalyst Infosession at Tech Events               2.67
Cardano & Enterprise Dev Agencies                 2.53
Develop Cardano visuals                           2.44
Vietnam Tech StartupClub on Cardano               2.42
🎬 "Working Title" Film Project 🎬                  2.40
A YT Channel On Decentralization                  2.33
SOIL - Scalable Open Innovation                   2.25
SMALL GROUPS BETTER UNDERSTAND                    2.00
Small Business Case Study                         1.92
Catalyst Crypto Venture Capital                   1.79
GovWorkCenter Platform                            1.75
Competition (Top 40 under 40)                     1.39
Community Bond - CRM tool for SME                 1.19
ADA buyers collection                             1.00
****** F6: Metadata challenge ******
CardanoWall, new levels of PoE                    4.91
Applying Oracle Performance Metrics               4.89
Logosphere - Cell Level Security                  4.83
How often can a brand contact you?                4.67
Give Users security and confidence                4.58
Frictionless document verification                4.58
Data traceability and verification                4.50
Books: Legacy Discovery                           4.40
Metadata search engine enhancements               4.17 - On chain reviews                  4.08
Cross-chain Asset Transfer Standard               4.00
Open health metrics in Colombia                   3.89
Meta-data financial real use case🔥                3.67
IoT powered Blockchain Metadata                   3.67
Deqree: Certificate Validation 🎓                  3.67
Donation & Reward Tracking                        3.22
Smart Authentic Tokenized Assets                  3.20
Foorigin: The Future of Food Chain                3.00
Food Provenance Data Standard                     3.00
Stable-token Registry                             2.67
AtalaGOTCHI                                       2.56
Metadata in Production                            2.56
Immutable record of Random Numbers                2.17
Decentralized World Data Bank                     1.89
Generative & Evolving NPC Traits                  1.38
Proof of Insurance                                1.29
ADA Holders Functioning as Banks                  1.20
Sea Safe platform                                 1.14
Knowledge Graph platform                          1.14
Community Bond - Metadata                         1.00
****** F6: Scale-UP Cardano's DeFi Ecosystem ******
Maladex: Algorithmic Swaps Protocol               4.72
Maladex: Cardano Index Funds                      4.48
DeFi for Cardano - Learning Portal                4.22
Indigo: Synthetic Assets on Cardano               4.19
Ensuro: A Decentralized Insurance                 4.07
Minswap DEX Security Audit                        3.89
Cardano Offline Developer's Kit                   3.78
Tools for auto and home loans                     3.75
Community Oracle (free) Price Feeds               3.71
Fund unlimited social microlending                3.58
Wise Rabbit- Livestock Investment                 3.40
Milkomeda Oracle                                  2.83
Algorand - Cardano DeFi bridge                    2.52
Panther - Private Layer 2 Protocol                2.25
AdaSwap - The next-gen DEX!                       2.08
Liquid Labor - Freelancer Contracts               1.76
Decentralized Sous Sous Savings                   1.72
Oracle for CPI data                               1.67
Fantasy Bidding with Staked Funds                 1.58
DeFi Bounty System                                1.56
Mosaic: DeFi Functionality for NFTs               1.27
Pharo ACM                                         1.11
Influence Quality Price & Image                   1.00
****** F6: Catalyst value onboarding ******
In-Wallet Onboarding for ADAholders               5.00
The Catalyst School                               4.90
Match members profiles with tasks                 4.78
Incentivized Voter Survey - AIM                   4.75
The Catalyst School - Website                     4.67
Community Site: Development - AIM                 4.67
WADA Uni Students Catalyst Registry               4.58
Community Subscription Fees Recoup                4.56
Catalyst-Swarm-Genesis GitBook                    4.53
Weekly Swarm Sessions                             4.50
Eastern TownHall Team Operation                   4.48
80 Multi Language How to ?-podcasts               4.33
Catalyst Video Series w/Kaizen                    4.22
Off to On-Chain Self Governance                   4.17
The Catalyst School - NFT Rewards                 4.11
Animated Explainer Videos-AIM                     3.93
Let's make Live-NFT's with 2500 Art               3.89
Micropayments for Catalyst                        3.83
Global Mission Driven News Room                   3.67
Decentralized Catalyst Incubator                  2.92
The Blockchain Class by Adatruth                  2.78 - Catalyst use case                 2.78
Catalyst Buddies System                           1.83
Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!                  1.50
Catalyst 24h Streaming TV Programs                1.40
NAGchi Cares                                      1.28
****** F6: Distributed decision making ******
Community Tools Maintenance/Updates               4.94
Catalyst QA Automation scripts                    4.92
Catalyst: Exploratory Data Analysis               4.88
Connecting Asian Voters & Proposers               4.78
Voter Tool - AIM                                  4.70
Power Up The Catalyst Circle                      4.67
Oversight of Catalyst Circle                      4.64
Catalyst Interactive News Journal                 4.57
Distributed Work-Reward Mechanism                 4.33
Consenz: A Virtual Parliament App                 4.27
Cardano Smart Voting                              4.25
Design & Sim of Voting Influence                  4.22
Cardano Catalyst TV                               3.96
Catalyst Proposals Assessment Guide               3.92
2Min Review                                       3.83
Stake Pool Operators Video Series                 3.50
Catalyst Compass                                  3.42
Distributed Collaboration Protocol                3.25
Improve the Quality of CA Reviews                 2.33
Testing MyVoice MVP in Catalyst                   1.44
****** F6: DLT Entrepreneurship Toolbox ******
IDEA FEST for Fund 6 + 7                          5.00
Entrepreneur Community Mentoring                  5.00
Catalyst Virtual Start-up Bootcamp                4.73
Community-Made Interactive Guides                 4.58
Scale up WADA's Outreach Program                  4.47
Mini Proposals as a Service                       4.42
Open Source Training                              4.33
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM                     4.33
Proposal Templates + Guidelines                   4.25
Catalyst Entrepreneur's Book Club                 4.17
PACE: Idea collaboration tool                     4.17
Library of Proposer Case Studies                  4.13
Helix Hub Impact Accelerator                      4.00
AntFarm                                           3.20
Submission templates and examples                 3.08 - for Entrepreneurs                 2.93
Growthwheel Business Planning Tool                2.87
Intellectual Property Training                    2.75
Copy writing for DLT Entrepreneurs                1.56
Cardano roadmap to adoption                       1.47
Bond - Connecting entrepreneurs                   1.44
TrillionCoin Global Charity Token                 1.00
CARDANO Branding In Indonesia                     1.00
****** F6: DeFi and Microlending for Africa ******
Direct Donation for Education                     4.96
CheCha - With ADA Wallets                         4.67
Defi Credit Union Via Crowd-staking               3.71
Microlending Partnership Models                   3.67
Green Lion (GL) lending in Ghana                  3.44
Distributed Income Share Agreements               3.08
StableCoin Wallet without Internet                2.89
Lending platform for africans                     2.29
Scaling up Tontine                                1.78
Oracle CPI data 47 African counties               1.60
Helping African Social Savers                     1.54
Trade Finance and Credit Insurance                1.27
****** F6: Improve and Grow Auditability ******
Distributed Auditability                          4.64
Treasury & Catalyst Proposal API                  4.38
Smart Contract Audit Token SCAT DAO               4.33
PACE: Proposal progress updates                   4.25
PACE: Proposal media content                      3.94
Auditing African Proposals, by WADA               3.67
PACE: Proposal completion reports                 3.50
Financial Audit Taskforce                         3.27
FundTrack - Approve Before Spend                  2.47
The Catalyst Story by Adatruth                    2.42
Audit via DAO                                     1.86
****** F6: Partnerships for Global Adoption ******
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM               4.78
Almagua DAO                                       4.00
WottleNFT: SDGs Driven NFT Auction                3.75
Add SDG ratings to proposals - AIM                3.73
Partnership for De-Fi Adoption                    2.67
Tokenised crypto events (ICWT)                    2.67
Research dApp                                     2.50
Cardano Powering Planet Improvement               2.05
Involve more gov. & UN officials                  1.83
The Roadmap Revisited                             1.58
Rapid prototyping ...made easy                    1.50
Endangered Language Preservation                  1.33
Books for Blocks                                  1.17
****** F6: Cardano Emerging Threat Alarm ******
Automated Phishing/Scam Detection                 4.87
CARDANO DLT-360 RISK RADAR                        4.25
DragonDefender Spam/Imposter Killer               4.00
Smart Contract Blacklisting                       3.81
Cardano Risk Profile Audit                        3.75
Crypto Regulation Surveillance                    3.25
Scam Alert                                        2.39
Automated Cyber Threat Intelligence               1.92
Cardano Threat Identification                     1.56
****** F6: Disaster: When all is at stake ******
Cardano-Heartbeat (CEM) 💞                         4.83
Strengthening Stake Pools in Africa               4.67
Stake Pool Reachability Dashboard                 4.33
SPOCRA: Re-location Fund for SPOs                 3.75
CardSec 🔒                                         3.67
Blockfrost prometheus exporter                    3.27
Cardano Disaster Recovery Education               3.25
Repository of SPO Testing Resources               2.78
ADA SPO ITsec Label                               2.67
A.S.T.O.P. - Stop Scams & Threats                 1.90

Fund 7

Click to show
****** F7: Community Events ******
Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS                   4.83
Idea Fest by Catalyst Swarm                       4.79
Cardano4Climate Community Events                  4.78
Catalyst Swarm 2022 GitBook                       4.76
QA-DAO Transcription Service                      4.71
Bridge Builders - Governance Events               4.62
After Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm                 4.59
Catalyst Events 4 Vietnam Students                4.58
Mini Proposal Workshops                           4.57
Dumpling Twitter Space                            4.52
Challenge Fest by Catalyst Swarm                  4.48
Co-Creating Events Together                       4.48
Cardano event in a Parisian Theatre               4.43
Haskell & Coffee ☕                                4.42
Clubs+hackathons = Cardano adoption               4.41
Add a calender for community events               4.39
Mass Cardano Education for Students               4.38
Eastern Town Hall                                 4.33
NFT Guild                                         4.29
Grow Afriteen, grow Cardano ERGhana               4.17
Cardano Creatives Swarm community                 4.17
Collaborat'n for global risk issues               4.13
DAO-NET: Communication & Outreach                 4.08
Project Catalyst HeartBeat                        4.03
College Student Recruitment                       3.97
Cardano goes to Milan                             3.82
KONMAHOOD - Defining Communities.                 3.80
The Cardano Classroom                             3.80
Cardano local live events - Poland                3.64
Build Cardano community in Tanzania               3.58
Local Cardano Meetups                             3.39
MetaCenter: Cardano + Metaverse                   3.12
Cardano Events in Ukraine 20 cities               2.96
#G4L Gaming Expo-Festival 2022 GSA                2.94
Conference on No-Code & Blockchain                2.79
Catalyst Infosessions in Ethiopia                 2.54
Social Media For Blockchains                      2.42
Catalyst Snippets via Social Media                2.30
Sustainability & Food Provenance                  2.21
Educating head porters in vocations               2.05
Africa's reliance on donations                    1.40
Conservation factory phase 1                      1.33
More activities with investors                    1.28
Redeploy Catalyst                                 1.25
****** F7: DApps & Integrations ******
OpenScienceNFT Marketplace                        5.00
Community Tools On Chain! - AIM                   4.92
Web based transaction editor                      4.86
Anonymity & data control online ZKT               4.83
GameChanger: smart contract support               4.78
No code, audited Smart Contracts                  4.78
Liquidity Aggregator for Cardano                  4.75
i3D Mass Adoption Protocol                        4.75
NFT Verification Tool (Open-Source)               4.75
C64 Extension Wallet                              4.73
ADA Handle Wallet Authentication                  4.72
DAO-NET: Voting DApp                              4.67
Rythmeet:a versatile music platform               4.67
Portal: NFQ's digital asset mgmt.                 4.58
Events Adoption & Reward                          4.58
Treedano: NFTs for mature trees                   4.56
StreamChainQuery                                  4.50
Project Catapult: None left behind                4.50
Distributed storage Infrastructure                4.50 - Portfolio Tracker                     4.46
Fractionalized NFTs v2                            4.44
Decentralized Music Platform                      4.42
Thrift Mobile Wallet                              4.40
Account authentication                            4.33
Medusa Wallet                                     4.22
The Climate Change Lottery                        4.20
ALLIN Betting DAO                                 4.17
DeFi tools for Content Creators                   4.13
Trustless Cardano Ethereum bridge                 4.08
Dapp for Art & Creator Discovery                  4.08
Win-Win Platform Auditing                         4.08
P2P Manufacturing with Adosia IoT                 4.07
Frictionless document verification                4.00
Cardahub-Hub of services on Cardano               4.00
FetaChain: Renovating the Foodchain               4.00
Verifiable NFT-based resumes/CV                   3.94
Benefits App                                      3.93
Integration in Trustee Wallet                     3.93
Urban Farmer dApp                                 3.89
NFT-DAO Boxcar Framework Contracts                3.83
Cardano Smart Students DApp                       3.81
Estati - Real Estate Investments                  3.78
open source automation for cardano                3.75
Bring Ethereum NFT users to Cardano               3.72
Trustful Global Projects                          3.67
P2P dApp for sharing tech gadgets.                3.62
Divine Blockchain - Phase I                       3.61
Music NFT Launchpad                               3.50
Cardano features for everyone                     3.40
Anti-counterfeit B2B ecosyst Africa               3.33
Wine open market - Stappato                       3.33
Local Charity Fundraising Platform                3.27
ADA to Mobile Money App                           3.22
NFT Trading Platform / DApp                       3.22
Galaxy Art DeFi Art Gallery                       3.11
Reverse Bidding Platform                          3.11
Before Will DApp                                  3.08
NFTPass - NFT Ticketing Solution                  3.08
Dollar-Cost Averaging DApp                        3.07
New wallet for all OST participant                2.78
Safety & Traceability in Cosmetics                2.78
Vertra: tokenized properties market               2.58
Dokurizi - decentralised journalism               2.56
StoryTime - A Writers Marketplace                 2.47
PRToken                                           2.44
Blockchain based insurance pool                   2.40
Building 'Realverse' Metaverse Dapp               2.39
chain-lib Token Viewer for everyone               2.20
Breaking Worthless Traditions                     2.04
Tokenized Scripting as a Service                  2.00
NFT market place to metaverse                     2.00
@chain-lib Token mint/sell any site               1.89
Jakazi Handyman DApp                              1.83
@chain-lib WordPress Plugin                       1.83
Supply chains for industry 5.0                    1.81
Virtual Billboard                                 1.78
DLT & AI for Transport & Logistics                1.71
Decentralized Bees Delivery System                1.67
Embedded EUTXO Manager                            1.58
@chain-lib bundle selling component               1.56
Interaction with blockchain                       1.56
@chain-lib Bidding Smart Contract                 1.50
Market-Agnostic Recursive Royalties               1.47
Content Wallet for Experiences                    1.40
Smart Contract Video Streaming                    1.22
****** F7: Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano ******
Introductory Blockchain MOOC PT-BR                4.90
GameChanger: Dandelion Deployment                 4.78
LATAM Industry Presentation Kit                   4.78
LATAM Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm                 4.77
ALDEA NFT - Community Marketplace                 4.75
Spanish/Portuguese Voter Survey-AIM               4.73
Cardano Totem: Onboarding the World               4.67
Decentralized Education - dTeach                  4.67
Win-Win Expansion in Latam                        4.67
New d-EdTech Platform for LatAm                   4.67
Cardano Ambassadors & Latin America               4.60
Newcomer Resources en Español                     4.60
The Catalyst School | LATAM                       4.59
CardanoRio 2022: Hybrid event                     4.58
Platform for Cardano Solar Farms                  4.56
Token Allies, Latam Businesses                    4.56
Pathform LATAM: Custom growth paths               4.53
NOETH: Cardano for science in LATAM               4.53
Sustainable LatinAmerican Use cases               4.53
Onboard Latin-American Industry!                  4.53
Endorsing the marginalized                        4.50
DALE                                              4.50
Networking/Education LATAM                        4.50
Gig Economy Marketplace LatAm                     4.42
Spanish courses for universities                  4.39
Support small farmers in LATAM                    4.33
Cardano Training & Complex Networks               4.33
Latam Women Cardano Plutus Bootcamp               4.33
DeFi School - Latin America                       4.33
Cardano Dev Português Brazil                      4.25
STEM TERRITORY – Online Courses                   4.22
Grow ALDEA, Grow Latin America                    4.20
Cardano for STEM Brazilian students               4.17
Decentralized Content Distribution                4.17
Food produced with Agriculture 4.0                4.17
Latam Community DID Research                      4.11
Test DAO at Latam Public Spaces                   4.08 - A payment gateway               4.00
CardAgro - a Marketplace for Agro                 4.00
Meetup Northeast Argentina 2022                   3.89
Documental Vamos a cambiar el Mundo               3.89
DID market study & deployment                     3.72
Token issuance, backed by land                    3.71
ATALA Prism in Chaco                              3.67
Milkomeda Latam Hackathon                         3.58
Portuguese onboarding Video Series                3.42
Technical school for Latin America                3.28
Peace Blockchain Study, Colombia                  3.28
🔰 dVote - LATAM 🔰 AtalaPRISM                      3.20
Blockchain Latam Ecosystem Mapping                3.17
Lovelace translation Portuguese                   3.08
Milkomeda documentation (es & pt)                 2.92
Living Waters Costa Rica                          2.87
Decentralized Music Platform LatAm                2.67
Democratising Blockchain in Latam                 2.67
SOIL: Regional education                          2.33
LovelaceAcademy translation Spanish               2.33
Clean water, raise awareness.                     2.22
NFT MARKETPLACE LATIN AMERICA                     2.20
Demystify Blockchain in LATAM                     2.19
Nourish LATAM: Spirulina & Cardano                2.11
Cardano Community Development                     1.93
Latin American artists                            1.90
Real Estate Dao                                   1.61
Building a relevant community                     1.53
Translate Charles Hoskinson videos                1.44
Influencers as Ambassadors Brazil                 1.38
LovelaceAcademy website Translation               1.38
Grow the avocado producer                         1.27
Marketplace P2P                                   1.25
****** F7: Miscellaneous Challenge ******
DLT Governance Classification                     5.00
Carbon Footprint Ledger                           5.00
GameChanger: Ledger HW support                    5.00
The Cardano Carbon Footprint                      5.00
Project Evaluation Website                        4.97
Ekphrasis Gitbook                                 4.89
Catalyst Circle Mentorship                        4.83
Onboard Manufacturing Industry !                  4.78
Loxe Inc. Plutus Internship Program               4.75
SustainableADA Goals Token Research               4.67
Catalyst Swarm Operations                         4.67
Industry Presentation Kit                         4.67
Create Teaming Agreement Templates                4.58
CCv3: Sustaining the Circle                       4.58
CC Admin Team Scope Expansion                     4.53
DLT Classification offside the hype               4.44
Outreach Campaign                                 4.44
Cardano Ambassadors Catalyst Guild                4.33
Catalyst Circle Treasury Management               4.27
Showcase Film Industry Use-Case                   4.20
ADA Holder Engagement Survey - AIM                4.17
University/College Outreach                       4.11
Cardano enabled sustainable food                  4.11
NANO Frames - Digital CNFT Frames                 4.08
Win-Win Web Dev Internship Program                4.00
Researching CNFTs at Uni of Oxford                3.92
GameChanger: Most required features               3.89
RAZ Finance: Decentralized Impact                 3.89
Candy Pop-Up Campaign                             3.83
Cardano Cube - Ecosystem Overview                 3.83
ADAGLASS Data Intelligence Platform               3.78
Research DAO                                      3.78
SOLID - IDO (Solidarity platform)                 3.78
Cryptocurrency Exchange for Africa                3.75
NFTs for a better world                           3.67
Near Field Query tap authentication               3.67
Technical Resource Pool                           3.60
WILD NFT                                          3.58
Feature Film 👉Onboarding Hollywood                3.56
ADA Token to Combat Homelessness                  3.47
Milkomeda ADA Audit                               3.44
3D printer hardware interface                     3.38
Cardano Film Studios                              3.33
blockchain based Dating App                       3.17
Formulating a Community Defense                   3.08
Cardano & Mental Health                           3.08
Cardano Eco-Village of the Future                 3.07
Staking for Children                              3.00
Cardano/Lokole Network integration                3.00
Cardano Caravan for Advisors                      2.97
Incrypture- Structured-FI Education               2.92
Art at the Edge of The Universe                   2.83
Philanthropy & positive change                    2.73
Cardano NFT Search Engine                         2.50
SCAMADA SOS                                       2.39
ADA 4 Science                                     2.21
NFT Floor-Update                                  2.20
Real world products                               2.14
Train 100 Math teachers in Africa                 2.10
Africans acquiring ADA through USSD               1.94
Ubuntu Contributionism                            1.89
NFT Vetted Calendar                               1.78
Science Hyperspace on Cardano                     1.72
NFTree protocol                                   1.48
Native Tokenomics Template                        1.33
Content Synchronization using Audio               1.20
AI in geological analysis                         1.20
****** F7: Fund8 challenge setting ******
Nation Building Dapps                             5.00
Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs                 4.92
Climate Change: THE Challenge                     4.75
Developer Ecosystem                               4.75
Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!               4.67
Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano                  4.67
Open Source Development Ecosystem                 4.67
Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano                      4.61
Cross-Chain Collaboration                         4.61
Funding Community Service Providers               4.58
Cardano scaling solutions                         4.56
Improve and Grow Auditability                     4.56
Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanism                4.52
New Member Onboarding                             4.50
Grow Africa, Grow Cardano                         4.48
Gamers On - Chained                               4.47
Enabling Micro-Summits in 2022                    4.44
Open Standards & Interoperability                 4.44
Distributed Decision Making                       4.42
Community Advisor Improvements                    4.40
Distributed Governance                            4.33
DApps and Integrations                            4.33
Miscellaneous Challenge                           4.29
Decentralized Reputation                          4.27
Catalyst Outreach                                 4.25
Raising small ghosts, SPOs and devs               4.22
Accelerate Decentralized Identity                 4.22
Women of Cardano Involvement                      4.20
Community Events                                  4.17
Grow India, Grow Cardano                          4.17
Self-Sovereign Identity                           4.11
Business Solutions (B2B & B2C)                    4.11
Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's                   4.08
Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors                    4.07
Lobbying for favorable legislation                4.00
Small businesses                                  4.00
IO to the World: Cardano Unchained                4.00
Grow Turkey Grow Cardano                          3.94
Open-ended Research                               3.94
Expand Access to Extend Cardano                   3.93
GameFi/Metaverse Developer Treasury               3.93
Boosting Diversity in Catalyst                    3.92
Grow NGOs, Grow Cardano                           3.92
Cardanomics                                       3.75
The Great Migration (from Ethereum)               3.75
Cardano Contributors League                       3.73
Art Beyond NFTs                                   3.67
Cardano Creatives                                 3.67
Empowering Women through Cardano                  3.50
Special CARDANO and Donations                     3.50
DeFi and Microlending for Africa                  3.33
Funding climate opportunities                     3.27
Climate Change                                    3.25
Already Approved Project Challenge                3.17
Cardano Challenges                                3.00
Cardano & Scientific Research                     3.00
👑 Alternatives to Plutocracy 💸                    3.00
Reaching the Business Community                   2.93
Building a Trust Framework                        2.89
Banking the "Unbanked"                            2.83
Cardano Foresight Challenge                       2.80
Functional cardano hardware                       2.78
Cardano & Psychotherapy Quality                   2.76
Unlock Equity in poor communities                 2.67
Multi-Round Proposals                             2.44
Encourage DeFi/Dapps/NFT project                  1.92
CO2 registry for construction                     1.67
****** F7: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs ******
Reward for Community Translators                  4.83
Penny Lane Liverpool Philosophy Hub               4.83
Cardano Technical hub in Vietnamese               4.83
Catalyst in Emerging Markets                      4.78
Catalyst-Coordinator Hub                          4.78
Cardano Builders' Hub India                       4.78
Cardano Mobile Hubs                               4.75
East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub                4.73
Cardano Blockchain Lab in Kenya                   4.67
Geneva Business Development Hub                   4.67
Grow MALTA, Grow Europe !                         4.67
Blockchain Learning Center                        4.67
Cardano4Climate Community Hub                     4.67
Oxford student hub                                4.62
Spread Plutus through Africa                      4.61
Vietnamese Cardano Community's Hub                4.50
Cardano Hub Indonesia - Workshops                 4.44
Exhibit Largest BlockChainEXPO(JP)                4.44
Olon CNFT physical gallery London                 4.44
Konma Xperience Centre                            4.42
China Info Hub Continued                          4.40
DAO-NET: Community Growth DAO                     4.40
Go-Peds Go-Cardano                                4.40
Cardano to the Every Ghanaian                     4.33
Cardano Worldwide Community Hubs                  4.33
Catalyst Fund 8 Challenge Team Hub                4.22
Growing Cardano in Ethiopia                       4.20
Scale up Chinese community- videos                4.08
Zimbabwe Developers for Cardano                   4.08
2MinReview by Voice for Busy Voters               4.00
Introducing 100 Cardano Defi in JP                4.00
University courses                                4.00
Lokole Education Centre in DR Congo               4.00
Musicmerge - Decentralized ( Song )               4.00
Catalyst Swarm & City Hub Playbooks               3.87
Northeast Argentinian Community                   3.87
ADAcafé - Community Spaces                        3.78
Aotearoa, New Zealand Hub                         3.75
CardanoHTX                                        3.67
JP-Regional Revitalization Project                3.67
Build out 14 Digital Language Hubs                3.67
Detroit + Wada Diaspora Hub                       3.56
Hardware wallet site / 10meetup JP                3.56
African Blockchain Centre for Devs                3.44
East African Cardano Community Hubs               3.38
Cardano Hub Caracas                               3.33
Cardano ♥ YouTube ♥ Permaculture                  3.20
Contributionism worldwide                         3.17
INDIGO, NFT & SUSTAINABLE FASHION                 3.06
Empower 400 Marginalized Girls                    2.90
A Second-Chance Cardano Hub                       2.67
Video content for                      2.58
Start Haskell Community: Beginners                2.42
Cardano Community Hub Bulgaria                    2.33
Cardano Hub West Africa                           2.22
Skill up Vulnerable Youth                         2.20
Cardano Hub - Eastern Europe                      2.11
Cardano FIT - Africa                              1.58
Hive Mind cNFT Policy ID Validation               1.53
Hackaton for Entrepreneurs                        1.47
Culture Cubes                                     1.13
****** F7: Gamers On-Chained ******
IRONSKY PlaytoEarn Milestone of ADA               4.92
Social Mobile Game powered by CNFTs               4.92
Cardano games assets for Unity                    4.89
Terra Cognita: AI+Blockchain Gaming               4.88
NFT Game Assets API - [Revelar]                   4.67
Cardano After Dark - Hold'em poker                4.61
Game Token Design [Revelar + Duo]                 4.60
AdaQuest - Concept Phase 2                        4.58
Game Asset Management - [Revelar]                 4.53
Flooftopia: An Adorable CNFT Game!                4.52
Cross-NFT Gaming: NFT Fighters                    4.50
No-Code NFT Generator [Revelar]                   4.50
Game Asset Minting Logic [Revelar]                4.50
Sandbox-MMO for language learning                 4.47
Game Asset Image Embed [Revelar]                  4.33
Defiants: Tales of the Ghostchain                 4.22
Game Asset Analytics [Revelar]                    4.22
Gamify LacedWhales Twitter bot                    4.22
A Moon Based Metaverse on Cardano                 4.22
Trybbles Blockchain-Enabled AR Pets               4.17
Adalot the MMO/RPG/ECO-Sim                        4.17
FulBit - NFT Football Game                        4.08
Gliese 16c - Asian NFT game                       4.00
World of Pirates                                  3.96
Connecting Tabletop Games & Cardano               3.93
NFT pools for game asset swaps                    3.89
Onboarding Untapped Communities                   3.89
Mechverse:Origin NFT based Game                   3.78
Megaclite - Game Dev and Consulting               3.78
Plug-n-Play NFT/GameFi Toolkit                    3.75
ReWILD! : Bison Ranching in AR                    3.72
CrypTrolls: A DAO Gaming Experience               3.67
Be a Tree! - The Tree Simulator!!                 3.67
Firestrike Soccer Game Migration                  3.56
OMIMIMO The Pure Water CNFTGame                   3.50
Bears Club - Club Simulation Game                 3.47
Metahagane - NFT Trading card game.               3.33
Gamifying Littercoin                              3.27
Building the Realverse                            2.89
Cross-NFT Gaming: Shared Metaverse                2.87
market jetchicken NFT card game                   2.67
Simple Play to Earn Game                          2.47
OctoWars - a DCCG based world                     2.22
Clash royale & starcraft mixed game               2.17
Money Management Game for Minors                  2.08
Gaming dApp Hackathon                             2.08
DeFantasy- Daily Fantasy Football g               2.05
Fractional minting application                    2.00
Play-to-Earn NFT Football game                    1.75
Platform for painters                             1.72
Virtual Portal: Decentralized Place               1.72
Naisula and Aida                                  1.40
****** F7: Multilingual resources ******
Eastern Town Hall Language Support                4.80
Sustainable Hub for All Backgrounds               4.75
Onboard German Industry !                         4.75
Cardano Center Poland web & socials               4.67
2Min Review by Vietnamese Voices                  4.67
GameChanger: Spanish and Portuguese               4.61
Cardano Text Resources in Chinese                 4.60
Cardano in Spanish                                4.60
Townhall Channel in Vietnamese                    4.60
Presenting auf Deutsch !                          4.42
Scale-UP Wada's Translation FRENCH+               4.38
Chinese Discord+Telegram groups                   4.33
DAO-NET: Multilingual Translation                 4.33
Community Web Portal in Bahasa                    4.31
Konma Upskill                                     4.30
Cardano Catalyst TV                               4.22
Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series                4.22 Part3:BLOG               4.07
Advanced Cross-Translation Service                3.93
Vietnamese-English BlockChain Video               3.78
Japanese Cardano Crash Course Video               3.76
Educational materials about Cardano               3.72
ስለ ካርዳኖ - CARDANO AMHARIC PODCAST                 3.72
Multilingual dynamic Q&A                          3.33
Multilingual quality content                      3.24
Children write African stories                    3.10
Milkomeda documentation(JP, KR, ZH)               3.00
Translation - Ukrainian - Russian                 2.90
Russian tech blog/Русский техноблог               2.71
Cardano Connect                                   2.61
Cardano Chinese Tutorial                          2.54
Cardano French Community                          1.89
Cardano Amharic localisation                      1.61
Building Cardano glossary                         1.54
STAKE POOL OPERATOR Kinshasa/DRC                  1.47
Global ADA lottery                                1.22
****** F7: Boosting Cardano's DeFi ******
Innovatio Crowdfunding Launchpad                  4.96
On-Chain Data Analytics                           4.80
DeFi+Catalyst🔥 Retroactive Finance                4.78
Djangui: Local Savings Account Mgmt               4.78
Cardano Multi-DEX SDK                             4.78
DeFi Crowd Lending & Savings                      4.67
Carbon as DeFi Asset | BlockCarbon                4.56
RainMaker - DeFi to GSM (WADA)                    4.56
MLabs DTF (Dao-Traded-Fund)                       4.49
Free Oracle Community Price Feeds                 4.47
P2P Currency Exchange with DEFI                   4.44
DAOLaunch: Decentralized VC NFTs                  4.43
Stableshift: efficient AMM exchange               4.42
Custodian Layer for Cardano                       4.40
Cardano Risk Assessment Tool                      4.33
Konmaswap a DEX for Cardano                       4.27
DAO-NET: DAO Token Market                         4.25
Cardano Subnet/VM Avalanche Bridge                4.22
Confidential Computing Oracle                     4.17
anetaBTC, decentralized wrapped BTC               4.00
Incrypture - Pooling DeFi                         3.90
Research Exploration in DeFi                      3.83
Incrypture - Smart Structure                      3.75
Climate Finance For Small Farmers                 3.53
Lossless Donation DEFI protocol                   3.44
DeFi 2.0 Hackathon                                3.29
Artifact- Real Estate Utility Token               3.27
Infinity Financial Operating System               3.22
Energy Finance |Clean energy X DeFi               3.07
CarbonNo DeFi Carbon Credit Market                3.00
Mint Home Equity as NFT                           2.87
Earn Interest on CeFi and DeFi                    2.86
Cardano-based Travel Network                      2.42
Realtok DAO to include ADA pay                    2.22
Real Estate Fractional Ownership                  2.13
Model Contracts for DeFi Loans                    2.13
Project Dejene: Modernizing Defi                  1.81
Decentralized Reserve Currency                    1.67
Bank Systems Using People                         1.67
Latin America DeFi                                1.67
Interoperable platform                            1.48
Cardando Long Staking Rewards                     1.44
real estate sector lacks a DEFI                   1.33
****** F7: Accelerate Decentralized Identity ******
PACE: Community credentials 2                     5.00
Interoperability within Atala Prism               4.92
WAL-CLI Wallet-Tool for Developers                4.89
DID for Cardano Indonesia Community               4.79
Hyperledger-Prism Interoperability                4.78
Open Source Credential Wallet                     4.78
DID Application Blueprint                         4.75
PACE: Skills credentials                          4.75
Fair Supply Chain in Ghana                        4.67
Cardano Interop NOW                               4.60
Dev Journey into DID/SSI* Paradigm                4.58
Health DAO                                        4.58
No-Code SSI SaaS for mass adoption                4.57
DAO-NET                                           4.56
LATAM Community DID                               4.53
Stackable Learning Pathways                       4.47
Win-Win Prism DID Integration                     4.46
P2P Transactions based on Trust                   4.33
Students dropping out of college                  4.20
Open Source Social Account Verifier               4.17
Visual DID & Credential Builder                   4.17
DID for the Masses                                4.08
DWill - Cardanos Digital Testament                4.08
Atala Japanese Translation & CNFT                 4.00
SOIL: BITs                                        4.00
Edu-to-action DAO squads                          4.00
Trustful Fundraising Campaigns                    4.00
Open Source Identity Wallet                       3.92
Medical Industry Credential System                3.89
Self Governed Gaming [Revelar+Duo]                3.87
Bottom-up land registration(Zambia)               3.78
Government Trust Frameworks                       3.73
Make Atala Prism DID THE Standard                 3.67
Cardano Circular Economy Ecosystem                3.67
Recruitment utilising Atala PRISM                 3.58
Verifiable Credentials Tree                       3.56
Agricultural Marketplace + Atala                  3.48
Traveler Identity                                 3.33
Pioneer Program Kick-Off In Person                3.25
DIDs for Health Records                           3.25
Atala PRISM tools for web apps                    3.22
Cardano for Global Health Supply                  3.11
Building a Network of Trust                       3.00
Web 3.0 user profile (web avatar)                 3.00
Global Identity and Authentication                2.92
DII-Smart Contracts interactions                  2.75
DIDs for Cities                                   2.67
KYC Verified Credential Issuer                    2.58
Understanding the Cardano community               2.39
(DEI): Decentralized Exam identity                2.28
Port BrightID                                     2.17
Giving DIDs and VCs a push                        2.11
Farmers Digital Identity Initiative               2.00
Voting & ID - ANONYMOUS Enabled                   1.92
DID for Music Business Backend                    1.62
Backgound Verification (BVG)                      1.33
****** F7: A.I. & SingularityNet a $5T market ******
NuNet: Decentralized SPO Computing                4.93
Pathform: Custom growth paths                     4.75
An AI Domain Specific Language                    4.50
Sustainable AI anti-fakenews system               4.39
DeepchainAda: Trustless AI training               4.33
Identify patterns on Transaction                  4.29
Decentralized Physics Simulations                 4.17
NFT Picture Profile AI generator                  4.17
Semi-public collaboration platform                4.11
AI/ML Dataset Extraction Service                  4.08
MUSEVERSE: AI bridge to Metaverse                 3.89
NLP Applied to Conflict Resolution                3.89
IlluminatAI SWARM                                 3.76
Gaming & Artificial Brains                        3.75
The untapped potential of eco-data                3.72
Community Consultancy: AI & Data                  3.67
Forecasting Cardano Native Tokens                 3.67
AI Oracles in the African Market                  3.61
Hypotheses for AI/Singularity Net                 3.60
AI Stablecoin & Oracle Hackathon                  3.58
SingularityNet Asset Tracker                      3.56
NFTs to own one's own data and IP                 3.50
AI Resolution of Smart Contracts                  3.42
Ethical AI for Singularity/Cardano                3.39
Anti-Polarization Social Platform                 3.38
BioCrypTricks (A Human 2.0 Project)               3.27
Cardano Analytics Data Hub                        3.25
WEB3 - Image annotation phone-app                 2.80
Tutorials and Hackathon                           2.67
Simply AI with Trust                              2.53
AI in Trading and analyzing data.                 2.27
Evidence-Based Knowledge Aggregator               1.93
End world Hunger in a Day                         1.73
SOIL: Semantic E-Commerce                         1.53
Speech to sign language AI avatar                 1.50
Platform for philosophers AIs                     1.44
Surface Abstraction Encoding                      1.38
市值拉升                                              1.00
****** F7: DAOs ❤ Cardano ******
Enhance Automated Self Reporting                  5.00
EU-Compliant DAO Blueprint                        4.89
PanDAO: Focus on interoperability                 4.67
DAO Decentralized Communication                   4.62
MLabs DDAO                                        4.47
DAOJob: The HR Tooling for DAOs                   4.44
DAO-NET: Sybil Defense DAO                        4.42
DAO Treasury Building Blocks                      4.33
₳GOV: Agreements Building Platform                4.28
DAO-NET: DAO Deployment Platform                  4.27
Collab Tools for Community DAOs                   4.17
Bees Delivery DAO                                 4.13
wadaDAO                                           4.08
Mobilize NFT groups via DAO tooling               3.89
Littlefish Foundation Kiva-like DAO               3.89
KONMA DAO                                         3.72
Wada Preserving Culture: NFT -> DAO               3.67
DAO smart contract templetizaiton                 3.67
DAO Displays for Public Spaces                    3.67
Woolly Mammoth de-extinction D₳O                  3.58
₳GOV: URL Conversations                           3.56
Creating Cardano DAO Infrastructure               3.44
Milkomeda DAO Hackathon                           3.22
Simple fund management DAO SDK                    3.17
Decentralizied Farm to Table                      3.17
Cardano Climate DAO                               3.08
Open-source Catalyst voting app                   3.06
MADAO: Mutual Aid DAO                             3.00
The DAO of Trailer Parks                          2.89
Decentralized Governance Alliance                 2.83
Basic Plutus Voting dApp                          2.81
Spaceship Earth DAO                               2.67
Smart contract upgradability                      2.58
A gaming DAO, players in control!                 2.53
DAOForge Easily Create cardanoDOA's               2.20
DAOs for Creative communities                     1.89
Decentral contract mechanism                      1.50
TRANSPORT & LOGISITCS DAO                         1.42
DAO addressing Digital Divide                     1.29
Haibu, the pooling tool                           1.25
DisWOCO                                           1.13
A Cardano businesses focused DAO                  1.13
****** F7: Catalyst Natives COTI: Pay with ADA Plug-in ******
cPAY - TrustOrder Anti SpamOrder                  4.85
Shopify Plugin: Accept Ada in Store               4.73
Case Study: & Ada Pay                     4.56
Odoo plugin                                       4.52
ADA Payments for Joomla 3 & 4                     4.31
Vending Machine (MDB) interface                   4.26
Konma WEB3 payment Solution                       4.11
WebApp: NodeJs COTI:ADA PaymentApp                4.03
One-Click ₳ Pay                                   3.76
Affiliate e-Comm Plugin                           3.38
Opensource PHP SDK for COTI ADA Pay               3.11
Crowdfunding Platform with ADA                    2.08
RAEDA                                             1.70
Tokenized Products for Shopify                    1.60
Ada Pay Plug-In                                   1.50
SOIL: E-Commerce                                  1.41
****** F7: Nation Building Dapps ******
Accelerating Enterprise Adoption                  5.00
Paperless Cross-Border Trade                      4.83
Cardano Care                                      4.61
Open Data Public Notary                           4.56
Universal Tourism Payment System                  4.50
Vaccine Management Platform + APIs                4.44
Regulation/legislation as code repo               4.33
Lost |&| Found                                    4.33
Landano: Cardano land registry Dapp               4.33
NFT for food value chain resilience               4.17
Personal Identity Management                      4.11
Community Pharmacy System                         4.08
₳GOV: Policy Registry                             4.07
🔰 dVote - LATAM 🔰 AtalaPRISM                      4.00
Cardano for Species Management                    4.00
Sign documents with smart contracts               3.96
Corruption discovery + remediation                3.80
Public Task and Job Management                    3.67
Citizen's Ledger                                  3.47
Nation-ready scalability research                 3.17
Smart Contracts and the Law                       2.87
Informal sector asset tracker                     2.83
Infrastructure & Blockchain                       2.70
Creating a Level Playing Field                    2.67
Municipalism via Cardano                          2.67
Global Project Crowd-Sourcing                     2.50
Continuing in Georgia (country)                   2.44
DAO Based Travel Documents & IDs                  2.42
SHIELD Dapp for African Nation                    2.41
Global Change Mgmt Operating System               2.27
Infrastructure/Fund tracking system               2.14
The UltraLife Metaverse                           1.72
SOIL: New frontiers                               1.61
Education Records                                 1.57
DAPP SDK - Tragedy of the Commons                 1.52
Voted Targets 2222                                1.50
Digital Document Signatures                       1.39
****** F7: Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors ******
Strategy Framework - AIM                          5.00
Easy Engagement - New Members - AIM               4.83
Catalyst Leadership Academy                       4.53
Bring more women to Cardano                       4.52
Bridge Builders Mentorship Program                4.50
Proposals Mentors Marketplace -Cont               4.47
FinancialTimes Startup Competition                4.44
Accelerator in Emerging Markets                   4.42
Distributed Autonomous Accelerator                4.27
Acceleration Program in Africa                    4.24
Roadmap to Creating a Legal Entity                4.06
Professional Accounting/Tax Advice                4.00
6-Wk Crypto Bootcamp + VC Demo Day                4.00
Symbiotic Catalyst Accelerator                    3.93
Accelerator, Demo day, VC Capital                 3.89
Impact innovation accelerator                     3.78
Social Design Academy (Adagov/SDA)                3.78
Application Portfolio Assessment                  3.78
Catalyst Community Accelerator                    3.67
Boost impact projects with Catalyst               3.50
Distributed Digital ID SharkTank                  3.33
Bermuda: ADA Innovation Sandbox                   2.92 circular accelerator                     2.75
Wolfram Eureka Mentors for Cardano                2.67
Milkomeda Accelerator                             2.56
Cloud Credits                                     2.33
Let's Woo Techstars                               1.93
Mereb                                             1.89
Decentralized Impact Incubation                   1.73
****** F7: New SPO Business Opportunities ******
Beyond ISOs: SPO-driven Funding                   4.87
SPO Performance Monitoring Service                4.78
Grow Dandelion, Grow SPO businesses               4.67
Small SPO Impact Business Programme               4.60
Establish SPO 2.0 Blueprint                       4.56
Staking Pool as a Service                         4.47
Community Pool Network                            4.47
ADAPlus - Pool Market                             4.33                                      4.33
DAO-NET: SPO DAO                                  4.33
SPO Training Lab in Uganda                        4.22
The Littercoin Stake Pool                         4.11
Cardano DID Community SPO                         4.11
Dropnir: Pool-Powered CNFT Markets                4.11
Governance for Rewards donation                   3.80                       3.78
Monitoring solution for a node                    3.67
Cardanomonitor                                    3.56
Raspberry /SPO Project                            3.44
Milkomeda SPO validator training                  3.42
Fair Stake Pool Selection                         3.27
Discounted Services for Delegation                2.89
SPO & trading in Cardano ecosystem                2.89
Token Minting Service                             2.22
SPO as anti-Climate Change vehicle                2.22
SOIL: PRISM Pools                                 2.08
Tokenized Stake Tracking                          1.57
Carbon Credit Methodology                         1.50
Charity Funding SPO                               1.17
(Close to) Free energy SPO by OST                 1.11
****** F7: Open Source Developer Ecosystem ******
Transaction Editor & wallet                       5.00
Localize Yoroi for Vietnam market                 5.00
Fund7Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM               4.89
NFT Based Authentication                          4.80
GMBL Turning Dev > Blockchain Devs                4.78
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM                     4.78
Ledger Live Integration                           4.72 Marketplace Creator ⚡                   4.67
Open-sourcing Blockfrost API                      4.67
Flutter SDK                                       4.67
GameChanger CLI: ready2use outputs                4.33
PAB Container Log Processor                       4.33
NFT-authorized NFT-minter contract                4.25
Glow Formal Verification Stage 2                  4.25
Smart Contract Library - Phase 1                  4.25
Cardano Omnibus - UTXO Management                 4.17
Glow on the PAB                                   4.13
Procedural 3D content creation tool               4.11
Dataset - Stake Pool Analytics                    4.07
Dataset - Token / CNFT Analytics                  3.83
Cardano-L-EARN                                    3.78
[CRUST] Cardano Node in Rust                      3.67
@chain-lib Documentation Website                  3.60
Open Source for the environment                   3.56
Cardano blockchain data on BigQuery               2.83
@chainlib 0.0.x->1.x & nami tests                 2.83
Open source scalable OST ecosystem                2.56
Android SDK                                       2.53
@chain-lib Cardano API Plugins                    2.27
Cardano Linux Distro for SBCs                     1.60
****** F7: Mini/Low-Budget Dapps & Integrations ******
Ada payment link generator                        4.60
Small Change Wallet                               4.44
Ada Donation Widget                               4.42
1st universal E-learning connector                4.33
Tales In The Blocks|Collab-writing                4.22
CardaBot: telegram bot with tipping               4.22
Revenue Share Token Smart Contract                4.17
Rarety - SC based NFT drop platform               3.93
3D Design and Print NFT Spacecoins                3.92
Qinesis: QiGong & mindfulness Dapp                3.87
smart contract tutoring                           3.87
Seed Liquidity Pools for NFT DeFi                 3.78
Mobile App: NFT/Token Gallery                     3.75
Loyalty Tokens for Businesses                     3.67
Wall of Gum - A Novel Virtual Place               3.42
The Tipchecker                                    3.11
A Community Vesting Dapp                          3.11
Endubis Messenger Wallet                          3.08
Trust Funds by Ada                                2.67
Receipt Wallet                                    2.33
Decentralised Dating Application                  2.11
ODEURADA                                          1.89
QR Code NFT Distribution Tool                     1.67
Cardano Discord Integration                       1.67
Indigo NFT for Sustainable Fashion                1.44
Native Collections (CNFT Pinterest)               1.27
Flat Rules Based Abstracted P2P Net               1.06
****** F7: Global Sustainable Indep. SPO's ******
Open Source Guide: Off-Grid Pi Node               5.00
ADAPlus - Pool Boost                              4.78
Stakeboard: Social Staking Platform               4.73
SPOs Supporting Community Projects                4.56
A world map of green Cardano                      4.56
Mission& Vision driven SPO Networks               4.44
Marketing Training for African SPOs               4.44
Easy Node Deployment - [Revelar]                  4.39
Pre-installed stakepool boxes                     4.33
Stake Pool Key Documentation                      4.33
Mission driven and Accountable!                   4.28
Simplify SPO operations in Vietnam                4.25
MissionDrivenPools Media Competiton               4.25
Cardsec 🔒: SPO Self-Audit Toolkit                 4.22
Staking DAO: Supporting Single SPOs               4.00
Sustainable SPO's Impact & Stories                3.92
Delegation Matching Service                       3.75
ALMAGUA CO2                                       3.60
Bare Metal Green Infrastructure                   3.17
Eco SPOs to support Climate Action                3.17
SolarPowered Community Staking Pool               2.67
****** F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms ******
Rapid Funding with ML Voting Agents               4.89
Catalyst Treasury Management                      4.67
Retroactive Financing Experiment                  4.58
Catalyst Circle - Funding Mechanism               4.58
Proposal Factory                                  4.56
Ryuki Funding                                     4.27
DAO-NET: CryptoFusion Funder                      4.20
Cardano Hackathon Seasons                         3.78
Fund Builder for DAO's (Adagov/SDA)               3.67
AKI: Agile Katalyst Intrapreneurs                 3.47
AdaQuad - Crowdfunding Platform                   3.42
Project-viewer for Catalyst                       3.39
Automated funding catalyst projects               3.30                                      2.43
Mechanism Templates for Funding                   1.81
****** F7: Lobbying for favorable legislation ******
Examine PoS-Advantages of Cardano                 4.92
Influencing Policy for Adoption                   4.78
DAO-NET: Legal Defense DAO                        4.78
Transforming Regulatory Risks                     4.61
Survey+Lobbying of Japanese Law                   4.48
Colombian Congress Cardano                        4.39
Network of policy advocates                       4.00
Crypto4Europe advocacy in Brussels                4.00
The Immutable Research Institute                  3.81
Friends of Cardano (US Chapter)                   3.78
Legal Framework for ICOs in US                    3.76
Study and Pilot in Colombia                       3.67
Focus on MiCA regulation in the EU                3.67
Crypto regulations in India                       3.44
United States Of Crypto                           3.33
Lobby Ethiopia                                    3.24
SOIL: E-Commerce legal templates                  2.00
Multilingual Communication Centre                 1.71
****** F7: Disarm cyber disinformation attacks ******
Defending Cardano Staking Ecosystem               4.83
Fact Check for Cardano                            4.52
Reduce Disinformation With Facts                  4.42
Factpage: Cardano fact check site                 4.25
₳GOV: Timelines and Treasury Data                 3.76
Japanese FUD / SCAM Buster 100                    3.63
CARDANO SCAMWATCH TASK FORCE                      3.42
Prevent Attacks on Cardano                        3.39
Scam & disinformation database                    3.33
Cross Chain Cyber Security Collab                 3.24
Publishers Information Hub                        2.67
****** F7: Improve and Grow Auditability ******
DAO-NET: Auditor DAO                              4.89
Progress and KPI reporting tool                   4.67
Community Governance Oversight                    4.60
Impact Measurements Tool - research               4.60
Catalyst Audit Circle                             4.50
2MIN REVIEW Integrated Platform                   3.80
A portal to audit and release funds               3.77
₳GOV: Funded Proposer Experience                  3.67
Project Audits by Challenge Teams                 3.61
Auditability through film and media               3.50
Game development update podcast                   3.42
Translation for Proposal API DATA                 3.00
Financial Audit Taskforce                         2.73
Elevated Project Management Process               2.33
SOIL: Auditable E-Commerce                        1.67
Schedule Standard Audit Template                  1.28
****** F7: Seeding Cardano's Grassroots DeFi ******
Dapp for recycling value chain                    4.80
P2P:Trade Cardano tokens with Cash                4.67
Konma Labz                                        4.42
Build NFT liquidity pools                         4.33
Community Consultancy: Tokenomics                 4.27
AVOUM on Cardano                                  4.27
Cardano-Cosmos IBC Bridge                         3.67
300 Plutus Trained Women by 2025                  3.67
Infinity Financial Operating System               3.56
Browser tool- How to use DeFi dApps               3.50
An asset token platform on Cardano                3.33
Incrypture - CIP Structured Finance               3.00
AMM and Crowdsend DApp                            2.78
MSM Merchant Fund                                 2.75
Cardano Savings & Loan - PoC                      2.71
completMusic streaming/NFT Defi DEX               2.62
Freelancers smart contract platform               1.13
NFTSwap ~ making NFTs fungible                    1.00
****** F7: Connecting Japan/日本 Community ******
Japanese Voter Survey - AIM                       4.60
Sustainability Hub for Japan                      4.56
Eastern Town Hall & Japan                         4.20
Cardano NFT Art Festival                          4.19
Tokyo Cardano Summit                              3.58
Japanese Ambassadors & Catalyst                   3.50
Creating a Bilingual Website Hub                  3.33
PAB promotion in Japan                            3.27
On line local Area shopping by ADA                2.80
Product Exhibition from Shikoku                   2.78
Application contest for students                  2.58

Fund 8

Click to show
****** F8: DApps and Integrations ******
BWORKs - Smart contract HR platform               5.00
Done Collectively Discord Integrati               5.00
Cardano Beam - GPS based Assets                   5.00
cBilling - Cardano Billing DApp                   4.93
Control your data w Profila part 2                4.92
PeakChain Carsharing Platform                     4.92
StreamCardano: serverless infra                   4.83
Oracle Developer Portal                           4.83
Neuro tools for teams & growth                    4.78
HYDRA for mashup, co-authors and ©️               4.78
Anonymity/data control ZKT (part 2)               4.78
DirectEd - Donations dApp                         4.75
Aedou, Learn Languages Together (2)               4.75
Carbon Marketplace and Exchange                   4.75
ADA-DESO Templates to Test dApps                  4.73
Proposer-tool on chain - AIM                      4.73
Liquidity Aggregator for Cardano                  4.67
Artificial Intelligence/ML API DApp               4.67
Win-Win Platform Auditing                         4.67
Littlefish - Coordinating Action                  4.67
DAO-NET: Voting Dapp                              4.67
StakingDAO: Supporting Small Pools                4.67
smART Mint: DIY evolving NFTs                     4.67
How often can a brand contact you?                4.58
Crowdfunding with inbuilt mediation               4.58
Fiverr Clone on Cardano                           4.58
C64 Extension Wallet                              4.58
Tangopay (Merchant Payments)                      4.56 Address Book                            4.53
NFT Platform for business cases                   4.53
PubWeave: An academic ecosystem                   4.47
Thrift Mobile                                     4.47
Uber of 3D Printing Manufacturing                 4.47
Fiat Payments for NFTs - Revelar                  4.44
Watts->Social network of Trust MVP                4.42
Company privacy ledger (GDPR, CCPA)               4.42
EternalSwap: Perpetual contract DEX               4.42
ALLIN Betting DAO                                 4.42
Medusa Wallet                                     4.42
dApp Market for Tickets and Events                4.40
Clarity DAO Incubator                             4.36
Urban Farmer dApp                                 4.33 : Multi-Sig NFT Launchpad               4.33
Private Gated NFTs - Revelar                      4.33
OpenScience Marketplace Scale-up                  4.33
Escrow Smart Contract for dApps 🔥                 4.33
Metaverse Builder with NFT Boosting               4.33
Research Guild: DApp Snapshot                     4.33
Perma-music rmNFT Marketplace                     4.25
Artverse - Social Media Metaverse                 4.22
Innovatio Web-App Investigation                   4.22
Self-hosted pricefeed for wallets                 4.20
Revelar Game Engine - Operations                  4.20
Contracts as a Service                            4.17
Decentralized Auction Platform                    4.17
Decentralized Token Distribution                  4.11
Decentralized Metaverse Mall - DMM                4.11
Bring Ethereum NFT users to Cardano               4.08
TheGraph in Milkomeda                             4.07
Aeros - Airmiles Wallet integration               4.06
JobFair platform on Cardano                       4.00
ADAmint Fractionalized NFT Exchange               4.00
Decentralized Music Platform                      3.94
Cardano/Lokole Network integration                3.93
Ubuntu - One Small Town Ecosystem                 3.92
Okos: Monetizing your Intellect                   3.92
ADA to Mobile Money App                           3.89
Carbonno - Carbon Exchange dApp                   3.83
Ada NFT Marketplace for the unsung                3.78
beeDAO                                            3.78
Cardax DEX Plutarch Code Audit                    3.75
Divine Blockchain - Phase I                       3.75 to NFT                                  3.75
Keyword Coin Price Widget for Sites               3.75 - Shared Housing & Cardano                3.75
d-Cargo: Decentralized Cargo Dapp                 3.73
Alternative Payment for Merchants                 3.73
FreeLoaderz Token & NFT Distributor               3.73
Crowd funding platform with ADA.                  3.72
MUSEVERSE: Music into the Metaverse               3.67
Impact Creating NFTs for Causes                   3.67
Cardano Smart Students DApp                       3.67
Online Makerspace                                 3.58
Book NFT Marketplace On Cardano                   3.58
Decentralized LinkedIn, Link Start                3.56
Decentralized Physics Tokenomics                  3.53
Rythmeet:P2P music network platform               3.50
Wildlife Conservation Pool DApp                   3.50
ARTEM: NFT/Token Gallery Extension                3.50
NFT exhibition space in Cardano                   3.44
Milkomeda Mobile                                  3.42
Cardahub-One Stop Shop for CNFT                   3.41
Finance DAO dApp + Stakepool Web3                 3.39
AMY Music DAO- Decentralize Economy               3.38
NFT Bids - Powered by Balou                       3.33
ESTATI - real estate investments                  3.33
Reward creators for feed activity                 3.33
Account authentication                            3.33
AI Career Mentor DApp                             3.28
MADAO: Mutual Aid DAO User Client                 3.28
Ferrum's Staking as a Service MS1&2               3.27
P2P Fiat Exchange []               3.27
ADIUVAT: Find your place.                         3.25
LOOZR                                             3.20
Universal Basic Income DAO                        3.20
NFT Multiverse Marketplace                        3.17
Ferrum's Staking as a Service MS3&4               3.17
Fundraising platform for NGO's                    3.13
Cardano's 1st Food NFT Marketplace                3.11
De. Application and Tender filing                 3.07
Token Staking Platform                            3.05
Cardano Rewards Program                           3.00
Live streaming Music NFTMarketplace               2.94
Basketo Finance                                   2.93
Coupon Application ""                 2.73
STOR Token White Paper                            2.61
Shimmy - Safe, Purposeful Social                  2.60
Sustainable Apparel Trace demo                    2.47
Self-Sovereign Health Records                     2.44
Create Cardano App                                2.40
NFT'hics                                          2.33
Integrate Assets & Debt into ADA                  2.33
Matrix Development Integrations                   2.33
Decentralized Social Network                      2.22
DeFi hackathon                                    2.11
Music live NFT platform                           2.08
Layer 2 Advanced Architecture                     1.94
NFT marketplace enabling P2P DeFI                 1.75
Integrations and utilities                        1.73
One Vote                                          1.67
Phygital Market for Spiritual Art                 1.58
Drive Secure Community Chat Servers               1.56
Cost of listing on an exchange.                   1.40
Milkomeda Game                                    1.39
Integrating Python & NFT usability                1.33
Chatting Dapp using Blockchain                    1.20
CardanoLAND                                       1.17
Collatz conjecture in C#                          1.00
****** F8: Business Solutions (B2B & B2C) ******
Merchandise Store pricing in ADA                  4.92
Grow Rural Business                               4.83
BWORKs - Pay As Done Works Platform               4.83
Decentralized AI Drug Development                 4.81
1,000+ projects on Interactive Map                4.78
Traceable Reward currency (FLORAS)                4.78
Cardano Recycling DApp                            4.77
Research Guild: Business Report                   4.75
Bridge Builders Operations                        4.72
PeakChain Fleet Management Platform               4.67
Agora: Plutus governance module                   4.67
DLT360: Agriculture and Metaverse                 4.67
Logyq Protocol: blockchain tracking               4.67
DLT360: China Industry Applications               4.61
Migrate nano-credits to Cardano                   4.59
Cardano Solutions for Impact                      4.58
DAO-NET: DAO Token Market                         4.58
Growing Cardano’s Small Businesses                4.57
Real world smart contract use case                4.56
DLT360: CPG Brands and Metaverse                  4.53
Cultural Tourism - Beyond Borders                 4.53
$272Bn Carbon Credits on Cardano                  4.53
Profila launches DeMar (Part 1)                   4.47
R&D for mental health credentials                 4.47
Realworld business process use case               4.47
AI Mentor matching software                       4.46
Fetachain - IIoT Cardano Framework                4.44
Help2Health: Cardano + Citaldoc                   4.42
NFTPass: NFT Ticketing Solution                   4.42
DLT360: Machines and the Metaverse                4.40
Blockchain Innovation Hub Finland                 4.40
Increase Project's Investor Appeal                4.33
Decentralized Trading and Finance                 4.33
Cardano ERP (CERP)                                4.33
DLT360: Business RADAR Team                       4.33
Adaglass Data Intelligence Platform               4.27
Bonfire - Scheduling dApp 🔥                       4.27
ESG-Compliant Enterprise Staking                  4.25
Data Marketplace & Exchange Dapp                  4.23
Community Lead Generation                         4.22
Enterprise Operating System                       4.20
Expands to 1000cities JP[PointSyst]               4.20
Honeybees on Blockchain                           4.20
Web3 Commerce and Finance dApp                    4.13
Product Tracing on Cardano                        4.13
Clinical trials patient recruitment               4.08
SPO Dashboard for Delegators                      4.00
Rental Marketplace on Cardano                     4.00
B2C Trade for Life ❤                              4.00
Soil Carbon Sequestration Audit                   4.00
NFT Vinyls paying musicians forever               3.94
Proof of provenance whitepaper                    3.93
Licensing Remixed Music On-Chain                  3.92
Business on the Blockchain in MIAMI               3.90
Invoice Finance DeFi Platform - CR2               3.89
Crypto banking                                    3.83
Barter exchange on Cardano                        3.83
Employment Credentials on PRISM                   3.78
Book NFTs - Transforming Publishing               3.78
DROP: Creative NFT solution (B2B)                 3.76
Unified Transport Payment Gateway                 3.56
Checkpoint Metaverse                              3.53
Smart Contracts: Royalty Payments                 3.39
KONMA- A Web3 Marketplace                         3.38
B2B Food Recipes NFT Marketplace                  3.33
NFT Speakeazy Hospitality Growth                  3.33
@energiasocial powered by cardano                 3.33
Industry 4.0 On-chain Platform                    3.25
Communal Marketing Spaces                         3.22
Open by default stock market                      3.19
NITI: a new design for exchanges                  3.13
SUAN Early carbon removal market                  3.07
Healthcare & Wellness Marketplace                 3.00
Green Energy Decentralisation                     2.94
B2B Dinner Series by MikeBettsCook0               2.93
Rondevoo                                          2.83
Disruptive Produce Ecosystem                      2.72
Adulis Digital Asset Exchange                     2.50
Coaching for Catalyst Members                     2.27
MinConnect                                        2.25
Affordable Real Estate Investments                2.19
Cotalker integration                              1.58
Medical Research based ADA                        1.38
Spring water solutions for Africa                 1.33
****** F8: Open Source Development Ecosystem ******
IRI: Cardano & Urbit Hackathon                    5.00
Plutarch: typed eDSL in Haskell                   5.00
PHP SDK for                         5.00
Reference Inputs SDK ▶ MLabs+Orcfax               5.00
LATAM Cardano Community Operations                4.94
Catalyst Circle - Funding Mechanism               4.94
Catalyst Swarm Operations                         4.90
Catalyst GPS                                      4.89                                      4.87
Low Cost Node Hardware - Revelar                  4.83
NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates 1               4.83
Flutter SDK                                       4.83
Done Collectively Gitbook Integrati               4.83
Empower thru Project Based Learning               4.83
Automate, Educate, Communicate                    4.83
OpenSource Quadratic Voting Funding               4.81
ADA Pay Plugin - Wordpress/Laravel                4.81 Marketplace Creator ⚡                   4.78
Cardano Tools & Software for ARM                  4.78 Website Widget                          4.78
Funding Categories Analysis                       4.75
Batch tx generator for cardano-cli                4.72
Learn token engineering🥕elements                  4.72
Youth Block Open Source Education                 4.67
Open Source Collaboration Platform                4.67
Fund8Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM               4.60
Open Source Play-To-Earn - Revelar                4.56
Bring Cardano to the web with Vite                4.56
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM                     4.53
.NET CardanoSharp – Deserialization               4.53
ADAO Summon: DAO Incubator                        4.50
Circle Governance & Administration                4.50
Catalyst Treasury Guild                           4.50
.NET Blazor Web wallet Support                    4.50
Plutus Project-Based Learning                     4.48
MLabs - Spec DSL for dApp Security                4.46
Cardano wallet recovery CLI                       4.44
Plutus-extra: Plutus helper library               4.40
Catalyst Streaming Guild                          4.39
StakingDAO: DAO Tools & Scripts                   4.33
CardanoPlusPlus, a C++ Library                    4.33
User friendly NFT minting feature                 4.28
Cardano-Tools Python Library                      4.28
Procedural 3D assets generator                    4.27
Open API for                            4.25
Transaction resubmitter daemon                    4.25
Catalyst Swarm Media&Marketing Lab                4.25
DAO-NET: Development Funder                       4.22
Open Source Translate 2 Earn Webapp               4.20
ADAO-Multi-sig Wallet Web Interface               4.17
Smart Contract Library - Phase 1                  4.17
PanDAO Focus on Treasury Management               4.17
Delivery Tracking via NFTs                        4.13
Android SDK                                       4.13
SAF Simple Application Framework                  4.13
NFT Verification Tool                             4.11
Contributor Infrastructure Analysis               4.08
Open Smart Contract Library                       4.02
Basis Cost Block Reward Accounting                4.00
Milkomeda docker fullnode setup                   4.00
Cardano development library in C++                4.00
Cardano Rust SDK Babbage                          4.00
Distributed Idea Mapping System                   4.00
Earn incentives by contributing                   4.00
Tarax: a news and media DAO                       3.93
Onboard Freelancers to any projects               3.89
db-sync replacement in Oura                       3.80
Broaden open source wallet options                3.76
CNFTfolio #CNFTs Portfolio Tracker                3.60
Gnosis Safe UI                                    3.58
PCDiscord - Social Media Automation               3.58
NFT Guild: Cardano NFT Reports                    3.33
Ambassadors Guild Operations                      3.33
Open Data Lake Blueprint                          3.33
Mobile In-App Wallet (RN) 🔥                       3.28
Open Source d-edTech For LatAm                    3.25
Organization membership mgmt                      3.22
Developers Open Sourced Licensing                 3.13
ADATOMS HQ Science & DeFi Dec. Ed.                3.11
Decentralized Community Chat Server               3.08
ALLIN Oracle Data AI                              3.06
Interest free stablecoin protocol                 2.94
FOSS funding mechanism to save 🌍                  2.83
Enable Cardano DAO for new users                  2.78
Konma OpenLib                                     2.67
CCv3 members are professionals too                2.56
Find your Way Route Optimizer App                 2.53
Incentivizing Server Adoption>Web3                1.83
Coaching Transforms your Life App                 1.33
Research into left pendulum swings                1.00
****** F8: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano ******
Inc. Train the Trainer Africa MVP                 4.89
Win-Win South Africa Expansion                    4.73
Catalyst Africa Town Hall (CATH)                  4.67
Decentralize Impact                               4.67
Grow Wada, Grow Cardano                           4.67
Mentoring Africa to Success                       4.64
The Africa Catalyst School                        4.61
Cardano for African impact ventures               4.60
100+ Plutus Trained Women                         4.56
The Future of Cardano is African                  4.54
Education Material for Workshops                  4.50
Lokole/Cardano community Networks                 4.40
ISIG-GOMA Cardano Hub                             4.40
Mass Cardano Education for Students               4.33
Healthcare Developers Onboarding                  4.33
Duo - Afrikaans Gameplay                          4.33
Boosting Cardano In South Africa                  4.33
African P2P Energy Sharing Dapp                   4.33
Hackathon and Internship Program                  4.33
Cardano and Smart City Awareness                  4.29
Wildlife Conservation NFTs                        4.27
Cardano to Portuguese-speak Africa                4.23
Leapfrogging Industrialization                    4.20
Networking Events Africa Extended                 4.17
Flood Africa with Cardano                         4.17
Cardano For Ugandan Universities                  4.17
CATALYST RESOURCE IN SWAHILI                      4.14
Train 100 Math Teachers in Africa                 4.13
Accel. Train the Trainer Africa MVP               4.11
Protecting wildlife & Maasai, Kenya               4.08
Bridging the Food Security gap                    4.06
Tokenized Security Exchange                       4.00
CARDANO FRENCH COMMUNITY IN DRC                   4.00
Translate no-code SSI to Swahili                  4.00
Children write African Stories                    3.96
CardanoOutreach - Africa Focus                    3.87
Employment Credentials in Zanzibar                3.75
Cardano University Seminar                        3.71
Cardano for Women in Africa                       3.64
Cardano based data collection tool                3.58
Cardano Tech Training in Malawi                   3.56
Translate Pool Peek mobile: French                3.50
Empower 400 marginalized girls                    3.50
ADA water solutions in Africa                     3.50
East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub                3.47
Tinypesa                                          3.39
Community Driven Volunteering                     3.33
Grow Ethiopian cardano community                  3.28
LEVERAGING NETWORKS IN AFRICA                     3.25
Translate Pool Peek Mobile: Swahili               3.21
Cardano Capacity Building Program                 3.17
Cardano tokens in loyalty programs                3.00
Connect the unconnected through art               2.87
ADAxie Eternity in Africa                         2.72
Sustainable Energy For All Africa                 2.61
DemeterGift                                       1.81
****** F8: Miscellaneous Challenge ******
SPO Incubator Rollout                             5.00
Indigo MetAcademy                                 4.92
Restorative Workplace Environment                 4.83
CatalystCon 2022                                  4.80
QA-DAO Oversight of Catalyst Circle               4.78
Hub Support Services for Proposers                4.78
knowcardaknow, a marketplace                      4.78
ABC of Governance                                 4.76
Decentralized Physics Simulations                 4.72
Catalyst Facilitators’ Collective                 4.71
Project Evaluation Website Ver 1.1                4.67
Loxe Inc. Web Dev Internship                      4.67
DLT360: Smart Internship (6 months)               4.67
dTeach - building a donor pool                    4.67
Who owns the blockchain?                          4.60
Loxe Inc. Plutus Internship Cont.                 4.60
Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS                   4.52
Young Cardano Entrepreneurs                       4.52
DLT360: Environment RADAR Team                    4.50
Loxe Inc. Web HR Internship                       4.50
Collective Wellbeing via Cardano 🍄                4.47
CarPool Education/Onboarding System               4.42
DLT360: Review Catalyst Funnel                    4.40
Cardano Atlas Project                             4.38
Cardano SAY NO Plastic Straws | C4O               4.37
Service Marketplace                               4.33
ADAView - Simplifying Cardano                     4.33
Format Of Evaluated Project Process               4.33
Impact Accelerator Rollout                        4.33
Real Journalism = Cardano Insights                4.33
Translate no-code SSI to Spanish                  4.33
Research Guild: Outlier Report                    4.33 - Growth Acceleration                   4.33
Improve Catalyst Search-ability                   4.33
NFT3D Live 3D Interactive Metaverse               4.28
Wolfram Reimagining DeFi as RealFi                4.27
Cardano Food Forest - Permaculture.               4.25
Wifi Infrastructure Paraguay                      4.25
DLT360: WEBSITE & Video - Next Step               4.25
CardanoFeel (Cardano -> Real World)               4.22
DAO-NET & A2T Marketing                           4.22
IdeaFest & ChallengeFest by Swarm                 4.20
StakingDAO: Sustainable ISPO Tool                 4.17
University/College Outreach                       4.07
Fundraising the LV Arts District                  3.89
CardanoOutreach-fund4/6/7 winner                  3.87
Funding the Growth of Adapulse                    3.83
Leadership Academy Operations                     3.73
NFT Search Engine on Cardano                      3.73
Upcoming Events - Cardano Cube                    3.67
Link Start, the new social media                  3.67
Cardano Blockchain Insights update                3.67
PDF - Proud Dirt Farmers - a DAO                  3.67
Cardano PR Initiative Japan                       3.67
Cardano Blockchain Brazil MeetupHub               3.67
Cardano Reuse Plastic India Program               3.67
❖ Cardano Science on Networks                     3.67
Educational Platform - Cardano Cube               3.61
Catalyst Community Accelerator                    3.61
Cardano: Solutions for Cannabis                   3.53
Washing Machines powered by Wastes                3.50
The Alexandra Project WEB3 Library                3.42
Cardano Learning Conversations                    3.40
Courses & Education Crypto MKTPLACE               3.40
Los Ángeles Cardano Community                     3.37
Prevent Attacks on Cardano                        3.29
A Cardano Impact Ecosystem                        3.25
Cardano Caribbean                                 3.17
AdaTickr-Track Your ADAcrypto Price               3.12
Clean Water helping, carbon neutral               3.00
Milkomeda Hackathon                               3.00
Solar powered Stakepool Sri Lanka                 3.00
Carbon Neutral Hemp Supply-Chain                  3.00
Project Management - Cardano Cube                 2.90
ALMAGUA - Every ADA trap CO2                      2.89
Money Remittance and Lending                      2.87
Decriminalize & Decentralize 🍄🌺☮️                 2.83
Charity DAO                                       2.75
CNFT Taco Tuesday Food Truck                      2.67
Uncle Harmony                                     2.58
"MINING" educative board game                     2.53
Digital hub for NGOs & charities                  2.50
Cardano Candy-Pop CNFT Giveaway                   2.42
EcoSeed                                           2.17
Smartex                                           2.13
Aventuras Zooplanktasticas: Comic                 2.00
Affordable Real Estate Investments                1.92
Nifty Charities                                   1.87
Web3Domains.Auction                               1.24
****** F8: Gamers On - Chained ******
IRONSKY NFT GAME Play2Earn |4Launch               4.95
AdaQuest - Concept Phase 2                        4.92
Duo - (Alpha) - Web App                           4.75
No-code NFT minting - Revelar                     4.74
AdaQuest PVE Quests & Stories                     4.73
Duo - Brazilian Portuguese Gameplay               4.73
PlayerMint Play-to-Earn Marketplace               4.68
AdaQuest ENHANCED ARENA Visual Mode               4.67
World of Pirates - POTM Campaign #3               4.62
Duo - German Gameplay                             4.60
AdaQuest PROTOTYPE Phase 2                        4.58
Duo - (Alpha) - Mobile App                        4.58
World of Pirates                                  4.51
AdaQuest MARKETING campaign                       4.50
A2T: 5th Gen Info War Simulator                   4.47
AdaQuest GOBLINVERSE Cross Spring                 4.44
d-BET: Decentralized betting Dapp                 4.44
Gamified Education -Play to (L)EARN               4.42
AdaQuest ARENA - Finalize                         4.42
Aedou - Realm of Languages                        4.42
DLT360: Metaverse - Requirements                  4.42
Connecting Tabletop Games & Cardano               4.39
Duo - Spanish Gameplay                            4.25
Migration of Mobile AR MMORPG                     4.17
A2T: Alternative to Tyranny                       4.17
Flooftopia: Social CNFT MMO Game!                 4.10
OMIMIMO The Pure Water Game                       4.09
Milkomeda for Cardano unity assets                4.07
AdaQuest SFX Library for RPG games                4.00
ZiberBugs NFT Autobattler game                    4.00
Littlecube Valley (game project)                  4.00
On-Chain Tilemaps for Game Worlds                 3.96
DLT360: Metaverse and Taxonomy                    3.93
The next generation Tower Defense G               3.89
Trybbles:Blockchain-Enabled AR Pets               3.89
Gender Unicorns CNFT card game                    3.79
Road To Royals Card game                          3.75
Metahagane - NFT Trading Card Game.               3.70
CAGA, a Card Game App Framework                   3.67
Anime NFT Game - East Asian centric               3.60
NFT Battle Royale Game for Cardano                3.57
Horrocubes                                        3.50
Gamifying Littercoin (Take 2)                     3.50
Shadowrealms play to earn card game               3.42
Find & organize eSports tournaments               3.38
METACARWARS, P2E Staking NFT                      3.33
The Crypt Game                                    3.30
Streaming Cardano based games                     3.08 ADA Prediction Game               3.00
Mobile Cardano based crafting game                3.00
Checkpoint: Blockchain Editorial                  3.00
NFC Play to earn cloths battle game               2.79
Cardano Casino                                    2.67
ByKidsforKids Cardano Game Reviews                2.67
Grow Your Own Adventure Mobile                    2.50
Esports Aegis Platform                            2.40
No more rug pull                                  2.20
Play To Earn Marketplace                          2.07
FPS/3rdPS Battle Royale on Cardano                2.06
Ye₳stBrothers- SC based game                      2.05
Three.js for 3D-Webaverse games                   2.00
Captain Haiti on FIFA22, Miami FC                 1.50
****** F8: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs ******
Innovatio Digital HUB                             4.90
C4C Community Hub Operations                      4.83
French West Africa Outreach                       4.83
Funded Proposer Sub-Circle                        4.83
Eastern Town Hall Team Operation                  4.81
China Info Hub Continued- Dumpling                4.75
Haskell Course for Vietnamese                     4.67
Science Hub in Argentina                          4.64
Cardano Center Poland stage 2 - SPO               4.61
French Haskell + Plutus Curriculum                4.58
Cardano Hubs Directory                            4.58
Townhall Channel in Vietnamese                    4.58
Knowledge hub for Vietnam and Japan               4.57
Cardano Center Poland Live                        4.56
Cardano Coffee lounge in Vietnam                  4.53
Cardano Community in Geneva                       4.52
Oxford Student Hub                                4.52
TADATek Insights                                  4.50
Liverpool Cardano Philosophy Hub                  4.50
Cardano Incredible Race - 2022                    4.50
Cardano Kiosk | Hub-in-a-box                      4.48
Automated Multilingual Tool                       4.47
Model ICT Hub for Deprived Students               4.43
Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series                4.38
Cardano Information Centre                        4.37
Uganda Business & Technical Hub                   4.33
Growing Cardano’s Ecosystem                       4.33
Community Hubs Impact Accelerator                 4.33
FIMI-Vietnamese Cardano Talk                      4.31
Cardano Blockchain Buenos Aires Hub               4.28
Cardano Baltic Startup Hub                        4.17
C4S - Cardano for Seniors Hubs                    4.14
Cardano Hub TAIWAN                                4.14
Blockchain Learning Center + Coffee               4.13
Australian University Cardano Talks               4.10 Worldwide                4.08
SalmonNation Decentralized Alliance               4.00
🛫 On-Boarding ALL stakeholders                    4.00
Sustainable Solution Hub                          4.00
Networking Events LatAm EXT                       4.00
Cardano Stonerz Club Community Hub!               3.95
2Min Review by Voice for Busy Voter               3.90
Cardano Kids Educational ComicBook                3.90
Exhibit Largest Blockchain LATAM BR               3.87
Plutus for Nigerian Universities                  3.83
Go-Peds Go-Cardano                                3.67
Blockchaindiary Education Hub                     3.67
Cardano Hub in Guam, USA                          3.67
Mesh Network-Konma Xperience Center               3.67
Cardano Hub Caracas                               3.57
Scale: Nationwide Innovation Hubs                 3.56
Checkpoint Content Hub                            3.44
Exhibit Largest BlockChainEXPO(JP)                3.29
Carnivilla Market Space                           3.22
Cardano Hub-Complex Setup                         3.17
#CardanoBeach; ADA's city in Miami                3.17
A LIBRARY FACILITY AT MEDIE                       3.07
Project Support Stake pool in Japan               3.00
USA East Coast Cardano CommunityHub               2.93
Jaffna Community Hub                              2.92
Kandy Community Hub                               2.92
Colombo Community Hub Place holder                2.89
Bilingual Web3 Tech + Arts Space                  2.89
IRI: Champaign Cardano Meetups                    2.89
MADAO New Mexico Ambassador program               2.83
Community Berlin as a franchise                   2.22
Living Waters Costa Rica                          2.13
Marketplace for Artists                           2.11
Cardano Kombat Education Alliance                 1.74
The ADA Cafe Grows Cardano                        1.43
****** F8: New Member Onboarding ******
Connecting Asian Voter and Proposer               4.91
Onboarding East Asia Today                        4.76
Content & Insights: Multi-Channel                 4.67
Eastern Catalyst School                           4.60
Automated mentor-matching tool                    4.60
After Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm                 4.54
The Catalyst School Fund9 Operation               4.52
New Members Engagement 2- AIM                     4.50
Innovatio's Digital User Onboarding               4.47
Visualized Cardano Structure                      4.42
The Impact Onboarding                             4.40
Learn 2 Earn, CA Can Be a Good Job!               4.37
On-boarding French Developers                     4.33
French West Africa Outreach                       4.30
Cardano learning needs assessment                 4.29
Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach                   4.26
Onboarding Under-represented Youth                4.24
FreeLoaderz: Load Balancer                        4.14
Onboarding through events                         4.12
Mini Proposal Workshops                           4.02
Cardano Network Expansion in Brazil               3.95
Cardano Icons for consistent design               3.90
Evangelizing Catalyst to Academics                3.81
Innovation Fund Research - Roles                  3.75
Grow SA Cardano Community                         3.67
Fair Stake Pool Economy                           3.58
Onboard Impact Driven Businesses                  3.44
Onboard New Eastern African Members               3.29
Dubai Cardano Meetup                              3.19
CATS Community Advisor Triage Sys.                3.10
FIAT 1ST HOT WALLET Method                        2.90 - Onboarding Platform                    2.89
Destination CARDANO                               2.74
Cardano for Corporate ₳ctivation                  2.67
Project Catalyst Onboarding Hub                   2.57
NFT Speakeazy Onboarding Bar                      2.54
By Kids For Kids  Learn Cardano                   2.42
Free CNFT Giveaway Bonanza - Get In               2.28
Onboarding Sri Lanka                              2.17
New Catalyst operation pattern                    2.14
Native Token Incentivize Onboarding               2.08
member onboarding gamer recruitment               2.00
Organised Linkedin of professionals               1.44
Catalyst Live                                     1.33
****** F8: Developer Ecosystem ******
NuNet: Decentralized GPU ML Cloud                 4.94
BWORKs - Right Dev in Right Work                  4.87
Mentor-mentee Bounties & eLearning                4.81
JSON API service for developers                   4.78
Haskell Course For Beginner                       4.78
NFT Content Delivery as a Service                 4.77
Free off-chain data feeds pt. 2                   4.76
Beyond Create Teaming Agreements                  4.71
Transaction monitoring as a service               4.67
Cardano Hackathon in Argentina                    4.62
Haskell Book Vietnamese Translation               4.59
Automated funding catalyst projects               4.57
PLUTUS FOR DEVS IN SPANISH                        4.56
Done Collectively: Bounty Aggreg8r                4.56
P2P Smart Contract Interaction                    4.50
NoCode ADA Blockchain as a Service                4.50 Upgrade                            4.48
PyCardano - Build dApps in Python                 4.47
Analytics Data Hub                                4.44
Pool Topology and Block Propagation               4.41
Distributed storage Infrastructure                4.33
MLabs - Cardano-Tx-Lib for web3                   4.30
Catalyst HeartBeat                                4.29
Haskell/Plutus Course in Spanish                  4.27
Haskell Book Japanese Translation                 4.26
App store for Milkomeda                           4.19
15 min Hello World Journey                        4.17
Plutus Pioneers Upgraded                          4.13
GameChanger: Most Wanted Features ❤               4.11
Thrift Mobile - DeFi Connector                    4.11
Cardano IPFS chronicles 2022                      4.11
Cardano L-EARN (for Developers)                   4.10
Zero Knowledge API for Cardano                    4.06
Cardano Playground - Fun Tutorials                3.75
KodeKlash Hackathons                              3.75
Wolfram Catalyst Impact Dashboard                 3.75
Tech Talent – Bring Devs to Cardano               3.73
Poplar Programming Language                       3.73
ADABet: Betting Site for Everything               3.71
Cardapper - YT Channel For C-Devs                 3.67
Offchain Typescript library                       3.58
Catalyst SwarmLabs                                3.56
Delegation from Milkomeda MVP                     3.24
East African Catalyst developers                  3.22
Milkomeda token bridge explorer                   3.00
Petri Nets: a model to define dApps               2.80
Loyalty Point for Developers                      2.21
Developer Conferences in S Africa                 2.11
CHAINS NFT DEVELOPMENT                            1.83
Marketplace for artists                           1.60
Off-Chain Perl Library                            1.00
****** F8: Fund9 challenge setting ******
DAOs <3 Cardano                                   5.00
Products & Integrations                           5.00
Incentivize the Testnet                           4.92
Miscellaneous                                     4.87
Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!               4.80
+Cardano Developers in LATAM                      4.75
Legal & Financial Implementations                 4.75
Grow Africa, Grow Cardano                         4.72
LATAM Community Hubs                              4.71
Community Advisor Improvements                    4.67
Governance & Identity                             4.67
The Future of Democracy                           4.67
SSI - Design the future of identity               4.67
Cross-Chain Collaboration                         4.67
Catalyst Contributors                             4.67
Development & Node Operation                      4.67
Building (on) Blockfrost                          4.67
Developer Ecosystem                               4.67
Cardano Social Enterprises                        4.62
Gamers On-Chained                                 4.61
Dapps, Products & Integrations                    4.60
OSI: Open Standards & Interop                     4.60
Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs                 4.60
Nation Building Dapps                             4.60
OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem                   4.58
NFT Community & Ecosystem                         4.57
NGO Outreach & Integration                        4.56
Community & Outreach                              4.53
Cardano Supports 4 Humanitarian Aid               4.53
Subscription-based Funding                        4.53
Climate Change: THE Challenge                     4.47
Governance Praxis                                 4.47
Cardano Contributors                              4.44
Nurturing Ideas & Teams                           4.42
Collaboration for Governance                      4.42
Improve and Grow Auditability                     4.42
The Great Migration (from Ethereum)               4.33
Catalyst Culture                                  4.33
Self-Sovereign Identity                           4.33
Conflict Transformation                           4.33
Continue Funding SSI Projects                     4.33
Cardano 4 Education                               4.25
Cardano DeFi Dominance                            4.22
Great Impact, Great Funding                       4.20
Lobbying for favorable legislation                4.13
Funded project - ongoing operations               4.11
Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano                      4.11
Proposal Management Tools &Services               4.11
Grow Senior market to Grow Cardano!               4.11
Global Health Care on Cardano                     4.11
Grow India, Grow Cardano                          4.11
Marketing & Community Development                 4.10
Include Turkey Grow Cardano                       4.10
Catalyst Impact Accelerator                       4.00
Grow Cardano adoption in Ethiopia                 4.00
Renovating Catalyst Governance                    3.93
Cardano for Cities [C4C]                          3.89
Decentralised Storage Solutions                   3.87
Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms               3.78
Solutions for the Open Metaverse                  3.67
Educate, Innovate, Develop                        3.67
Improve User Experience on Cardano                3.60
Attracting Startups to Cardano                    3.50
dRep improvement and onboarding                   3.44
El Salvador Cardano Ecosystem                     3.42
Business Solutions                                3.06
Guarenteed Income Distribution                    2.94
Cardano transformation                            2.93
Catalyst Systems Innovators                       2.80
Challenge & Scouted for Students🎓                 2.78
Grow Sri Lanka Grow Cardano                       2.67
Cardano on Social Media                           2.67
Cardano for the Oceans                            2.25
project feasibility research                      2.17
Title = $$$, Category                             1.67
Cardano for Kids- Born and Unborn                 1.62
LINKING PEOPLE TO THE FARM                        1.13
****** F8: Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano ******
Bringing E.A Investors to Cardano                 4.92
SPO Delegators Communal CNFT                      4.80
Win-Win Japan Expansion                           4.73
Cardano Forest In Vietnam                         4.71
Localize for vietnamese                   4.62
Future of Cardano is in East Asia                 4.57
Cardano for Asian impact ventures                 4.56
Blockchain and Cardano Library                    4.52
How to-podcasts Filipino & English                4.40
Storytelling using Mighty Cardano                 4.38
Cardano in Laotian                                4.37
Cardano in Khmer (Cambodian)                      4.30
Cardano Community Hubs in Taiwan                  4.28
CNFT Festival Japan Meets the West                4.22
2Min Review by Japanese Voices                    4.21
2Min Review by Vietnamese Voices                  4.19
Duo - Filipino Gameplay                           4.17
Cardano in Burmese                                4.17
Cardano in Thai                                   3.95
Leveling Up Cardano Indonesia IG                  3.88
Translate no-code SSI to Japanese                 3.88
Expands to 1000cities in JP[APP]                  3.83
Cardano Malaysia Community                        3.53
Onboarding Manual for Dummies                     3.39
Cardano Chinese Tutorial                          3.29
Translate Pool Peek Mobile: Korean                3.19
Tokyo Cardano Summit: Episode 2                   3.04
Translate Pool Peek Mob: Vietnamese               3.03
Translate Pool Peek Mobile: Thai                  2.97
DID Business Ideas Hackathon                      2.93
Translate Pool Peek Mobile: Burmese               2.92
Networking/promotional events Japan               2.90
Web3 x Cardano ADA Cafe in Japan                  2.75
Sustainable forestry Hub Cambodia                 2.60
****** F8: Cross-Chain Collaboration ******
Cross-Chain Impact Lead Generator                 5.00
Cardano impact project directory                  5.00
United Caricature                                 5.00
Research Guild: Cross-Chain Report                4.83
Wolfram Cross-Chain Framework                     4.81
PanDAO: Focus on dDataStorage                     4.78
ADA-DESO Templates to Test Projects               4.67
Cardano+Ethereum Lifesaving NFT's                 4.67
Finish the Filecoin Bridge!                       4.58
DLT360: Metaverse and Governance                  4.58
ERC721 & ERC-1155 for Milkomeda                   4.53
KILT & Cardano                                    4.47
Cross-Chain Networking Events EXT                 4.44
DLT360: Metaverse Interoperability                4.33
Youth+Women Cardano NFT4Good Party                4.33
Cross-Chain NFT Conference OxBAT                  4.20
OnChainUniversity - Free Education                4.17
Blockchain Battle Royale Hackathon                4.17 for ATOM                                4.15
Cross-Chain Connector|Search Engine               4.11 for BTC                                 4.03 for XRP                                 4.00 for SOL                                 4.00 for EGLD                                3.96 for LINK                                3.96
The NFT Gaming Podcast - Season 2                 3.94
Growing the US Blockchain Community               3.94 for XTZ                                 3.93 for DOT                                 3.93 for MANA                                3.92 for DOGE                                3.92 for LTC                                 3.83 for AVAX                                3.89 for SHIB                                3.88 for ETC                                 3.85 for ALGO                                3.79 for IOTA                                3.74 for FTM                                 3.73
ReFi - Cross-chain Climate Action                 3.60 for ETH                                 3.46
Ferrum: InfinitySwap-Milestone 1-2                3.33
NFT Fighters: Cross-Chain Gaming                  3.33
Ferrum: InfinitySwap-Milestone 3-4                3.28
Cross-Chain Ambassadors (v 1.0)                   3.25
Crypto Talent Marketplace                         3.08
Build out ERGO Pool Infrastructure                3.06
Cross Chain Multiverse Travel                     2.71
Ferrum: InfinitySwap-Milestone 5                  2.60
Divine Blockchain - Phase I                       1.92
Coopercrypto                                      1.89
Native Tokens Integration                         1.17
Combining gold and NFTs                           1.00
****** F8: Nation Building Dapps ******
🔥Regulation-as-code for DApps                     5.00
NGO transparency                                  4.89
DAO Displays for Public Spaces                    4.83
Africa Anti-counterfeit Marketplace               4.73
Mentalyse: Learn through fun                      4.67
A People's Cadastre in Mozambique ✊               4.67
Open ledger for agricultural land                 4.56
Genealogy registry in Goma, DRCongo               4.52
21st century Agri supply chain                    4.48
ADIUVAT: Find your place.                         4.46
Open Certification and Traceability               4.43
Lokole/Cardano community Networks                 4.41
Mining traceability in a war zone                 4.38
Microfinance on chain 3.0                         4.38
WadaDex|Facilitating Capital Access               4.33
Dapp: Water Quality Platform                      4.32
Property Registration for Housing                 4.29
Cardano DApp for Rent                             4.26
Investor Network Community Platform               4.22
CommunityGrowthAcceleratorDAO                     4.22
TREEdano: Regenerative NFTrees                    4.22
Learn & Earn for Refugees                         4.22
Citizen Assemblies                                4.18
Modern Hospital Management System                 3.96
Liberated Global Education                        3.96
DLT based student credential system               3.95
DApp for Tech Repairers                           3.92
Operationalizing Human Security                   3.83
5 Loaves 2 Fish Feed The Hungry App               3.83
Multipurpose Cadastre Blockchain                  3.76
Decentralizing Government                         3.75
AdaSign                                           3.67
INDIGO, AFRICA & FUTURE FASHION                   3.39
PropX :- Property Exchange                        3.22
Proof of Article (SMALL ASK)                      3.22
d-edTech Platform dApp for LatAm                  3.11
Nonprofits to Jumpstart adoptionNEW               2.96
Transforming the economic system.                 2.83
Indigenous Land Rematriation                      2.73
Proof of Article (BIG ASK)                        2.71
Curb Crime by capturing Data                      2.67
Haitian Economic Growth Initiative                2.50
Operation Clean you Frontage .                    2.12
Hello Future - Digital Time Capsule               1.79
****** F8: Grow India, Grow Cardano ******
The future of Cardano is Indian                   4.75
K SPROUT-Leveraging Indian Startups               4.62
CNFTs for afforestation in India                  4.61
Cardano coffee - Regional languages               4.55
Web3 school for India                             4.50
Cardano in Punjabi                                4.23
Cardano in Bengali                                4.20
Cardano in Telugu                                 4.18
Indian SPO Support and Education                  4.17
Cardano in Kannada                                4.17
Cardano in Marathi                                4.15
Cardano White Board videos (Telugu)               4.14
Cardano in Nepali                                 4.11
Cardano in Malayalam                              4.11
Cardano in Gujarati                               4.11
Cardano in Hindi                                  4.10
Cardano India Community Meetups                   4.07
Cardano in Urdu                                   4.07
Cardano Builders Hub-Local chapters               4.06
Skrypt Labs - Innovation & Adoption               4.06
Cardano in Odia                                   4.00
Cardano in Tamil                                  3.98
CardanoOutreach - India Focus                     3.95
Cardano in Bhojpuri                               3.92
Cardano in Assamese                               3.88
Win-Win India Expansion                           3.87
Cardano India Tribe - Konmahood                   3.78
Cardano Green Initiative - India                  3.74
Cardano in SInhala                                3.67
Cardano Accelerator for India                     3.58
Networking Events Bombay, India                   3.44
Cardano Reuse Plastic India Hub                   2.72
360 Development Launchpad                         2.44
Credwise                                          1.40
****** F8: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite! ******
DLT360: Industry Onboarding Videos                4.92
CaricatorADA (CaricatureADA)                      4.73
Cardano Community Podcasts & YT                   4.67
Youth user generated content                      4.63
Wada documentary                                  4.61
Documentary: South America                        4.56
Cardano Annual Market Report                      4.41
Auditability through film and media               4.33
Theatre For Change                                4.33
Keeping Up with Cardano: 100 videos               4.19
Blockchain Class by                  4.10
MLabs - "The Universal Joint"                     4.07
Cardano Innovator's Story                         3.25
NFT Devs Bridge to Project Catalyst               3.78
Decentralized Cinema Festival                     3.78
Permaculture & Blockchain: YouTube                3.72
Animated Explainers for the world                 3.71
A Film of Cardano Mission in Africa               3.67
Tunisian Video Creation for N-A                   3.47
Give Maasai Pastoralists DiD                      3.47
Checkpoint Learning and Media                     3.40
ADAO Education & Marketing Content                3.24
Cardano-centric YouTube-style site                3.22
Cadano UNE Brazil Branded Marketing               3.20
Cardano's Footprint in Ethiopia                   3.06
Bykids4kids -  Projects Spotlighted               2.93
Cardano on PBS, Project Development               2.83
Short educational series                          2.81
ADA funded STEM themed indie film                 2.75
Humble Records UBI Music Collective               2.67
Japanese Cardano Master Class                     2.62
Monaco Streaming Film Festival 2022               2.56
DUB popular ADA Video for the World               2.33
The Creators Story NFTs                           1.62
****** F8: Accelerate Decentralized Identity ******
PeopleCert DevOps Pilot on Cardano                5.00
Universal Resolver for did:prism                  5.00
Control your data via PRISM part 2                4.94
RootsWallet beta - Social UX                      4.89
RootsWallet - Presentation Exchange               4.87
Visual DID & Credential Builder                   4.83
RootsWallet beta - Backup/Recovery                4.78
WAL-CLI Presentation Exchange                     4.73
DLT360: DID/ZKP & GDPR-Data Privacy               4.73
PRISM DIDs for CA Onboarding                      4.71
DAO-NET: DAO Atala Prism DIDs                     4.67
Token-based PRISM credentials                     4.56
Verifiable Digital Receipts                       4.42
Recruitment Utilizing Atala PRISM                 4.42
Support ADA pmnts in PRISM workflow               4.39
Study Buddy 3.0                                   4.38
Guide + SDK for Cardano wallets                   4.33
Aedou DIDs prototype                              4.28
School Boards as Verifiers of DIDs                4.27
DID for Democracy on the Blockchain               4.22
PRISM DIDs for Catalyst CA Process                4.22
Decentralized Autonomous Iddir                    4.20
NFTPass: Atala DID Integration                    3.94
Atala PRISM DID                                   3.92
Lifelong Learning certif+AtalaPRISM               3.86
Small Farmers DAO                                 3.73
DID Community Course                              3.67
AtalaPRISM hackathon with devillage               3.67
Resources for Refugees: Ukraine                   3.60
Work Based Learning Credentials                   3.50
ATALA Prism Basic Income Protocol                 3.50
International Healthcare & Cardano                3.44
.Ada - User, Wallet, and DNS                      3.27
Address Verification Ecosystem                    3.11
Boost Personal & Business Adoption                3.00
General Purpose Identification                    2.75
MetaDID experiment × Aizu Lab                     2.39
Wallet store gall agent                           2.25
DemeterGift                                       2.08
Credentials and P2PDecentralized ID               1.78
****** F8: Self-Sovereign Identity ******
DIDComm v2 Mediator                               5.00
DCorps - Digital company registry                 5.00
WAL-CLI Communication                             5.00
DirectEd-Student Scholarship Portal               4.88
RootsWallet - Support for sidetree                4.87
Cardano SSI standards contributors                4.83
Promote PRISM in Switzerland                      4.81
Standard SSI templates library                    4.80
Control your data - PRISM (Profila)               4.78
Credential-based token, e.g. KYC                  4.73
cAuth (SSI & oAuth) by AIM                        4.67
Trusted endorsements for the web                  4.61
Trust Registry with Smart Contract                4.60
Green Yoma - SSI SDG Marketplace                  4.39
KYC Credentials PoC                               4.33
Traveller ID Ecosystem                            4.33
NEURALPRINT: Neural ID's & NFT's                  4.33
SSI for Coffee in East Africa                     4.28
SSI through ancestral Africa lenses               4.22
NFT - Proof of Authenticity                       4.07
Immigration Documents On Chain                    4.00
The Workers Protocol (WP)                         3.78
DID Community Trust Registry                      3.67
Trustworthy News                                  3.61
DAO-NET: Sybil Defense by ZKP                     3.44
Disability, Accessibility & Equity                3.33
Bridge Atala and Sovrin -Indy/Aries               2.25
The Power of Sovereignty at Birth                 2.00
****** F8: Community Advisor Improvements ******
vCA-tool Dev & Maitain - AIM                      5.00
CA-tool Dev & Maintenance - AIM                   4.94
CA Guidelines Joint Drafting                      4.57
Improving Integrity of CA Processes               4.56
CA/VCA Treasury for Rapid Funding                 4.03
Incremental CA assessments                        3.96
CA Academy Certification                          3.75
dRep's Code of Ethics+Bridges Asia                3.53
CA Improvement Mechanism                          3.36
Community Advisors Marketing Blitz                3.19
Structured Questionnaire for CAs                  2.77
Enable educated CA decisions                      2.36
Catalyst voting stake delegation                  1.42
****** F8: Open Standards & Interoperability ******
DLT360: Technology RADAR Team                     5.00
DYOR Tool                                         5.00
Community collaboration standards                 4.92
Research Guild: Ecosystem Report                  4.56
Marlowe for Financial Markets                     4.56
Open ISPO                                         4.56
DLT360: Governance RADAR Team                     4.56
Open Standards & Design Patterns                  4.50
NFT-Guild: NFT Royalty Standards                  4.42
Open Source Fungify                               4.42
PRISM VC Schema/Cred Definition                   4.39
Make learn Cardano easier                         4.27
Mentorship Incentivization DAO                    4.21
Avatarada                                         4.20
CIP Editor time Sebastien for 1year               4.20
Tenant Profile                                    4.13
Codesign blockchain4good Principles               4.11
Standard for verification of NFTs                 4.08
A More Robust NFT standard                        4.00
with Cardano                              4.00
Authentication Protocol Work Group                3.67
Ideation Protocol Work Group                      3.44
Sustainable Business Standards                    3.22
Open Certification and Traceability               2.83
Metadata Dictionary                               2.80
Community and Content Accessibilty                2.73
NFT as an event ticket                            1.67
Ouroboros-mini query specification                1.25
****** F8: The Great Migration (from Ethereum) ******
Carbon ERC-20 Converter to Cardano                4.88
Scaling CNFTs, minus the ETH mess                 4.76
Attract ETH NFT Projects & Talent                 4.62
Bring Bored Apes* to Cardano                      4.50
Migrating from ETH: Newcomer Setup                4.40
Beacon of Cardano GameFi                          4.27
Eth Rehab - Recovery with Cardano                 4.25
Imperative Smart Contracts                        4.24
Caricature for Migration                          4.21
Incentivized learning to move users               4.13
Eth Gas to Fuel the ADA Fire                      4.12
Connect projects with developers                  4.08
NFT marketplace builder platform                  3.93
AIDA: Decentralized AI on Cardano                 3.83
The Impact Migration                              3.81
Bridging NFTs -> remint on Cardano                3.67
Project Monarch - GoingUP                         3.39
Farming incentive to move liquidity               3.28
ADATOMS HQ Science & DeFi Dec. Ed.                2.47
Bridge liquidity for top protocols                2.33
Milkomeda accelerator batch #2                    2.05
How did Sony take on Nintendo?!                   1.73
****** F8: Lobbying for favorable legislation ******
Favorable legislation in Argentina                4.87
Consenz: Legislation Co-Creation                  4.71
DLT360: EU-Regulation Lobbying                    4.67
Establish Center for Coin Liberty                 4.50
Impact Finance Regulatory Sandbox                 4.39
Commonwealth+UNESCAP+CatalystImpact               4.33
Chamber of Digital Commerce for ...               4.33
Legislation in PA and Beyond                      4.27
Arizona for Cardano Lobby                         4.11
DLT360: Regulatory RADAR Team                     4.11
IRI: Educating Crypto Regulators                  4.00
Cardano Lawyer / Advocacy (DLT360)                3.92
Educational tool kit f/ legislators               3.87
Mobilize : Grass-root activism                    3.86
Colombian Congress Cardano                        3.67
Lobby International & SA Bank Regs                3.39
Regulation in Sri Lanka                           3.33
Lobbying for Cardano in Sri Lanka                 2.56
Co-regulation, not Red-Flag laws                  2.33
REGULATION IN COLOMBIA                            2.33
TermLimitsDAO                                     2.17
American USDC think tank                          1.95
Assembly of State Blockchain PAC's                1.83
****** F8: Cardano scaling solutions ******
Decentralized REDIS state channels                4.60
DAO-NET & A2T Sidechain Design                    4.56
Research Guild: Scalability Report                4.33
Perun Channels for Cardano                        4.17
Simplify SPO rollups in Vietnam                   3.95
A region-based sharded network                    3.94
A Scalable Service For NFT Utility                3.93
Orbis: Layer 2 ZK Rollup                          3.73
Erdstall: instant TXs, L2 NFT mints               3.33
Layer 3 scalability using zkRollups               3.08
Ada's Place - A Medium Publication                2.74
ADA Scam Alert - Info & Protection                2.54
using games to scale audience                     1.85                                      1.75
KONMA Chain : L2 ZK Roll up for ADA               1.67
Konma Chain- ZK Rollup L2 for ADA                 1.56
****** F8: Improve and Grow Auditability ******
WADA Qualitative Audit Pilot                      5.00
cReport - Catalyst analyzer & KPIs                4.93
Community Governance Oversight                    4.67
Auditing African Proposals, By Wada               4.67
Catalyst Audit Circle                             4.67
Project Catalyst Closing Made Easy                4.54
Wolfram Governance Analytics                      4.50
Renovate Catalyst funding mechanism               4.47
P.I.E for Gamers-On-Chained                       4.44
P.I.E for Community Dev. Sector                   4.33
P.I.E for Miscellaneous-Challenge                 4.22
StakingDAO: DAO & Contract Audit                  4.17
Auditing & Project Mgmt. via Kanban               4.00
Proposal Translation with Human QA                3.89
Project Managment & Track Directory               3.80
₳GOV: Timelines and Treasury Data                 3.44
Proof of Accomplishment on Catalyst               3.27
Growing CA community via Hubs                     3.27
Auditing South American Proposals.                3.17
Audit Tokens For Catalyst Winners                 2.25
Bayes Spam filter for vCAs                        1.13
Transparancy in Campaign Financing                1.08

Fund 9

Click to show
****** F9: Dapps, Products & Integrations ******
Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem                   5.00
500+ ₳Community Sent to Conferences               5.00
IRONSKY NFT GAME | Build on Mobile                5.00
littlefish - Shaping Action                       5.00
ADABET.iO |Sports Betting MobileApp               5.00
Daedalus Turbo - 10x Quicker Sync                 5.00
SDG Impact-Investment Token                       5.00
Trybbles NFT AR Pets Development                  5.00
ANIMETA | Anime Museum Metaverse                  5.00
ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp                  5.00
V2target-Dual target for ADA holder               4.96
BLOCKTRUST identity wallet (PRISM)                4.95
PRISM analytics platform                          4.94
PubWeave: Academic Publishing                     4.94
Tokenizing Income Share - Use Cases               4.94
Community validation Dapp                         4.93
SwarmLabs - Treasury Systems                      4.93
LearnerShape SkillsGraph v2                       4.93
Tribal DIDs=Indigenous Sovereignty                4.93
Catalyst Governance Tooling                       4.93
Handle Personalization | ADA Handle               4.93
Login with Cardano Wallet - cAuth                 4.92
Vcoincheck-Share(Knowledge) to earn               4.90
Help2HEALTH ramping Up to 2B People               4.89
Bring NFT To Life                                 4.89
DOON: Decentralized News Platform                 4.89
Atala Integration with Milkomeda                  4.87
Proposals Mentors Marketplace - 2                 4.87
Aedou - the Language Learning Game                4.87
RootsWallet - User Feedback Updates               4.87
Buy food & make an impact                         4.87
DeFi Dashboard Trackr DEX Portfolio               4.87
Cardano Forest -                   4.86
NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates 2               4.86
Cannabis & Hemp Grading App                       4.86
ADA SOLAR PLATFORM                                4.85
Decentralizing Telco for Cardano                  4.83
InnovatioFounder KYC & AML Process                4.83
Launch Social Design Academy [SDA]                4.83
Discord Social Credential                         4.83
Token Gating on Cardano with CNFTs                4.83
Homeless Hub Hackathon                            4.83
Hotel booking on Cardano                          4.83
subHandles | ADA Handle                           4.83
Optim Finance - Liquidity Bonds                   4.83
Funding real world Businesses                     4.81 Community Integration                 4.81
DeFi and NFT dashboard for Cardano                4.81
RootsWallet - iPhone version                      4.80
AEROS Universal AirMile BasedOn ADA               4.80
AdaQuest DCrawler Vertical Slice                  4.80
TADAStake - A Distribution Platform               4.80
Impact lending for the unbanked                   4.80
PRISM credentials for the web                     4.80
MLabs - Cardano DApp Schemas                      4.80
There's no We without Me                          4.80
DAPP FOR TECH REPAIR (REPAIR ME)                  4.80
Cardano loyalty systems for Dapps                 4.80
Recognize Impact through DIDs                     4.80
CARDANO TV (24hs Live) Corporate TV               4.80
Cardano NO MORE Plastic Straws |C4O               4.79
Cardano Rent DApp                                 4.79
Launching Landano on Mainnet                      4.79
Ubuntu Informal Biz Reg& Accounting               4.78
Fiat Payments for NFTs - Revelar                  4.78
Rythmeet:P2P music network platform               4.78
C64 Wallet - Extension Tool                       4.78
Cardano Beam - GPS based Assets                   4.78
Trybbles NFT AR Pets Art & Assets                 4.75
Connecting Tabletop Games & Cardano               4.75
Sequestering farming CO2 dApp                     4.74
Supply chain transparency -FTs+NFTs               4.74
Catalyst Research & Voter Tool                    4.73
Urban Farmer dApp Phase II                        4.73
Cardano & Catalyst data Web Embeds                4.73
NFT Film Distribution Dapp&Showcase               4.73
Open Source NFT Analytics Platform                4.73
Earthtrust decentralized validation               4.73
WAL-CLI Issue Credential Protocol                 4.73
Parcel Delivery dApp [MVP only]                   4.72
FML : P2P sync licensing protocol                 4.72
Catalyst Proposal Assistant [SDA]                 4.72
Multi-hop swaps for more liquidity                4.71
Anonymity & data control w ZEKE (3)               4.71
Ledger Live Integration #2                        4.70
Cardano Virtual Experiences Toolbox               4.67
Global Cannabis Listing Platform                  4.67
MULTIPLE THE VALUE OF $220B MARKET                4.67
Open dApp Framework                               4.67
Agricultural sustainability index                 4.67
L-Earning Bazaar: Web3 Integration                4.67
DCOne Crypto                                      4.67
L-Earning Bazaar: Platform Building               4.67
Sustainable Ecosystem Hub                         4.67
Startverse-Metaverse for Startups                 4.67
PlayerMint: Web 3.0 Arcade                        4.67
Citizen Assemblies for Democracy                  4.67
Sharing liquidity between DEXs                    4.67
Supply Chain 4 Legal Cannabis/Hemp                4.67
DAO-NET: Voting Wallet Integration                4.67
Web3 Marketing Campaigns Platform                 4.67
Custom AI tools & growth paths                    4.67
ADA Bug Bounty Website                            4.67
Trust-less non-custodial L2 NFT DEX               4.67
Environmental Oracle                              4.67
Chatbot AI for Project Catalyst                   4.67
Food Traceability by Cardano                      4.67
Profila privacy ledger - 3dP access               4.67
TaChiKu: Deepfake NFTs                            4.67
TapTools: All-In-One Platform                     4.63
Battle Borgz P2E Game - Phase 2                   4.62
Build a Court System Oracle                       4.62
Building Profitable Cardano Hubs                  4.62
Custom Jewelry NFT Certificates                   4.62
NFT 4 customer feedback - creators                4.62
Bringing MMORPG Gaming to Cardano!                4.62
Liquidity Efficient DEX models                    4.61
Governance Services Guild                         4.61
Tokenizing Income Share - PoC                     4.61
DripDropz Open Source Voting Tool                 4.61
Dandelion: Decentralized Web3 APIs                4.61
TosiDrop dApp and Audit                           4.61
Proposers’ Hive                                   4.61
Trading Tent: Multi-language                      4.61
Digital Assisted Midwifery                        4.61
NFBooks: a Pan-African NFT library                4.61
NOW! NFT GAME NO MORE BORED!!!                    4.60
Ecosystem of Hotels on Cardano                    4.60
Project Verify                                    4.60
LetsWork platform on Cardano                      4.60
DripDropz Cardano Mainstreet Suite                4.60
CarPool Onboard & Learning Platform               4.60
Indico: Knowledge Brokering                       4.60
AdaQuest Brand Awareness campaign                 4.60
NFT Books - Book Token Platform                   4.59
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ML/Dapps                  4.59
Decentralized Next-Gen Edge AI                    4.58
Learning Dynamic Models                           4.58
NFT 2.0 Platform (Dynamic NFT)                    4.58
Startverse: Marketplace Portal                    4.58
PeakChain Fleet Management Platform               4.58
BEST WAY TO ATTRACT REAL GAMERS                   4.57
Add ADA to 1st NFT Marketplace-MENA               4.57
A better data source owned by you                 4.57
ESG Reporting Mechanism                           4.57
DeFi Access from Mobile Devices                   4.56
Farmer carbon credit validation                   4.56
MineFreeUkraine                                   4.56
Liquid staking for Milkomeda / L2s                4.56
Model ICT Hub                                     4.56
MediKamRecord: DoctaApp                           4.56
Wada Product Integrations                         4.56
Erdős (An AirBnB Competitor)                      4.55
Interview Cardano=Know Our Builders               4.54
AdaStamp: signing, workflows                      4.54
Advanced Cardano NFT Search Engine                4.53
Transactions for Bank credits score               4.53
Stray Dogs Raising Adopt Platform                 4.53
Impact Creating NFTs for Causes                   4.53
Synthetic Asset Marketplace                       4.53
Oxford crypto valley: Cardano house               4.53
A standard for token verification                 4.53
Crypto banking & Payment Processing               4.53
ADAO - RoundTable v2: Staking +                   4.53
Increase Cardano peer-review papers               4.52
Prediction markets on Cardano                     4.52
Gamers DID - Trust Built by Gaming                4.52
Proof of Impact NFTs for SPOs                     4.52
HONEYBEES ON BLOCKCHAIN                           4.52
Returning Trust To Global Donations               4.51
C4S-Cardano4Seniors-Animation                     4.50
Distributed Idea Management System                4.50
Visio: Cardano NFT Analytics Tools                4.50
Disrupting Fake News                              4.50
Multi-sig Trading Audits & Security               4.50
Projects Analytics Supertool                      4.50
PeakChain Car-Sharing Platform                    4.49
The Open Source Cardano Lottery                   4.48
All-in-One Link for Web3 Projects                 4.48
Mobile Multisig Live Asset Trading                4.47
Discord Community Manager                         4.47
d-Cargo: Decentralized Cargo                      4.47
Ouroboros network (NtC) in Golang                 4.47
CARDANO CLIMATHON                                 4.47
Tangent - Redeemable NFTs Launchpad               4.47
Adosia Marketplace Updates                        4.47
Cardano 101 Course - Kaizen Crypto                4.46
AdaPulse: Independent Media Outlet                4.46
Perma-music rmNFT Marketplace                     4.45
Employment Credentials on PRISM                   4.44
Private NFT Gates - Revelar                       4.44
Open Source Wallet Messaging App                  4.44
P2P Marketmaker Money Transfer                    4.44
Minimizing Risk in the NFT Market!                4.44
ProofSpace x Argus - IDs 4 NFTs                   4.44
SaaS3:Permissionless Oracle Network               4.43
Poolpeek Stake Pool Pledge Tracker                4.43
PeakChain Uber on Cardano                         4.42
MLabs - Embedano (Embedded Devices)               4.42
Web3 NFT Tokengated for eCommerces                4.42
Adosia Spaceprinter Lite                          4.42
Onboard Freelancers to any projects               4.42
Cardano Social Hub                                4.42
Profitable Product Integration                    4.40
Global Collaboration Platform                     4.40
ADAO - Plutus Token Vesting DApp                  4.40
Control your data - PRISM (extra)                 4.40
SharedLink - Fundraising for NGOs                 4.40
Wallet Dapp Connector Integration                 4.39
Scaling ArtSuite NFT4Good Platform                4.39
Licensing Remixed Music On-Chain                  4.39
Mehen: Fiat-backed Stablecoin USDM                4.39
Find your Way Route Optimizer App                 4.39
Cardahub-One Stop Shop for CNFT                   4.39
EternalSwap - Perpetual Swaps dApp                4.38
NFT Farming on Cardano with Tangent               4.38
SPOs Impact Dashboard                             4.38
Community Endorsement formalized                  4.38
Ecosystem Map-Community Wayfinding                4.38
NFT Job Board                                     4.38
W3:RIDE : The future of cycling                   4.38
Decentralized Health Info Exchange                4.37
Wallet Integration                                4.36
Social Mobile NFT Game - Alpha                    4.33
Adaglass Platform: Deep Dives                     4.33
Bashoswap - non-batching AMM DEX                  4.33
5 Loaves 2 Fish Feed The Hungry App               4.33
EZ-Mint Open Source NFT minting API               4.33
Ledger Developer Onboarding Course                4.33
CIP - Education Financing                         4.33
Telegram Wallet upgrade                           4.33
Copper Seed Safe Token Plugin                     4.33
Metaverse Jobs & Gigs                             4.33
APIs for Private Applications                     4.33
Cardano Info/ Mentorship Centre                   4.33
Cardano Nodes as a Service                        4.33
Multisig wallet with fiat on-ramp                 4.33
anetaBTC, decentralized wrapped BTC               4.33
ADAO- NFT Fractionalization Dapp                  4.33
Gender Unicorns CFNT Card Game                    4.33
Trybbles NFT AR Pets Prototyping                  4.33
Metaverse Creator Platform                        4.33
HEALTHFI - Healthcare Metaverse                   4.31
Japanese Traditional Crafts NFT                   4.30
Like Kahoot - Quiz and bet with ADA               4.30
Lokole and Cardano Integration                    4.30
dMAH - dMetaverse Auction House                   4.29
Broaden open source wallet options                4.29
Metera: Impactful Token Portfolios                4.29
CardanoPress: NFT Gated Content                   4.29
Unified Transport Payment Gateway                 4.28
Global Levelling Up of Education CP               4.28
Microfinance ID Uplink to Banking                 4.28
Stay Updated With Cardano Events                  4.27
MentalHealth = Wealth:               4.27
PeakChain Cardano Car Wallet Device               4.27
Zero Citizen - Net Zero Rewards                   4.27
Delivery Tracking via NFTs                        4.27
World of Pirates                                  4.27
VyFinance DEx and Bar                             4.26
Digital ID for paperless youth                    4.26
Real Estate Rental Marketplace                    4.26
Token Staking Platform                            4.25
C4S - Cardano for Seniors Hub                     4.25
P2E: Group Progression System                     4.25
KudoProject                                       4.25
NFTs + smart legal contracts                      4.24
Fetachain - IIoT Cardano Framework                4.24
Fiat to NFT Payment Gateway                       4.24
Zero Knowledge Ads by Profila (1/4)               4.24
Enable Eternl                                     4.23
Enabling privacy for Cardano DeFi                 4.22
Blockchain Educational dApp                       4.22
Bonding native assets to NFTs                     4.21
SPOxNFTs: A Decentralization Tool                 4.20
METAIN: Asset backed NFTs/New trend               4.20
Dynamic mind-brain NFT design                     4.20
The Platform as a Service for Web3                4.20
Mobile Money Bridge & DEX                         4.20
Koios - Side-chain & Chain Analysis               4.20
Improved Staking & ADA derivatives                4.19
Decentralized Journalism Protocol                 4.19
NFT Powered Pay-Wall System                       4.19
Cardano Virtual Convention                        4.19
API Datapoints & Notification Frame               4.19
Small-Business Crypto Payments DApp               4.17
Unsung NFT Marketplace with DeFi                  4.17
LAMO-DecentralizedEducationPlatform               4.15
Reduce NFT scam risks at Cardano                  4.15
CardanoPress: ISPO Dashboard                      4.15
Cardano Submit API in Golang                      4.13 : No-Code NFT Launchpad                 4.13
ALGAE RHYTHM to save the biospheres               4.13
Decentralized Social Intelligence                 4.13
P2P NFT Trading and Offers Market                 4.12
Decentralized Newsletter Service                  4.11
MyUnbox                                           4.11
Social Images: Stock Photos as CNFT               4.11
Typhon Wallet Mobile App                          4.11
Cardano for Self-Care                             4.11
Proof of Accomplishment on Catalyst               4.11
Self-Hosted Full Node for End Users               4.11
Create Value For Screenplay Writers               4.10
Cardano Start Guide                               4.10
NFTs go Mobile                                    4.10
On Chain NFT Notifications                        4.10
NFT Store Builder                                 4.10
Tellus2 – Gamifying Sustainability                4.10
Fracada Addressing Audit                          4.10
Refer to earn system for SPOs                     4.10
Conkis ~ Multiplayer strategy game                4.10
Datapods - Reclaim Your Data.                     4.08
CH2O Africa - ADA NFT Charity 🌎                   4.08
Valuation & Tax Reporting Tool                    4.07
Smart Contract Audit projectNEWM                  4.07
Uncollateralized crypto loans                     4.07
Carbonno Verifiable Carbon Platform               4.07
Following & Social Discovery Tool                 4.07
“Cardania” educative board game                   4.06
On-Chain Tilemaps for Game Worlds                 4.06
Social network for deep connections               4.06
SmartFarming DApp for Cardano                     4.06
Fluent: Bridging TradFi+DeFi                      4.05
Rare Bloom Cardano Community Event                4.05
Cardano NFT Gaming - Lovelace Saga!               4.05
5-6 lang Short Explainer Animations               4.05
Courses & Education Crypto MKTPLACE               4.05
Anti-Phishing Chrome Extension                    4.04
WalletConnect for Cardano                         4.04
Professional Cardano NFT Content                  4.03
Startup Launchpad & Crowdfunding                  4.02
Impact Staking: STaaS for Good                    4.00
Driving Adoption via Travel D'Apps                4.00
Littercoin: Mass Adoption                         4.00
Voteaire Decentralized IDs                        4.00
Tokenization: Creator Economy                     4.00
Dragon Warriors: Metaverse TCG                    4.00
Messaging Any Address                             4.00
Build-an-NFT Functionality!                       4.00
Event CryptoHouse of Commons Brazil               4.00
"Munchy Go" Delivery Food dApp DAO                4.00
Keyword Coin Price Widget for Sites               3.97
Evolve Eternl                                     3.96
LitterWeek Competition for schools                3.96
Helps you keep ADA longer                         3.95
NFT for DRC Fauna and Flora                       3.95
ADATOMS Science & DeFi FREE Ed.                   3.94
Market making bots on Cardano                     3.94
Token Maker + GoFunNFT                            3.94
Online tools for generative artists               3.93
Fluxus: NFT & Gaming Alliance                     3.92
NFTMarket for Disabled-Dextroverse                3.90
Pay&Rate Reputation System                        3.90
Mtidano: NFTrees 4 Erosion Control                3.89
Your Justice: Web3 Reputation Layer               3.88
Be Love ❤️                                        3.87
Wolfram Cardano Ent. Private Cloud                3.86
Investor Network Community Platform               3.86
Open Vesting Tool - Unvest                        3.83
Inukshuk Clinical Smart Contracts                 3.83
Dynamic NFT-based reputation model                3.83
Non-Fungible Collectables                         3.81
JPG Create: Generate Art + Metadata               3.81
KYC Registry Network                              3.81
The DAM Marketplace                               3.81
Universal Chemical Library                        3.80
OUTGOING (Let's go places)                        3.80
Crypto collateralized loans                       3.79
Project Catalyst... for Musicians                 3.78
DADF - Disruptive Comm. Application               3.78
projectNEWM Marketplace Creation                  3.73
ADAGram- Decentralized Social Media               3.71
TokenPerkz: Unlockable Utility Hub                3.71
Milkomeda Game #2                                 3.71
PetLove Social Media & Marketplace                3.67
The Alexandria Project Web3 Library               3.67
Decentralized Logistics Dapp                      3.67
Get incentivised for contributing                 3.67
Cardano for Seniors SPO                           3.67
Cardax DEX Plutarch Code Audit                    3.67
Adacheems:Optimize the value of NFT               3.65
Cardano General Help Desk                         3.62
NFT BATTLE ROYAL GAME ON CARDANO                  3.61
Work-iDID : Job Experience Tracker                3.61
MY DIGITAL LIBRARY                                3.61
ZiberBugs Playable Prototype                      3.60
of Nectar: Social Trials                          3.60
Leveraging Cardano Assets                         3.57
NFT Search Engine on Cardano                      3.56
Asset Management ⛓💎                               3.56
Cardano Ancient Peoples DCCG Game                 3.56
Get PAYDA                                         3.54
JUS: Decentralized On-Ramp + Credit               3.54
Inukshuk HealthDigital Identity                   3.53
Dyor Better With Dexplore Analytics               3.52
Olympics–Shots promotion platform                 3.52
Fractionalized NFTs with Marlowe                  3.52
NFT Data Public API                               3.52
GameFan-Gaming & Esports Fandom                   3.50
Online Makerspace                                 3.50
Fractal Fuzion Integrations                       3.50
Cardano Stonerz Club + Integrations               3.48
MiFi: Where mining meets finance                  3.48
Create YOUR RPG Character with NFTs               3.48
Cardano Swapping Application                      3.48
Monitoring tools for SPO                          3.47
Flooftopia: NFT Interoperability                  3.47
CNFT Marketplace for 3D materials                 3.47
Agricultural CO2 capture Unit                     3.47
ZOOMLOOK Luxury CNFT Platform                     3.47
Your Mentor and Record Keeper                     3.47
Milkomeda Djed                                    3.46
Onboarding Sri Lanka                              3.44
FluidTokens Protocol Security Audit               3.44
ADA to Mobile Money App                           3.44
Amazon Cardano Store                              3.43
NFT machine learning evaulation                   3.43
TREASURE CHAIN - An NFT Art Network               3.42
C4S-Cardano4Seniors Incubator                     3.41
OMIMIMO - The Pure Water Game                     3.39
NFT Valuation Public API                          3.38
Community Cyber Security Support                  3.33
Cardano Music Marketplace                         3.33
Liquidity-less peer to peer DEX                   3.33
PillarWheel Studios Cardano Apps                  3.29
NFT renting(by Lending Pond)                      3.29
Cardano ERP - Main Project                        3.28
Multichain multisig wallet                        3.27
linkslist - decentralised bio site                3.26                             3.25
System to manage patient care                     3.22
Atala PRISM DID                                   3.22
NGO Impact Data Collection App                    3.21
360 virtual classrooms for museums                3.18
Coaching Transforms your Life App                 3.17
Open Source Citizen Science Apps                  3.15
Cardopoly Game Expansion                          3.15
Mehen: Onboarding Assistance                      3.14
sustainable usage of energy                       3.13
Delaware DAO                                      3.13
NOMICA Incentive Platform                         3.12
Hard Fork Cafe                                    3.12
Well-being in Web3                                3.08
Digirack: Next Gen CNFT Marketplace               3.06 your yield portfolio               3.04
Atrium - The Center of Everything                 3.00
Antique Tokenization for Fairness                 3.00
Native Token Incentivize Onboarding               3.00
Coaching for Catalyst Members                     2.94
Student Control System                            2.93
Earthonomy™ Carbon Offset Platform                2.92
Plutus Lottery ADA Game                           2.90
Mainline Evangelist dApp                          2.86
Smart Card Hardware Wallet                        2.83
Job board cardajobs                               2.82
Cardano Sharks                                    2.81
PillarWheel's NFT ARPG Sim Game                   2.81
Quideos smart-contract                            2.79
dcSpark (the company iteslf)                      2.77
Video tutorial for               2.76
Cardalonia, A Metaverse On Cardano                2.75
Support CNFT Jungle                               2.71
CNFT CON KickOff Party                            2.71
Ticketing system in Africa                        2.67
ADIUVAT: Find your place                          2.67
IoT/M2M Oracle Platform Development               2.67
Gamefi Infrastructure Restore2Earn                2.56
Cardano For Musicians                             2.56
REiD Real electronic identification               2.54
Antiques: The Ideal Blockchain Mkt                2.40
Defipronto: Cardano IDO Launchpad                 2.40
NFT Portfolio & Tax reporting tool                2.39
MASCOT GALLERY                                    2.39
NFT Use & Utility on AR Platforms                 2.37
let's make it professional                        2.33
Joghar | Move To Earn On Cardano                  2.33
Help The Poor Come Aboard!                        2.22
Secure Offline Portfolio for crypto               2.19
Proof of Study & Skills                           2.17
Dashar Move To Earn On Cardano                    2.04
Layer 2 Advanced Architecture                     2.00
BLAGO - Global Paradigm Shift                     1.94
Growing Cardano Global Presence                   1.92
ZeroPool Screener                                 1.88
Decentralized Manufacturing (DeMA)                1.48
Community Oracle Price Feeds pt. 3                1.17
Baba Elliot 360                                   1.00

****** F9: Developer Ecosystem ******
RootsId Verifiable Credential                     5.00
OpenSource MetaMask<=>₳ Integration               5.00
DAO-NET: Small Developer Funding                  5.00
Decentralized Escrow for Remote Job               4.93
RESTful wrapper for Plutus Offchain               4.89
RampUp Plutus Devs for Cardano                    4.88
Haskell Book Vietnamese Translation               4.87
Vietnamese Haskell Course                         4.86
Empower thru Project Based Learning               4.86
Haskell Course For Developers                     4.85
Add Senior Developers to Ecosystem                4.81
Flutter SDK                                       4.79
Catalyst School Fund 10 Operations                4.79
Golang SDK to Build Health App                    4.78
MeetProposer-Bright Up Dev's Ideas                4.76
MLabs - Apropos for Property Tests                4.76
Dolos: Cardano “Data Node”                        4.76
Transaction Editor Hardware wallet                4.76
Keeping Up with Cardano: 100 videos               4.76
WAL-API Identity Wallet Service                   4.73
Cardano developer club in Uni                     4.72
Oura v2                                           4.72
Cardano developer courseware in Uni               4.72
App-to-Cardano Wallet Open Protocol               4.71
Plutus for Nigerian Universities                  4.71
Plutus Video Sub for Vietnam Devs                 4.71
LATAM TRANSLATION HOUSE                           4.71
Catalyst Swarm - After Town Hall                  4.70
MLabs - Plutarch v2                               4.70
Enable any webapps to use PRISM                   4.67
Add Junior Developers to Ecosystem                4.67
Off-chain SC interaction tooling                  4.67
Open Smart Contract Library                       4.67
MLabs - Cardano Throughput Solution               4.67
Cardano Stand @ PROMOTE Conf 2024                 4.67
Koios Extensions - Utilities, Bots                4.67
Making developers into businesses                 4.63
Kelley: Cardano k8s Operators                     4.63
Accelerator: Cardano Startups                     4.62
GIMBALABS TREASURY FOR TUTORS                     4.62
UTXO Optimizer and Scheduler                      4.62
Developers Hackaton Stories                       4.62
Catalyst Swarm Operations                         4.60
Crypto Blockchain Talents Platform                4.60
Catalyst Dashboard Innovatio Tribe                4.59
Emursive DApp (Metaverse) Builder                 4.57
FT Smart Contracts for Marketplaces               4.57
Imperator - Secure, Imperative SCs                4.57
Lucid - Developing the Easy Way                   4.57
An open source book on Cardano                    4.57
Unreal Engine on Cardano Community                4.56
Java SDK to Build Health App                      4.56
Developers Reward program DEV$                    4.56
Accelerator: FT Challenge Startups                4.56
Glow on the PAB                                   4.56
Upgrade Cardano wallet js for Vasil               4.56
Katiopa women: The pioneers of DeFi               4.56
Open Source Auctions Smart Contract               4.55
Python SDK to Build Health App                    4.55
Cardano Node on AWS - Quick Start                 4.54
Marlowe Course for Vietnam Devs                   4.54
Rewards for Community Contributors                4.54
CardanoHTX Developer Hub                          4.53
Transaction Editor post Vasil HF                  4.53
plu-ts Typescript smart-contracts                 4.50
Open Standards Library                            4.50
Learning token engineering elements               4.50
Rust SDK to Build Health App                      4.50
Rust SDK fix critical CBOR encoding               4.50
CatalystTalk: Grow Vietnamese Devs                4.49
MLabs - Dev Documentation Drive                   4.48
Aiken: Smart Contract Toolchain                   4.47
Zero to Haskell: Pre-Plutus Program               4.45
Wada Academy for Haskell Devs                     4.45
Catalyst HeartBeat                                4.43
Blockchain Course for Vietnam Devs                4.43
Challenge Teams Web Portal - CTWP                 4.43
Fix Web3 rabbit holes                             4.42
Cardano Learn to Earn for Devs                    4.40
(cardano-go) A Golang package                     4.39
Dandelion Community Service                       4.39
Open analytics standard for DeFi                  4.38
Scalus – Scala to Plutus compiler                 4.38
Cardano e-Learning Platform                       4.37
Onboard Devs with Impactful Events                4.37
CardanoPress: Docs for the Builders               4.37
The Developer List                                4.37
Stake Pool Keys in libcardano                     4.33
Automated Cardano Testing Pipeline                4.33
Haskell-Plutus-Atala => French Devs               4.33
Automated Bug-finding for Plutus                  4.33
DCOne Crypto for Developers                       4.33
Virtual Hackathon for Dev Education               4.30
Learn-to-Earn Open Source Tooling                 4.29
Developer Portal - Built on Cardano               4.21
(plu-ts) full Typescript off-chain                4.17
Exhibit Blockchain BIT in RIO 22 BR               4.11
Attracting New Developers                         4.09
Kogmios Open Source Doc/Dev/Support               4.05
Track Wallets: Notify Mint/Buy NFTs               4.00
cip25 (NFT) Rust & WASM library                   3.96
KodeKlash Hackathon                               3.96
ADA Web3 Wallet Integration Package               3.95
Dev-focused Learn-and-Earn Quests                 3.92
SToR Token - Web 3.0/smart contract               3.90
Immigration Documents on Chain Pt.2               3.90
Plutus support for Golang SDK                     3.86
Fast reindexable data format                      3.80 - cardano explorer                   3.75
Pure-Vue: Vue to PureScript bridge                3.73
Smart Contract Job Facilitation                   3.67
ADA and DRC's mobile money exchange               3.67
Unity Game Engine NFT Plugin                      3.67
Technical Resource Pool                           3.63
Cardapper - YouTube C-Dev Channel                 3.61
WALLET ADD-ONS FOR GAME ENGINE                    3.54
Asset ScamList                                    3.53
No Code Smart Contract Indexer                    3.52
Haskell Integration in Wolfram Tech               3.48
Carp over-budget + maintenance                    3.41
Community Managed Proposal System                 3.37
Smart Contract Library - Phase 1                  3.37
CNFTacademy Genesis                               3.33
Play2Learn2Earn ADA Makerspace Game               3.33
Community Consensus Certifications                3.27
Cardano Code Camp - Pay To Learn                  3.22
Cardano Wallet OneBox                             3.03
More Developers on Cardano                        2.93
Rendering and Tokenomics Consultant               2.78
Spend Less Time And Money                         1.95

****** F9: Grow Africa, Grow Cardano ******
Cardano Youth Ambassadors                         4.88
Catalyst Campus Train                             4.83
MCA: A Model School in SA - Part II               4.80
RemoStart: Africa Job Shadowing                   4.78
Cardano Community Center Cape Town                4.76
Boosting Cardano In South Africa                  4.76
Nurturing Roots in Africa                         4.76
Opportunity Summit                                4.73
Workshop 4-days in Angola                         4.72
Swahili Learn to Earn                             4.72
Cardano4Climate Africa                            4.70
Growing The African Tertiary Sector               4.70
Caricatures 4 Africa                              4.67
Africa Stakepool Alliance                         4.67
Katiopa NFArt - NFCraft Marketplace               4.67
Seniors Ideate                                    4.65
Scale-up Africa’s Community Hubs                  4.62
Proposal Writing Service                          4.61
Inspiring Ladies Colloquim                        4.60
Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach 2                 4.57
The Africa Catalyst School                        4.57
Healthcare Providers Onboarding                   4.53
Hackathon and Internship Program                  4.52
Wada Internships->African Students                4.51
Lokole to Grow Africa Grow Cardano                4.50
TV Series ft. Cardano: awo.AI                     4.50
Regenerate Yem (Ethiopia)                         4.48
CatalystCon 22 - Africa Spotlight                 4.47
Cardano and Agri Value Chain                      4.47
KodiaCoin: Mbongo=>Nzimbu paradigm                4.47
Cardano Ladies Hub (CLH)                          4.47
Employment Credentials in Tanzania                4.46
Catalyst Africa Town Hall (CATH)                  4.45
Ubuntu Informal Biz Credit DApp                   4.44
Gateway of blockchain-Learn to earn               4.43
Medical Records Ownership Protocol                4.43
Marketing Training for African SPOs               4.40
Onboarding Pikes Malawi Community                 4.40
Investing in Africa                               4.39
Blockchain Education Masterclass                  4.33
Parcel Delivery MVP Testing                       4.33
Powerchain by Lightency                           4.30
Crypto and blockchain adoption                    4.27
Cardano Africa SmartFarming DApp                  4.27
East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub                4.27
SSI from ancestral African Lenses                 4.27
COMPLETE African Artist On-Boarding               4.26
Sustainable Coffee to Earn 🌍☕️✍️                  4.25
Mining traceability in a war zone                 4.22
CARDANO FRENCH COMMUNITY IN DRC                   4.22
Cardano Hub In East Africa                        4.21
Cardano Academy GH                                4.20
ISIG-GOMA Cardano Hub                             4.14
Decentralize Impact                               4.12
Mentorship moving beyond borders                  4.11
Cryptocurrency Exchange                           4.10
WIMS Cardano Girls Education                      4.07
The Story Bank                                    4.04
Ada NFT Marketplace for the unsung                4.00
North Africa Cardano Community Hub                4.00
Africa Short Films with Cardano                   4.00 & partnerships                      4.00
African Ambassador for CNFTs                      3.92 HIV clinical Study                  3.90
Medium of underrepresented Africans               3.89
Building resilient youth                          3.89
Cardano For Ugandan Universities                  3.88
TiDi Nation - Grow Africa                         3.87
Buy Ada with M-PESA                               3.85
Sub-Sahara Africa (Cardano Mission)               3.83
CardanoOutreach - Africa Focus                    3.78
KemiLand MVP - The Royal Palace                   3.77
Catalyst Resources in WaZoBia                     3.73
COP27 Elevating African Leadership                3.73
Business Strategy for African Proj.               3.73
Outreach/Education Ghana                          3.67
HIre ArtSuite Coordinator in Africa               3.67
Cardano Students Hub                              3.60
JUS: Decentralized Onramp + Credit                3.60
Onboarding African Musicians to ADA               3.58
support for education                             3.44
TECH-E                                            3.44
The tokenization of real estate                   3.42
Empowering African Farmers with NFT               3.38
ARTS, COMICS AND NFT IN GABON                     3.29
CARDANO HUB IN CKT                                3.28
Translate Pool Peek Mobile: Swahili               3.22
SHiELD Dapp, growing Africa digital               3.20
Vaccines and Family Medical Record                3.11
Cardano needs Math Teachers                       2.78
WeCare: Unlocking Human Finance                   2.71
Cardano ERP - Grow Africa                         2.71
Dripada: Nigeria’s Cardano Hub                    2.67
Enabling microgrid transactions                   2.62
US-Kenya Based WOT Remittance Chain               2.61
DegaFund crowd fundraising system                2.56
Eon Brands!                                       2.42
Afro-Asian youth connection                       2.28
Cooperative dApp                                  2.07
My Identity                                       2.07
Cardanonization of town halls                     1.83
CARDANO TO THE EYES OF AFRICA                     1.48
Supply dustbin cans in universities               1.44

****** F9: Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano ******
Vcoincheck Library (Phase 2)                      4.96
CEVI - INFO HUB FOR VN (EN)                       4.90
Cardano Asia TikTok Channel                       4.86
China Info Hub Continued                          4.82
Onboarding East Asia Today                        4.80
Eastern Town Hall Team Operation                  4.75
Lotus Link: Eco-Farm Traceability                 4.75
Asia Stakepool Alliance                           4.71
CNFT Community in Asian Community                 4.71
Catalyst For Full-Time Speculators                4.71
Tre Viet - VN support channel                     4.68
Service Marketplace for Japan, VN                 4.65
Cardano pre-hub in Philippines                    4.65
2min English-Vietnamese Crypto Dict               4.65
2 minutes Crypto Dict for Japanese                4.64
Crypto Tik Tok Channel for Youth                  4.61
Cardojo: Cardano in Asia                          4.60
Catalyst Events 4 Vietnam Students                4.59
ArtSuite Cardano Course Bangladesh                4.57
Cardano Catalyst TV                               4.56
Elevate Social Impacts via Cardano                4.54
Cardano4Climate East Asia                         4.52
Cardano Outreach - China Focus                    4.52
Cardano Catalyst TV - Ideas Sharing               4.52
Cardano in Burmese                                4.50
Connecting Asian Voter and Proposer               4.47
Cardano for Asia - impact ventures                4.45
Cardano in Laotian                                4.43
Cardano Incredible Race 2022                      4.42
CardanoTalk for Vietnamese                        4.37
Raise Vietnam awareness on Cardano                4.33
Onboarding Musicians From Asia                    4.30
HealthFI X Cardano - Move to Plant                4.28
Cardano in Tamil                                  4.21
East Asia Artistic Grant Proposal                 4.17
Japanese support for wallets                      4.15
Cardano Guide - A one-stop guide                  4.11
Cardano in Sinhala                                4.11
Promoting Cardano in the highland                 4.10
Blockchain Knowledge Videos                       4.09
Promoting Japanese Content Abroad                 4.07
Cardano Bridges in Japanese                       4.05
Amplify Japanese Cardano Content                  4.00
Blockchain for Contracts: Indonesia               4.00
Catalyst for Student in Vietnam                   3.75
YouTube educational video in Bahasa               3.95
Cardano Japan Brand Dev Initiative                3.87
Quality Assurance of Organic Foods                3.86
CNFT Alliance: Japanese Community!                3.81
Translate Eternl                                  3.75
Flooftopia: Japanese Translation                  3.73
Reskilling and Rewarding Refugees                 3.71
CNFT Alliance: Chinese Community!                 3.67
Flooftopia: Vietnamese Translation                3.67
CNFTacademy translation                           3.62
Singular- Mobile-Centric DeFi App                 3.56
CNFT Alliance: Vietnamese Community               3.53
Educating Local Japanese Government               3.53
Educational Hub by CardanoProjects                3.48
Flooftopia: Korean Translation                    3.44
Cardano in Khmer                                  3.42
Maximize Value From Previous Funds                3.41
CNFT Alliance: Korean Community!                  3.38
Web ADA Info Community In Bahasa                  3.33
Event Calendar on CardanoProjects                 3.27
Flooftopia: Chinese Translation                   3.21
Cardano ERP - Grow Asia                           3.17
Local Japanese Government Strategy                3.12
Haskell for beginners in Vietnamese               2.87
AI Blockchain Activity DApp 🚀                     2.67
Trust & Transparent News Portal                   2.47
It is not straight forward for non-               2.12

****** F9: Fund10 challenge setting ******
OSDE: Open Source Dev Ecosystem                   4.95
Development & Infrastructure                      4.90
Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution               4.85
HYDRA OPEN FOR BUSINESS                           4.83
Products & Integrations                           4.83
Grow Vietnam, Grow Cardano                        4.81
Atala PRISM: Launch Ecosystems🚀                   4.79
DAOs <3 Cardano                                   4.78
Entrepreneurship Challenge                        4.78
Grow E. Hemisphere, Grow Cardano                  4.75
Scale-UP Cardano Community Hubs                   4.74
PLUTUS 100x GAINS FOR TIME-TO-dAPP                4.73
Governance & Identity                             4.71
Grow Africa, Grow Cardano                         4.71
CARDANO JS SDK: A Builder’s Journey               4.70
MARLOWE OPEN TOOLS & USE CASES                    4.70
Regeneration: Opportunity 4 Cardano               4.70
Accelerate Women on Cardano ECO                   4.67
Film & media                                      4.67
Funding Categories Full Fund                      4.67
Gamers On-Chained                                 4.64
$195 MILLION TVL HACK AVOIDED                     4.63
Community & Outreach                              4.63
Cardano support for Latin America                 4.61
NFT Community & Ecosystem                         4.59
SPO Tools & Community Projects                    4.57
Cardano Contributors                              4.56
Grow LatinAmerica, Grow Cardano                   4.53
Startups & Onboarding for Students                4.52
Climate Change: THE Challenge                     4.52
dRep improvement and onboarding                   4.51
Legal & Financial Implementations                 4.50
Nurturing Ideas & Teams                           4.48
Miscellaneous Challenge                           4.48
Catalyst Contributors                             4.47
Education| Sustainability |Cardano                4.44
Cardano for Seniors Outreach                      4.42
CARDANO FOR SCALA SUPERSTARS                      4.41
Elevate the Metaverse with RealFi                 4.37
Improve User Experience on Cardano                4.33
Grow South Asia Grow Cardano                      4.33
Empower Vietnam Cardano Community                 4.30
Global Health Care on Cardano                     4.21
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES UNITED                       4.17
Social and Business Development                   4.11
Cardano Global Marketing Campaign                 4.10
The Newbie Challenge Setting                      4.04
1000 Universities Global Outreach                 3.96
Building on NMKR                                  3.95
Cardano and Agriculture                           3.61
Cardano Open Source Hall of Fame                  3.56
NPOs/NGOs Integration & Solution                  3.44
Challenge Teams Process Updates                   3.26
Challenge & Scouted for Students🎓                 3.19
Grow Arabia, Grow Cardano                         3.10
Supporting Local Communities                      2.93
African Digital Banks Network                     2.59
ADA-Architecture                                  2.41
Catalyst Built AI Art Generator 🌅                 2.00
Lace Live Demonstrations                          1.83
FIFA World Cup 2022                               1.40
Cardano Loves Art ( CLA )                         1.33

****** F9: Challenge & Scouted for Students🎓 ******
Catalyst tournament                               4.67
Cardano Peer Education                            4.57
UPDEV CHALLENGE                                   4.57
International students for Cardano                4.46
ALOHA for Cardano                                 4.44
Mini Proposal Workshops                           4.42
Outreach, Education & Collaboration               4.41
Fund Winner Marketing Logos                       4.29
University Design Team                            4.29
Cardano for STEM Brazilian students               4.25
Cardano for Africa                                4.20
Cardano for MENA                                  4.19
🇻🇳 Cardano Catalyst Student VSC2O                 4.19
Establish Coin Media                              4.15
Virtual Assistant                                 4.13
Catalyst for MBA Students.                        4.12
Black & PhD: Writing retreat for PC               4.12
Thesis on Catalyst Decentralized VC               4.05
Bringing Cardano to Cambridge                     4.00
Youth Block Resource Development                  4.00
Cardano for Latinamerican Students                3.97
Outreach/Education Paraguay                       3.97
Cardano Student Learning Platform                 3.95
Cardano Tunisia                                   3.93
Onboard Tanzania Universities                     3.89
Create Local/Online Job Fair System               3.73
Outreach/Education Ecuador                        3.69
Cardano Catalyst Schooling                        3.67
Student and engineers community                   3.29
Cardano Brazil Meetup Hub Students                3.26
Student Startup escrow (SSE)                      3.21
Digitalization of town halls                      2.95
OxBAT Conference Oxford University                2.79
Mentoring Program                                 2.69
ADAO Learning Grant                               2.47
Teaching Kids about Cardano                       1.00

****** F9: Cross-Chain Collaboration ******
RootsWallet - Aries JS                            5.00
ATALA Prism zKP + Hyperledger Aries               5.00
KERI bridge for Cardano                           4.92
Cardano SSI Contributors - Season 2               4.90
littlefish - Ocean Organizations                  4.89
littlefish - Ocean Technologies                   4.89
BitFins Cross-Chain NFT Aquariums                 4.83
Cross-Chain Catalyst Women Activity               4.83
Evescale Devs on Cardano                          4.73
NFT Game Marketplace Cross-Chain                  4.73
AMA with Cross-Chain Communities                  4.67
Innovatio Cross-Chain ADA-AVAX-DOT                4.63
everCrypt DAO|Basic Income Protocol               4.62
Wolfram UTxO History&Collaboration                4.62
The ArtSuite Multi-Chain NFT Events               4.60
Oneiron: Cardano Sidechain SDK                    4.60
Cross-Chain NFT Cultivation Events                4.57
Taxir | Bringing Blockchain to MENA               4.57
One Crypto Pass                                   4.57
Catalyst Swarm & SingularityNET                   4.56
Promoting Cardano for Impact                      4.53
Bridgeless atomic cross chain swaps               4.52
Bringing Business to Cardano                      4.50
Cardano/Ethereum NFT Ecosystems Map               4.50
CrossChain Blockchain4Good Research               4.50
Empowering Collabs though Hubs                    4.47
TIP For Collaboration                             4.44
Automatic cross-chain token bridge                4.43
United Caricature 2                               4.41
Multi-chain token bridge                          4.39
MAYZ: Cardano Cross-Chain Index                   4.39
Spectrum.Network | Layer 2 for DeFi               4.38
Positive Blockchain Database V2                   4.37
Onboard New Hispanic Ethereum Users               4.33
United Nations Blockchain4Impact                  4.33
More secure cross-chain solutions                 4.29
Catalyst+DAOstack Open Space                      4.27
Growing Web3 Mentorship Pool                      4.24
anetaBTC on Cardano and Ergo                      4.24
Haskell Bootcamp TPG X KONMA                      4.24
Cardano-Polkadot Oracle Bridge                    4.22
IRI: Cross-Chain Happy Hours                      4.22
Crosschain Minting Solution                       4.20
ProofOfHumanity KYC on Atala Prism                4.20
Solve asset fractionalization                     4.19
Students for Blockchain                           4.18
TosiDrop Cross-chain Development                  4.13
MultiSwap (X-Chain Swaps by Ferrum)               4.12
Cardano for Impact Investors                      4.11
Cardano Pilgrimage                                4.07
Climathon: Blockchain4Climate                     3.93
Scrutiny System in blockchain                     3.92
Cross-Chain NFT Music Player                      3.92
A Multi-chain Explorer ft. Cardano                3.86
Creating NFTs & Gaming Cross Chain!               3.83
Catalyst Ticker on Twitter                        3.83
Sifchain Omni-EVM                                 3.81
Cardano Events Barcelona                          3.67
Decentralized cross-chain OTC                     3.67
Job & Event Center (Woolly Map)                   3.62
Cross-Chain Card Game                             3.58
NFT Bridge to & from Cardano                      3.48
Konma to bring in TRUTS on Cardano                3.07
C.S.E.R.DEFI                                      2.89
United Media BlockChain Community                 2.88
SOIL: OriginTrail / Ontochain (DKG)               1.96

****** F9: DAOs <3 Cardano ******
Plural Voting and Identity for DAOs               5.00
littlefish - Ikigai in Community                  4.92
littlefish - Tools of DAO Work                    4.88
Funding Categories Analysis                       4.87
Gov3 - DAO Delegation Dashboard                   4.87
Mentorship Digital Identity DAO                   4.87
littlefish - Redefining Earning                   4.87
Secure off-chain community voting                 4.81
Governance Services Guild tools                   4.78
Blockchain Surveys for DAOs & More                4.76
Smarthubs=more impact/adoption                    4.73
LATAM TownHall                                    4.71
BORA: Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders                  4.67
Cardano DAO Dashboard                             4.67
Innovation Fund Research - Roles                  4.62
Clarity DAO Infrastructure                        4.61
DAO Turn Key Deployment                           4.60
Ubuntu Crypto Use Map DAO                         4.60
Catalyst Swarm DAO Tools                          4.58
Catalyst GPS and Blockchain4Good                  4.57
ADAwell: Wellbeing DAO                            4.54
Cardano Community Hubs DAO &cDDK                  4.54
SharpDAO - DAO Tooling for Cardano                4.53
Clarity DAO Incubator                             4.52
NFT Guild Operations                              4.50
CardanoPress: Governance Plugin                   4.50
e-Learning DAO, Builds the platform               4.47
Web3 Onboarding DAO                               4.44
ADAO: Comprehensive DAO's Course                  4.43
Munchy Go Delivery Food dApp DAO                  4.41
Research on Mentorship Tokenization               4.40
Education on DAOs                                 4.40
DAO-NET: ZKP Sybil Defense Service                4.40
JPG DAO: User-First NFT Ecosystem                 4.39
dLiber8                                           4.39
Web3 Education DAO by Wada                        4.39
Brazilian Community DAO                           4.39
DLT360/CC: Building Compliant DAOs                4.33
Cardano Commoner: SofiH                           4.33
EnDAOment : Endowment Framework                   4.29
OpenSource for Sustainable DAOs                   4.27
DAO-NET: Participate to Earn                      4.25
'What The DAO?' Twitter Space                     4.24
SPO Learning Support Community DAO                4.20
JUS - More DIDs = More DAOs                       4.19
Develop a Product and Services DAO                4.11
DEX using Protocol Owned Liquidity!               4.07
DAO Infrastructure Framework (DIF)                4.07
Konma x SardaM DAO                                4.06
ADAO Open Source Development                      4.06
NFT powered Turnkey DAOs                          4.00
NFT Fractionalization System                      4.00
KonmaDAO - A DAO of DAOs                          3.95
Gig workers DAO                                   3.95
CNGO - DAOs & NGOs working together               3.94
TosiDrop DAO Governance Platform                  3.94
DAO for multi-asset NFT                           3.90
Collab Platform for DAO Operations                3.83
CNFT Alliance DAO & Launchpad                     3.83
Voteaire Escrow Smart Contract                    3.81
Open-Source DAO Framework                         3.67
PropX DAO :- Property Exchange DAO                3.54
anetaBTC, DAO Infrastructure                      3.50
paoDAO School of Blockchain                       3.27
CAT_ID Catalyst SSI                               3.20
Inukshuk Healthdata Wallet                        2.93
Scalable Open Innovation Ledger                   2.80
Cardano/DAO for Brazilian Companies               2.72
Almagua Social DAO Project                        2.71
Study Buddy DAO of Education                      2.06
Self Deployable DAO Slack                         1.94
Ads Platform SSP & DSP with Cardano               1.93
Community DAO by                     1.89
DAO DAO! (sing song, like: tä-ˈdä!)               1.72

****** F9: Legal & Financial Implementations ******
Blueprint for Investment Funds                    4.87
littlefish - Law and the New Order                4.81
Onboarded companies playbook                      4.80
Mediation Training & Certification                4.75
Imani Web3 Legal Services Portal                  4.67
AI lawyer on Cardano - Profila/HSLU               4.67
Accounting Reporting France                       4.64
Treasury Guild Advisory Service                   4.52
Scale-UP Hubs' Legal Framework                    4.52
Web3 Legal Hub                                    4.50
Catalyst Mediation Treasury                       4.47
Legal and Financial Standards                     4.42
Global Compliance 200+ Jurisdiction               4.42
Legal & Financial Consulting Hub                  4.36
Fundraising solutions in Argentina                4.33
African Journalists - AJEOT 2022                  4.28
Automated funding 4 funded projects               4.19
For Cardano, Accountants & Lawyersl               4.17
LawFinDAO :) - $LAWL                              4.12
DLT360: Securities Law & Tokens                   4.08
Cardano Lawyer (EU-region)                        4.00
StablePay - replace StableCoins                   4.00
Legal Compliance Support (EN/ES)                  3.96
LATAM Legal and Regulatory MindMap                3.96
KYC Solution                                      3.80
Smart contract enabled fiat-on-ramp               3.80
Legal & Accounting Marketplace                    3.79
Legal Listings                                    3.73
JPG DAO: Legal Review                             3.71
Tanzania Cardano Think Tank                       3.70
Legal Consultancy in Ethiopia                     3.67
Cardano4Charities                                 3.58
Mehen: USDM State Regulatory Fees                 3.52
legal implementation in COLOMBIA                  3.47
Financial Implementation Blockchain               3.47
Instant Financial Data Application                3.09
Structuring Employee Token Options                2.97
Creation of a registered company                  2.93
Cardano-Crystal Legal Operations                  2.93
Cardano ERP for Catalyst                          2.92
Connecting KYC to Tokens                          2.90
Documenting Human Rights Evidence                 2.89
Digital Identity Integration                      2.62
FluidTokens legal entity                          2.62
Assembly of TriState/National SPAC                2.33
On-chain reputation                               1.91
Digital Voter ID                                  1.70
Estate Planning For Wallets                       1.57
I have a problem with my claps                    1.00

****** F9: The Great Migration (from Ethereum) ******
Community CIP Editor: 1 year budget               4.94
Game Play and Earn from EVM Network               4.82
Cross-Chain Fake NFT Protection                   4.79
EVM DAO Integration                               4.73
Ethereum and Cardano Web3 Wallet                  4.67
Attract ETH NFT Projects & Talent                 4.63
1st Traceable RewardCurrency FLORAS               4.52
ETH NFT Artists->Cardano workshops                4.37
Ethereum's NFT Gateway to Cardano!                4.33
CDA DeFi Education                                4.30
Ethereum2Cardano Builder Dictionary               4.27
Cardano EVM Education Concierge                  4.22
Creatives Migrating Campaign                      4.15
Accelerator batch #3                              4.02
Eth Rehab - Recovery with Cardano!                3.93
Caricatures for Migration                         3.92
Cardano NYC 🤝 ETH NYC Communities                 3.87
Educational Content in Human Terms                3.87
Goguenheim: Renaissance on Cardano                3.71
Cardano NFT Agency                                3.67
Cardano carbon offset dapp                        3.25
BigBucs- Crypto Cashback Platform                 3.24
Nodesound - Music On The Blockchain               2.78
Ada's Tarot - Great Migration                     2.75
International Cyber Genesis                       2.63

****** F9: Catalyst Natives X Cardashift: Demonstrating and monetizing impact ******
Impact monetization 4 entrepreneurs               4.83
Harvesting AirWater for Agriculture               4.80
Scoring Social/Environmental Impact               4.80
STUDENTS TAKING THE PLUTUS PLB                    4.80
Education impact and monetization                 4.78
Algae Token a Sustainable Future                  4.73
Wada Web3 Education DAO Valuation                 4.72
Impact Measurement For Businesses                 4.67
e-Learning DAO,Revenue share policy               4.53
The Sustainable Goals Token                       4.52
Dashboard of Impact Tools                         4.50
Verify2Earn                                       4.50
Co-design Social Appstore MVP [SDA]               4.42
Verifiable Creds in Cmrt Contracts                4.40
Measuring business impact w Cardano               4.40
Impact Measurement of SPOs                        4.38
Harithakanthi-Green Initiative                    4.33
Eco Friendly Online Apparel Store                 4.33
Micro Loan DAO for Sustainable SMEs               4.29
CLAP for impactful research                       4.28
NFT Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)               4.24
LoyaltyProgram Sustainable Projects               4.17
Env. impact certification protocol                4.13
Better Cardano Blockchain Insights                4.10
Certification and traceability fund               3.90
Impact NFTs for the Homeless: SOTB                3.87
Professional close-out video report               3.87
Nature conscious transactions ❤                  3.60
Nature conscious transactions ❤                   3.60
Lokole Digital Library Monetization               3.53
Period Health app                                 3.22
Rescuing Rural Areas Architecture                 3.06
Fundraising for Impact Initiatives.               3.00
Tokenising employment - ERS                       2.89
クリエイターをピュアに評価するシステム                               2.20
Tokenized tech indie drama film                   1.43
token system for the world of work                1.22

****** F9: dRep improvement and onboarding ******
Underprivileged DREPS Campaigning                 4.94
Eastern Hemisphere dRep TownHall                  4.81
dRep Interview Channel                            4.79
References for dRep                               4.70
Support dRep Japan and Vietnam                    4.69
Supporting LATAM's dReps                          4.59
dRep tool for non-English speakers                4.55
dRep Education Book Club                          4.53
Create a dReps' Equity Resource Hub               4.47
Catalyst Streaming Guild                          4.47
dRep Awareness Creation                           4.43
Catalyst SDK dRep support                         4.43
Training dReps with Cardano4Climate               4.42
DReps Open Debate                                 4.19
Multilingual dRep Resources                       4.04
C4S-Educating Seniors as DReps                    4.00
Documentary on Cardano's governance               3.85
DREP Marketing Blitz - Decentralize               3.80
Beyond Text Proposals                             3.47
dRep easy find potential proposals                3.29
Community Workshop&Travel to France               3.12
Role interaction studies in Cardano               2.62
💧 Democracy Means Everyone is dRep                1.38
Everyone Start With More 👏                        1.13
Condense PA/VPA Into New dRep Role?               1.06

****** F9: Building (on) Blockfrost ******
Unreal Engine Integration                         4.71
CardanoPress, A Plugin for Builders               4.60
MLabs - CTL Blockfrost Backend                    4.50
Google Search Blockfrost                          4.24
Watch Wallet for Cardano                          3.88
Digital Twin platform                             3.73
A Verify and Pay System                           3.61
Tutorial on Building a wallet                     3.22
Cardano Script Explorer 🔎📜                       2.21

Fancy wordcloud from PA's feedack


PA bias from average score histogram

Fund 6


Fund 7


Fund 8


Fund 9



No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published