Real-time SLAM for Bebop 2
Tested in: Ubuntu 18.04
Download/install dependencies in the following order, and set their path in the Makefile
1.- Armadillo C++ library (tested with version 9.900.2),
2.- Eigen (tested with 3.3.4)
3.- Ceres Solver (tested with version 2.0)
4.- VTK package (tested with VTK 7.0: sudo apt-get install -y vtk7) Note: do not use VTK installation from source code
5.- OpenCV with extra modules installed (opencv_contrib) (tested with OpenCV version 4.5), Particularly, SFM and VIZ modules are required (VIZ requires VTK package already installed).
6.- VISP with Parrot SDK 3 (tested with VISP version 3.4.0) see:
Another dependencies (already included by source code)
1.- anms (from paper: Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution)
For compiling:
1.- Configure Makefile for dependencies
2.- run:
- make
For fresh compiling: - make clean - make
In tests, setting the following environment variables has shown to improve performance
To set openblas to run in a single thread, configure the environment variable
To set OPENCV to run in a single thread (Avoid OpenCL initialization ) configure the environment variable,
-export OPENCV_OPENCL_DEVICE=disabled