Código de Endereçamento Postal (Postal Addressing Code) is the
Brazilian postal code system commonly known as CEP.
There are several services and libraries that can get an address by providing a CEP number. This repository works the other way around, the input is a complete address and the matching CEP number is the output.
When I first wrote this piece of code, the Correios website allowed to search for a CEP using its complete address. This is not possible anymore as you can see on this page (the original endpoint):
I'm currently using the Mapacep website for the requests.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rodrigobercini/CEP-por-endereco-completo.git
- Install the requirements via pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the example file:
python example.py
The package currently available in PyPI is outdaded. I haven't created a CI/CD pipeline when I first uploaded the library and I don't have time to update the files there. Also, I've made some structural changes to the methods and I don't want to break people's projects (even though I highly doubt there is someone using this library).