Detect the faulty wafers using sensor data to get them replaced.
In electronics, a wafer (also called a slice or substrate) is a thin slice of semiconductor used for the fabrication of integrated circuits. The goal is to build a machine learning model which predicts whether a wafer needs to be replaced or not (i.e., whether it is working or not) based on the inputs from various sensors. There are two classes: +1 and -1.
- +1 means that the wafer is in a working condition and it doesn’t need to be replaced.
- -1 means that the wafer is faulty and it needs to be replaced.
Data is available as multiple sets of files. Each file will contain wafer names and 590 columns of different sensor values for each wafer and a column to indicate whether it is faulty [1] or not [-1]. Apart from data files, schema files are provided as a part of Data Sharing Agreement which contains all the relevant information about both train and test data such as:
- File name convention
- No of columns in each file
- Data type of each column
- Name of the columns
- Application Framework - flask, wsgiref
- Database operations - sqlite3
- Data processing and ML - numpy, pandas, matplotlib, sklearn, xgboost, kneed, pickle
- General operations - os, shutil, csv, json, re, datetime, time
Clone this repo using
git clone
Install the required modules using
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can download data from here and place in data/raw/train
and data/raw/test
Run the following command to start the application
Open the application
Upload Train CSV
use this option to upload custom training filesTrain
trains the model the using uploaded training filesDefault Train
trains the model using default files. Make sure the data files are present indata/raw/train
to train the model. Trained models are saved tomodels
folderDefault Predict
predicts the output using saved models. Make sure the data files are present indata/raw/test
for predictionUpload Test CSV
use this option to upload custom test filesPredict
predicts the outcome of custom files using saved models
You can find the logs in logs
Created By @ramyamanasa and @rohitsalla
Thank you.