This is a tool to subdivide a .pcd/.ply point cloud into a set of smaller sub point clouds with user defined dimensions. The tool starts at point P0 = (xmin, ymin, zmin) of the point cloud and loops through the rest of the cloud from there. The resulting sub clouds are then saved with a .csv log file with some information on the sub clouds e.g. dimensions and number of points.
- Build environment [tested with GCC 7 and CMake 3.10]
- PointCloudLibrary [tested with PCL 1.8(.1)]
- Boost filesystem and Boost program_options
$ cd path/to/build/dir
$ cmake path/to/src/dir
$ make
$ cd path/to/build/dir
$ ./cloud-subdivide --input /path/to/your/point/cloud.ply --res 0.01 --x-dim 4.0 --y-dim 4.0 --z-dim 4.0
The output files will be dumped into /output_files in the root directory of this tool.
Use input argument --help to show a list of input arguments.
$ ./cloud-subdivide --help
input argument | explanation |
--help | List of input arguments. Default values will be used if there is no input for an argument. |
--input arg | Set path to input file (.ply or .pcd). Use quotation marks (--input "/path to file") if file path has spaces. |
--output arg | Set output file format (--output ply or --output pcd) for sub clouds [default: ply]. |
--res arg | Set resolution for octree box search [default: 0.01]. |
--x-dim arg | Set sub cloud dimension in x direction [default: 1.0]. |
--y-dim arg | Set sub cloud dimension in y direction [default: 1.0]. |
--z-dim arg | Set sub cloud dimension in z direction [default: 1.0]. |
The user defined dimensions are the maximum dimensions for the sub point clouds. If no more points in the current search iteration and direction (zcurrent max, ycurrent max, xcurrent max based on box grid on input point cloud defined by x-dim, y-dim, z-dim) are left, the resulting sub cloud can be smaller than the defined value(s) for the respective dimension(s).
The point cloud is processed from P0 → zmax → ymax → xmax.