JSON Abstract Encoding Notation (JAEN, pronounced "Jane") is a JSON document format for defining abstract schemas. Unlike concrete schema languages such as XSD and JSON Schema, JAEN defines the structure of datatypes independently of the serialization used to communicate and store data objects. An encoder/decoder (codec) validates the structure of data objects against the JAEN schema and serializes/deserializes objects using a specified message format. The codec currently supports four JSON-based serialization formats, and can be extended to support XML and binary (CBOR, Protocol Buffers, etc) serializations.
JAEN Abstract Syntax (or perhaps JAen Source -- JAS) is a source format used to create JAEN files. Although a JAEN schema is a human-readable JSON document and can be edited directly, JAS is simpler to read and write, eliminating the boilerplate (quotes, braces, brackets) inherent to JSON. A converter utility translates a schema bidirectionally between JAS and JAEN formats.
The JAEN package contains two subpackages:
- Codec -- Validate messages against JAEN schema, serialize and deserialize messages
- codec.py - Message encoder and decoder.
- codec_utils.py - Utility routines used with the Codec class.
- jaen.py - Load, validate, and save JAEN schemas.
- Convert -- Translate between JAEN, JAS, and property table files.
- jas.ebnf - EBNF grammar for JAS files
- jas_parse.py - JAS parser generated from EBNF by the Grako grammar compiler
- tr_jas.py - load and save JAS files
- tr_tables.py - generate property tables (.xlsx workbook format) from JAEN schema
The JAEN package was created using the Test Driven Development process, where tests containing desired results are developed first, then software is written to make the tests pass. Test scripts serve to document both example data (good and bad cases) and calling conventions for the software.
- test_codec.py - Unit tests for encoder and decoder functions
- test_openc2.py - Unit tests for OpenC2 commands
- This file contains example OpenC2 commands in API format and four JSON-based formats: Verbose, Minified, Concise, and an unused format included for completeness of the codec test suite. The API format is the Python literal representation of a data item, similar but not identical to the JSON-Verbose serialization of that item ('single' vs. "double" quoted strings, True vs. true, None vs. null, etc.)
- jaen-convert.py - Convert JAEN specifications between formats (Current: JAS, JAEN, and property tables. Potential: JSON schema, XSD, CDDL)
The converter utility reads .jas
and .jaen
schemas from an input directory (schema) and writes
converted files to an output directory (schema_gen). Output files ending in _genj
produced from JAEN sources, while those ending in _gens
are produced from JAS sources.
After editing a JAS schema, the corresponding JAEN schema (`xxx_gens.jaen') should be moved
from the output to the input directory after deleting the source line at the top of the file.
- openc2.jaen - Schema that defines the OpenC2 message format, including the target data model. The ability to import data models from multiple schema files is planned but not supported in the current version.
Use a Python 3 environment. Install the jsonschema (for the codec) and XlsxWriter (for the converter property table generator) packages if not already installed. This software was developed under Python 3.3-3.5 and is not yet ported to Python 2.x.
Look at the examples folder for example OpenC2 commands in JSON format. These files are generated automatically by the
unit test. -
An OpenC2 producer application would create a python dict containing an OpenC2 command, load the openc2.jaen schema, and encode the command:
import json
from jaen.codec.codec import Codec
from jaen.codec.jaen import jaen_load
command = {
"action": "mitigate",
"target": {
"domain_name": {
"value": "cdn.badco.org"}}}
schema = jaen_load("openc2.jaen") # Load and validate the OpenC2 schema
codec = Codec(schema, verbose_rec=True, verbose_str=True) # Create an OpenC2 encoder/decoder (JSON-Verbose encoding)
message1 = codec.encode("OpenC2Command", command) # Validate and encode the command
print("Sent Message =", json.dumps(message1))
- An OpenC2 consumer application would receive an encoded message, then decode/validate it:
received_msg = '[32,{"7":["cdn.badco.org"]}]' # Received OpenC2 command in JSON-minified format
message2 = json.loads(received_msg)
codec.set_mode(verbose_rec=False, verbose_str=False) # Tell codec to use JSON-minified encoding
command2 = codec.decode("OpenC2Command", message2) # Validate and decode the command
print("Received Command =", command2)