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This is currently a collection of Svelte preprocessors that allow to build a hierarchical component tree with a consistent style. It's can be most efficiently used with a 'class-less' CSS framework like PicoCSS.

NOTE: It's not yet a real Javascript npm package and there are also no unit tests, yet.

Example Svelte Component

In the following component, we can style the 3rd party Icon component from Iconify using our transformComponentStyles preprocessor. What happens under the hood is that the Icon CSS selector is transformed to something like .Icon-c1eafff6. The hash is dependent on the content of the CSS rule. This CSS selector is then added to the class parameter of any Icon component found. This only works if the component is actually making use of a class attribute.

The classMergePreprocessor is then used to merge together all class properties for each custom component. If would contain a class property, it would be extracted and merged together with the others:

<MyComponent class:someClass={someCondition} class="other" {} />


<MyComponent {} class="{someCondition ? 'someClass' : ''} other {rest?.class ? rest.class : ''}" />

Note that the class attribute is moved to the end of the element so it would overwrite any potential class attribute in the map.


  import Icon from '@iconify/svelte';
  import defaultIcon from '@icons/ph/smiley-duotone';

  let { icon = defaultIcon, iconSize = '1.25rem', width, height, size,
        label, tooltip, placement, children, } = $props();

  if (children) {
    label = children;

  if (size) {
    iconSize = size;
  if (!width) {
    width = iconSize;
  if (!height) {
    height = iconSize;

  span.wrapper {
    display: inline-flex;
    /* Necessary to vertically align icon and label in user menu */
    align-items: center;
    /*vertical-align: top;*/

    Icon {
      margin-right: 0.25rem;
      /* Important setting to ensure the size and prevent shrinking */
      flex-shrink: 0;

    > span {
      /* Necessary to vertically align label after icon used in accordions in the middle between top and bottom border */
      align-self: baseline;

{if label}
  {if icon}
    <span class="wrapper">
      <Icon {icon} {width} {height} class="margin" {} /><span {tooltip} {placement}>{render label()}</span>
    {render label()}
  <Icon {icon} {width} {height} {} {tooltip} {placement} />

Example svelte.config.js

import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';

import transformComponentStyles from './src/lib/preprocessors/component-styles.js';
import classMergePreprocessor   from './src/lib/preprocessors/class-merge.js';
import markdownPreprocessor     from './src/lib/preprocessors/markdown.js';
import syntaxSugar              from './src/lib/preprocessors/syntax-sugar.js';
import attributeTransformer     from './src/lib/preprocessors/attribute-transformer.js';
import printSourceCode          from './src/lib/preprocessors/print.js';

const ignore_warning_codes = [

let replacements = [
  //Allow multiple constants being defined with one tag
  [/\{const\s+([^}]+)\s*}/g, (match, content) => content.trim().split(/,\s*/).map(_ => `\{@const ${_}\}`).join(' ')],

  //Allow short-hand tag for writables, e. g. `<Component {$someStore} />` gets transformed
  //                                       to `<Component someStore={$someStore}>`
  [/<([A-Za-z0-9]+)([^>]*?)\s\{\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\}([^>]*?)\/?>/g, '<$1$2 $3={$$$3}$4/>'],
  [/ disabled=\{([^}|]*?)\}/g, ' disabled={$1 || undefined}' ],
  ['{const ',   '{@const '],
  ['{snippet ', '{#snippet '],
  ['{if ',      '{#if '],
  ['{else}',    '{:else}'],
  ['{else ',    '{:else '],
  ['{elif ',    '{:else if '],
  ['{elseif ',  '{:else if '],
  ['{await ',   '{#await '],
  ['{then ',    '{:then '],
  ['{each ',    '{#each '],
  ['{render ',  '{@render '],
  ['{try}',     '{#try}'],
  ['{catch ',   '{:catch '],

  //Remove comments
  [/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm, ''],

  //Send `undefined` instead of `false` for disabled to omit the attribute
  ['{disabled}',     'disabled={disabled || undefined}'],
  ['disabled=false', ''],
  ['@media mobile',  '@media (max-width: 768px)'],
  ['@mobile',        '@media (max-width: 768px)'],
  ['@media desktop', '@media (min-width: 769px)'],
  ['@desktop',       '@media (min-width: 769px)'],
  ['@media large',   '@media (min-width: 1536px)'],
  ['@large',         '@media (min-width: 1536px)'],
  ['@dark',          ':root[data-theme="dark"]'],
  ['@light',         ':root[data-theme="light"]'],

export default {
  // Consult
  // for more information about preprocessors
  preprocess: [
    //This needs to come first to restore proper Svelte syntax

      path: './src/markdown'

      attributes: [
        ['tooltip', 'data-tooltip'],               // Exact match
        ['placement', 'data-placement'],           // Exact match
        //[/!(.*)/, '$1={false}'],                   // Regex match: `!showLogo` → `showLogo={false}`
      excludeTags: [],



      //no effect
      //sourceMap: true,

  compilerOptions: {},
  onwarn: (warning, handler) => {

    if (ignore_warning_codes.includes(warning.code)) {
    console.log("\n\nWarning: ", warning.code, "\n", warning.frame, "\n");



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