SharedKit is an API for useful functions of cocoa frameworks.
Add the following to your Cartfile:
github "roothybrid7/SharedKit"
The following is SharedKit's directory structure.
├── SharedKit
│ ├── Extensions
│ ├── Info.plist
│ ├── RGBColorModel
│ ├── SharedKit.h
│ ├── Utils
│ └── Views
├── SharedKit.xcodeproj
└── SharedKitTests
The details are listed below
This includes various extensions in cocoa frameworks.
- Shorthands of Info.plist
- NSPredicate templates
This is a function set to use RGB color model.
Non-categorized utility functions.
- NSCoding wrapper for non-objc object.
- An accessor for view with nib.
View's useful functions.