I wrote a simple one-player Pong game with 8086 assembly. This is a mini-project for Microprocessor and Assembly Language course in Shahid Beheshti Univeristy. Hope you enjoy it!
I used emu8086 to write and test my code. Open pong.asm file in this program, and click compile to create a .com file.
You'll need Dosbox to execute this file.
After installing, open it. Type mount C C:\path\to\your\file.asm
to switch to your folder. Now you can run the program by running these commands:
Use w and s to move the racket. You'll lose if the ball touches the right border of the environment. Your goal is to reach 30 points.
- Whenever the ball touches the racket, its color changes randomly.
- Your score is shown at the top of game environment.
- Score is also shown in LED display, but you don't see it in Dosbox.